Bulletin of the American Physical Society
45th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
Volume 59, Number 8
Monday–Friday, June 2–6, 2014; Madison, Wisconsin
Invited Speakers
Adams, Charles Durham University |
Session H4.00004 Controlled photon-photon interactions using Rydberg polaritons Room: Ballroom B |
Anderson, Brian Eric Joint Quantum Institute, UMD/NIST |
Session M4.00002 Unitary Transformations in a Large Hilbert Space Room: Ballroom B |
Anderson, Brian P. University of Arizona |
Session G3.00004 Two-dimensional quantum turbulence and vortex dynamics in BECs Room: Ballroom A |
Averbukh, Vitali Department of Physics, Imperial College London |
Session G7.00002 New attosecond spectroscopies for correlation-induced electron hole dynamics Room: Hall FI |
Becerra, Francisco Elohim University of New Mexico |
Session B4.00006 Robust quantum receivers for coherent state discrimination Room: Ballroom B |
Beiersdorfer, Peter Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session C8.00001 Spectroscopy of Highly Charged Ions for Astrophysics, Plasma Science, and Fundamental Science Room: Hall GJ |
Belkacem, Ali Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session H8.00001 Imaging of the dissociation dynamics of polyatomic molecules following low-energy electron resonant attachment Room: Hall GJ |
Berrah, Nora University of Connecticut |
Session A1.00001 Davisson-Germer Prize in Atomic or Surface Physics Winner: Probing Dynamics and Structure from Within with VUV and Ultrafast X-rays Room: Ballroom ABCD |
Blaum, Klaus Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Kernphysik |
Session G2.00002 Fundamental tests of nature and a precision measurement of the electron mass Room: Ballroom CD |
Budker, Dmitry University of California, Berkeley, USA and Helmholtz Institute, Mainz, Germany |
Session C8.00004 Tests of Fundamental Symmetries with Atomic Dysprosium Room: Hall GJ |
Calegari, Francesca Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnologies, IFN-CNR, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, I-20133 Milano, Italy |
Session B7.00004 Observation of ultrafast charge migration in an amino acid Room: Hall FI |
Cappellaro, Paola Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session M4.00005 Quantum control for improved metrology Room: Ballroom B |
Caves, Carlton Center for Quantum Information and Control, University of New Mexico |
Session T4.00001 Quantum metrology: Past, present, and future Room: Ballroom B |
Cederbaum, Lorenz University of Heidelberg |
Session M8.00001 ICD and its exploration by short, intense and coherent light pulses Room: Hall GJ |
Centurion, Martin University of Nebraska - Lincoln |
Session C5.00001 Ultrafast Imaging of Molecules with Electron Diffraction Room: Lecture Hall |
Chin, Cheng University of Chicago |
Session T2.00004 Thermoelectric transport in a two-dimensional Bose gas Room: Ballroom CD |
Comparat, Daniel Laboratoire Aim\'e Cotton, CNRS, Universit\'e Paris-Sud, ENS Cachan, B\^at. 505, 91405 Orsay, France |
Session H2.00001 Towards charge transfer or Sisyphus cooling of molecules (using ro-vibrational cooling) Room: Ballroom CD |
Cornell, Eric JILA |
Session N2.00002 Precision Spectroscopy of Polarized Molecules in an Ion Trap Room: Ballroom CD |
Cronin, Alex University of Arizona |
Session G2.00003 Atom Interferometric Measurements of Atomic Structure Room: Ballroom CD |
DeMille, Dave Yale University |
Session U2.00004 Magneto-optical Trapping of a Diatomic Molecule Room: Ballroom CD |
Dorner, Reinhard University Frankfurt |
Session M8.00002 Time dependence of ICD Room: Hall GJ |
Durkin, Gabriel NASA Ames, Research Center, California |
Session T4.00003 True Limits to Precision via Unique Quantum Probe Room: Ballroom B |
Elsaesser, Thomas Max-Born-Institut, Berlin, 12489, Germany |
Session B7.00003 Transient electron density maps of ionic materials from femtosecond x-ray powder diffraction Room: Hall FI |
Engels, Peter Washington State University |
Session M2.00004 Experimental investigation of spin-orbit coupled BECs Room: Ballroom CD |
Enss, Tilman University of Heidelberg |
Session T2.00003 Transport in the quantum critical regime Room: Ballroom CD |
Esslinger, Tilman ETH Zurich |
Session T2.00002 From Terminal to Terminal with Atoms Room: Ballroom CD |
Fang, Li Western Michigan University |
Session J7.00003 X-ray FEL induced multiphton ionization and molecular dissociation Room: Hall FI |
Ferrari, Gabriele INO-CNR BEC Center and Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit\`a di Trento, Italy |
Session G3.00003 Spontaneous creation of Kibble-Zurek solitons in a Bose-Einstein condensate Room: Ballroom A |
Frasinski, Leszek Imperial College London |
Session B7.00001 Partial covariance mapping techniques at FELs Room: Hall FI |
