Bulletin of the American Physical Society
42nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
Volume 56, Number 5
Monday–Friday, June 13–17, 2011; Atlanta, Georgia
Invited Speakers
Barreiro, Julio University of Innsbruck |
Session U6.00004 14-qubit entanglement: creation and coherence Room: A706 |
Becker, Andreas JILA and Department of Physics, University of Colorado, 440 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309-0440 |
Session T4.00003 Multiple ionization bursts in laser-driven hydrogen molecular ion Room: A704 |
Ben-Itzhak, Itzik J.R. Macdonald Laboratory, Department of Physics, Kansas State University |
Session T4.00004 Strong-field coherent control of molecular-ion-beam fragmentation Room: A704 |
Bloch, Immanuel Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics |
Session M6.00001 Controlling and Imaging Quantum Gases at the Single Atom Level Room: A706 |
Boshier, Malcolm Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session J4.00004 Bose-Einstein Condensates in Painted Potentials Room: A704 |
Bowe, Paul D. Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark |
Session C1.00001 Antihydrogen Trapped Room: A601 |
Brown, Greg Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session B1.00001 Laboratory Spectroscopy for Interpreting Astrophysical Spectra Room: A601 |
Calarco, Tommaso University of Ulm |
Session B4.00002 Optimizing the entangling power of Rydberg quantum gates Room: A704 |
Campbell, Gretchen JQI, NIST and the University of Maryland |
Session J4.00003 Superflow in Toroidal Condensates Room: A704 |
Cassidy, David University of California, Riverside |
Session C1.00003 Atomic Physics with Positronium Room: A601 |
Chin, Cheng James Franck Institute and Department of Physics, University of Chicago |
Session A1.00001 I.I. Rabi Prize in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Talk: Novel Quantum Physics in Few- and Many-body Atomic Systems Room: Atrium Ballroom A |
Chou, Chin-wen National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session J2.00004 Al$^{+}$ optical clocks for fundamental physics, geodesy, and quantum metrology Room: A602 |
Colgan, James Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session M1.00004 Photoionization of Li Room: A601 |
Crespo Lopez-Urrutia, Jose R. Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, 69117 Heidelberg |
Session B1.00004 X-ray photoionization and resonant scattering of highly charged ions in the laboratory Room: A601 |
Danielson, J.R. University of California, San Diego |
Session C1.00004 Positron binding to molecules Room: A601 |
Delfyett, Peter University of Central Florida, CREOL, The College of Optics \& Photonics |
Session A1.00003 Edward A. Bouchet Award Talk: Ultrafast Coherent Optical Signal Processing using Stabilized Optical Frequency Combs from Mode-locked Semiconductor Diode Lasers Room: Atrium Ballroom A |
DeMille, David Yale University |
Session N6.00003 Laser cooling of a diatomic molecule Room: A706 |
Deutsch, Ivan University of New Mexico |
Session N4.00002 Enhanced Spin Squeezing via Collective and Individual Atomic Control Room: A704 |
Dykman, Mark Michigan State University |
Session T2.00003 Mean-field transition and fluctuation phenomena in a modulated cold atom system Room: A602 |
Eberly, Joseph Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester |
Session M4.00007 Electron recollisions or precollisions in elliptically polarized laser fields Room: A704 |
Ertmer, Wolfgang Leibniz Universitaet Hannover |
Session T2.00002 Number squeezed matter waves Room: A602 |
Esry, B.D. Department of Physics, Kansas State University |
Session P6.00004 Efimov physics and more: the ultracold few-body problem Room: A706 |
Ferlaino, Francesca University of Innsbruck |
Session P6.00001 New results on Efimov physics and the creation of RbCs molecules Room: A706 |
Gabrielse, Gerald Harvard University |
Session A1.00002 Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize Talk: Measuring the Electron Magnetic Moment and the Fine Structure Constant Room: Atrium Ballroom A |
Gay, Timothy University of Nebraska |
Session T1.00001 Coupling of Photonic and Electronic Spin Catalyzed by Diatomic Molecules Room: A601 |
Goldbart, Paul Georgia Inst. of Technology |
Session T2.00004 Emergent co-crystallization of atoms and light in multimode cavities Room: A602 |
Gorshkov, Alexey California Institute of Technology |
Session C6.00001 Novel Systems and Methods for Quantum Communication, Quantum Computation, and Quantum Simulation Room: A706 |
Haller, Elmar Experimentalphysik Uni Innsbruck |
Session C6.00003 Many-body physics with ultracold bosons in 1D geometry Room: A706 |
Hinds, E.A. Imperial College London |
Session U6.00002 Improved Measurement of the Electron EDM Room: A706 |
Hosten, Onur Stanford University |
Session C6.00004 First practical application of quantum weak measurements, used to perform the first experimental investigations of the Spin Hall Effect of Light Room: A706 |
Hughes, Richard Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session K6.00001 Satellite-based quantum communications Room: A706 |
Huismans, Ymkje Fom-Institute AMOLF, Science Park 104, 1098 XG Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
Session T4.00002 Photoelectron Holography Room: A704 |
Hung, Chen-Lung The University of Chicago |
Session M6.00006 In-situ study of critical behavior in two-dimensional Bose gases Room: A706 |
Inouye, Shin Univ. of Tokyo, JST, ERATO |
Session P6.00002 Coherent Transfer of Photoassociated Molecules into the Rovibrational Ground State Room: A706 |
Jimenez-Garcia, Karina Joint Quantum Institute / NIST-UMD |
Session T6.00002 Spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensates Room: A706 |