Gaarde, Mette Louisiana State University |
Session N7.00004 Theory of strong-field attosecond transient absorption Room: Hall FI |
Gabrielse, Gerald Harvard University |
Session N2.00001 Order of Magnitude Smaller Limit on the Electron's Electron Dipole Moment Room: Ballroom CD |
Gattobigio, Mario Universit\'e de Nice - INLN |
Session P2.00004 Universality and scaling in the $N$-body sector of Efimov physics Room: Ballroom CD |
Graves, David University of California at Berkeley |
Session A1.00002 Will Allis Prize for the Study of Ionized Gases Winner: Low Temperature Plasma-Surface Interactions: From Computer Chips to Cancer Therapy Room: Ballroom ABCD |
Greif, Daniel ETH Zurich |
Session C2.00004 Quantum Magnetism with Ultracold Fermions in an Optical Lattice Room: Ballroom CD |
Hadzibabic, Zoran University of Cambridge |
Session P2.00003 From unitary to uniform Bose gases Room: Ballroom CD |
Hall, David Amherst College |
Session G3.00002 Dirac Monopoles in a Bose-Einstein Condensate Room: Ballroom A |
Hauke, Philipp IQOQI, Innsbruck |
Session C2.00002 Quantum simulations with ultracold atoms: Beyond standard optical lattices Room: Ballroom CD |
Hudson, Eric UCLA Department of Physics \& Astronomy |
Session J2.00004 Sympathetic cooling of molecules with laser-cooled atoms Room: Ballroom CD |
Hulet, Randall Rice University |
Session B2.00004 Detection of Antiferromagnetic Correlations in the Fermi-Hubbard Model Room: Ballroom CD |
Jin, Deborah JILA, NIST and University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session P2.00001 Universal dynamics of a degenerate unitary Bose gas Room: Ballroom CD |
Jones, R. Jason University of Arizona, College of Optical Sciences |
Session H7.00001 XUV frequency combs based on intracavity high harmonic generation Room: Hall FI |
Kasevich, Mark Stanford University |
Session G2.00004 Precision Inertial Sensing Using Atom Interferometry Room: Ballroom CD |
Kitzler, Markus Vienna University of Technology |
Session G7.00001 Attosecond pre-determination of reaction dynamics in polyatomic molecules Room: Hall FI |
Koeppel, Horst Theoretical Chemistry, University of Heidelberg |
Session T8.00002 Ab initio quantum dynamics on conically intersecting potential energy surfaces: general considerations and application to SO2 Room: Hall GJ |
Krauth, Werner Laboratoire de physique statistique, Ecole normale sup\'erieure, Paris, France |
Session P2.00002 Efimov-driven phase transitions of the unitary Bose gas Room: Ballroom CD |
Ludlow, Andrew National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session T4.00002 Optical atomic clocks and metrology Room: Ballroom B |
Lundeen, Stephen Colorado State University |
Session C8.00003 Positive Ion Properties from Spectroscopy of High-L Rydberg levels with the RESIS Method Room: Hall GJ |
Martinez, Todd J. Department of Chemistry, Stanford University and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session T8.00003 Non-Born-Oppenheimer Dynamics in Ring-Opening and Biological Processes Room: Hall GJ |
Mavalvala, Nergis Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session T4.00004 Quantum Limits in Gravitational Wave Detectors Room: Ballroom B |
Mizrahi, Jonathan Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland Department of Physics and National Institute of Standards and Technology, College Park, Maryland 20742 |
Session C2.00001 Ultrafast Control of Spin and Motion in Trapped Ions Room: Ballroom CD |
Mullin, William Physics Department, University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session T2.00001 Transverse Spin Diffusion Room: Ballroom CD |
Odom, Brian Northwestern University |
Session J2.00001 Fast single-laser optical cooling of molecular rotations Room: Ballroom CD |
Orozco, Luis JQI, Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, MS 20742 |
Session C8.00002 Francium Spectroscopy for Weak Interaction Studies Room: Hall GJ |
Pachucki, Krzysztof University of Warsaw |
Session B6.00001 Precision physics with few electron atoms and molecules Room: Hall EH |
Patterson, David Harvard University |
Session H2.00003 Detection of chiral molecules Room: Ballroom CD |
Peyronel, Thibault MIT |
Session C2.00003 Strongly interacting photons in a quantum nonlinear medium Room: Ballroom CD |
Pfeifer, Thomas Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics |
Session N7.00001 Understanding and Laser Control of Fano Resonances and Absorption in the Time Domain Room: Hall FI |
Qu\'er\'e, Fabien CEA Saclay |
Session U2.00001 Ultrafast Rotation of Light Fields Applied to Highly Non-Linear Optics Room: Ballroom CD |
Rauschenbeutel, Arno Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology, TU Wien - Atominstitut, Austria |
Session H4.00002 Coupling, controlling, and processing non-transversal photons with a single atom Room: Ballroom B |
Rey, Ana M. JILA, NIST and University of Colorado at Boulder |
Session A1.00003 Maria Goeppert Mayer Award Winner: New frontiers in quantum simulation enabled by precision laser spectroscopy Room: Ballroom ABCD |
Rudenko, Artem Kansas State University |
Session J7.00001 Imaging charge and energy transfer in molecules using free-electron lasers Room: Hall FI |
Safronova, Marianna University of Delaware |
Session B6.00002 Atomic Clocks, Fundamental Symmetries, and the Search for New Physics Room: Hall EH |
Sandhu, Arvinder Univ of Arizona |
Session G7.00003 Coherent motion of an electron hole near a conical intersection: Using time-resolved XUV spectroscopy to study charge dynamics in polyatomics Room: Hall FI |
Schultz, David University of North Texas |
Session H8.00002 Insights derived from hydrodynamic interpretations of atomic-scale interactions Room: Hall GJ |
Sciaini, German Department of Chemistry, University of Waterloo |
Session C5.00004 Mapping molecular motions leading to charge delocalization with ultrabright electrons Room: Lecture Hall |
Senko, Crystal Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland Department of Physics and National Institute of Standards and Technology, College Park, Maryland 20742 |
Session U2.00003 Quantum Dynamics of Many-body Spin Chains Using Atomic Ions Room: Ballroom CD |
Severn, Greg Department of Physics, Univ of San Diego, San Diego, CA 92110 |
Session H8.00004 LIF studies of Discharge Plasma Sheaths Room: Hall GJ |
Shi, Hao Cornell University |
Session B4.00001 Spinning Photons and Twisting Oscillators Room: Ballroom B |
Shin, Yong-il Seoul National University |
Session G3.00001 Observation of a Geometric Hall Effect in a Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensate Room: Ballroom A |
Sommerer, Timothy J. General Electric Research, Niskayuna, New York |
Session H8.00003 High-Voltage, High-Power Gaseous Electronics Switch For Electric Grid Power Conversion Room: Hall GJ |
Spielman, Ian JQI:NIST and the University of Maryland |
Session M2.00001 Interactions engineered for spin-orbit coupled atomic gases Room: Ballroom CD |
Stamper-Kurn, Dan University of California, Berkeley |
Session B2.00001 Magnetic Excitations in Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates Room: Ballroom CD |
Stolow, Albert Univ. Ottawa and NRC Canada |
Session T8.00004 Vibrational- and Laser-Driven Electronic Dynamics in the Molecules Room: Hall GJ |
Thompson, James JILA and Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Colorado |
Session H4.00003 Dynamics of Superradiant Lasers Room: Ballroom B |
Turner, Michael University of Chicago |
Session C10.00001 Dark Side of the Universe: beyond stars and the starstuff we are made of Room: Ballroom AB (Level 4) |
Ueda, Kiyoshi Tohoku University |
Session J7.00004 SACLA: new opportunities for atomic, molecular, and cluster science with XFEL Room: Hall FI |
Vendrell, Oriol Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, DESY, Notkestrasse 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany |
Session J7.00002 Ultrafast nonadiabatic processes in photoionized molecular systems probed by time-resolved core-level spectroscopy Room: Hall FI |
Vilesov, Andrey University of Southern California |
Session B7.00002 Imaging of Quantum Vortices in Superfluid Helium Droplets Room: Hall FI |
Vodopyanov, Konstantin CREOL, College of Optics and Photonics at Univ. Cent. Florida, Orlando, FL |
Session H7.00003 Frequency divide-and-conquer approach to producing octave-wide frequency combs and few-cycle pulses in the mid-IR Room: Hall FI |
Walker, Thad University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session U2.00002 Generation of Atomic Fock States Using Rydberg Blockade Room: Ballroom CD |
Wallraff, Andreas ETH Zurich |
Session B4.00002 Hong-Ou-Mandel Interference with Microwave Photons: Doing Quantum Optics Experiments using Superconducting Circuits Room: Ballroom B |
Walmsley, Ian University of Oxford |
Session H4.00001 Linear Optical Quantum Computing in a Single Spatial Mode Room: Ballroom B |
Weinacht, Thomas Stony Brook University |
Session T8.00001 Electron Dynamics during Strong Field Molecular Ionization Room: Hall GJ |
Woerner, Hans Jakob ETH Zurich |
Session G7.00004 Dynamics of electrons and holes measured by high-harmonic spectroscopy Room: Hall FI |
Ye, Jun JILA, NIST and University of Colorado |
Session G2.00001 Advancing the state-of-the-art of the optical atomic clock Room: Ballroom CD |
Zelevinsky, Tanya Columbia University |
Session H2.00002 Precision measurements with an ultracold molecular clock Room: Ballroom CD |
Zeppenfeld, Martin MPI for Quantum Optics |
Session H2.00004 Generating ensembles of polyatomic molecules at cold and ultracold temperatures Room: Ballroom CD |
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