Johnson, Paul Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Session T1.00005 Electron-Nitrogen Collision Processes Relevant to Planetary Atmospheres Room: A601 |
Juzeliunas, Gediminas Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy of Vilnius University |
Session T6.00001 Light-induced Abelian and non-Abelian gauge potentials for cold atoms Room: A706 |
K\"upper, Jochen Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, DESY; University of Hamburg |
Session C2.00001 Manipulating the motion of large molecules: Information from the molecular frame Room: A602 |
Kapteyn, Henry Department of Physics and JILA, University of Colorado and NIST |
Session P2.00007 The physics of laser-based coherent x-ray generation-- attosecond science meets nonlinear optics meets nanotechnology Room: A602 |
Kimble, H. Jeff Norman Bridge Laboratory of Physics 12-33, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 |
Session P4.00002 Ultrahigh-Q mechanical oscillators through optical trapping Room: A704 |
Kirchner, Tom Department of Physics and Astronomy, York University |
Session H6.00002 Calculations of fast ion collisions with multi-center molecular targets Room: A706 |
Kling, Matthias Max Planck Institut of Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany \& J.R. Macdonald Laboratory, Kansas-State University, KS, USA |
Session M4.00001 Attosecond electron emission probes of ultrafast nanolocalized fields Room: A704 |
Kuzmich, Alex Georgia Tech |
Session K6.00003 Quantum memories for telecom networks Room: A706 |
L\"utkenhaus, Norbert Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo |
Session K6.00004 Linear-optics implementations of nondestructive single-photon measurements and arbitrary quantum channels Room: A706 |
Landi, Enrico University of Michigan |
Session B1.00003 The X-ray Sun Room: A601 |
Lindroth, Eva Stockholm University |
Session J6.00003 Attosecond resonance dynamics in XUV-pump IR-probe simulations Room: A706 |
Litinskaya, Marina University of British Columbia |
Session B4.00001 Rotational Frenkel excitons in optical lattices with polar molecules Room: A704 |
Loew, Robert University of Stuttgart |
Session U4.00002 Coherent Rydberg Excitation in Thermal Microcells Room: A704 |
Lu, Zheng-Tian Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory; The Department of Physics and Enrico Fermi Institute, The University of Chicago |
Session U6.00001 Atom Trap Trace Analysis Room: A706 |
Lukin, Mikhail Harvard University |
Session H2.00001 Optics with Nitrogen Vacancy Centers in Diamond Room: A602 |
Mancini, R.C. Physics Department, University of Nevada, Reno, NV |
Session M1.00001 X-ray absorption spectroscopy of photoionised plasmas at Z Room: A601 |
Mauritsson, Johan Lund University |
Session J6.00002 Attosecond Electron Interferometry Room: A706 |
McCormack, Elizabeth Bryn Mawr College |
Session N1.00004 Probing Long-Range Configurations of Molecular Hydrogen Room: A601 |
Meyer, Michael European XFEL, Hamburg, Germany |
Session C2.00004 Atomic photoionization with synchronized X-ray and optical lasers Room: A602 |
Meystre, Pierre University of Arizona |
Session P4.00001 Cavity optomechanics -- beyond the ground state Room: A704 |
Miller, Thomas M. Boston College and Air Force Research Laboratory |
Session H6.00001 Why isn't the atmosphere completely ionized? Room: A706 |
Mitchell, Morgan ICFO - Institute of Photonic Sciences |
Session N4.00004 Quantum metrology with collective atomic spins Room: A704 |
Moore, Joel E. University of California, Berkeley |
Session H4.00007 Coherent dynamics and topological phases with ultracold atoms Room: A704 |
Mueller, Alfred Giessen University |
Session B1.00002 Photonic and electronic interactions of ions Room: A601 |
Novotny, Oldrich Columbia Astrophysics Laboratory, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 |
Session K1.00004 Astrochemistry in an Ion Storage Ring Room: A601 |
Orzel, Chad Union College Dept. of Physics and Astronomy |
Session B6.00001 What's So Interesting About AMO Physics? Room: A706 |
Pan, Jian-Wei Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale,USTC |
Session K6.00002 Recent Progress in Quantum Teleportation Experiments Room: A706 |
Peik, Ekkehard PTB |
Session J2.00003 Concepts for an optical nuclear clock with Th-229 Room: A602 |
Pfeiffer, A.N. Physics Department, ETH Zurich, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland |
Session U6.00003 Sequential Double Ionization: The Timing of Release Room: A706 |
Pohl, Randolf Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany |
Session J2.00002 The size of the proton Room: A602 |
Pollet, Lode ETH Zurich |
Session N6.00002 A quantitative analysis of small atomic and molecular systems Room: A706 |
Polzik, Eugene Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen University |
Session N4.00001 Entanglement generated by dissipation and steady state entanglement of two atomic ensembles Room: A704 |
Popmintchev, Tenio JILA and University of Colorado at Boulder |
Session C6.00002 Bright Attosecond Soft and Hard X-ray Supercontinua Room: A706 |
Rasel, Ernst Leibniz Universit\"at Hannover |
Session J2.00001 Interferometry with Bose Einstein condensates in extended free fall Room: A602 |
Reinhardt, William University of Washington, Seattle |
Session J4.00002 Stirring Up Excitations in Toroidal BECs Room: A704 |
Reis, David Stanford PULSE Institute, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session T4.00001 Strong-Field nonperturbative effects in solids Room: A704 |
Rittenhouse, Seth ITAMP, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Session P6.00003 Probing universal few-body dynamics Room: A706 |
Robicheaux, Francis Auburn University |
Session K1.00001 Two Electrons Far From Home Room: A601 |
Rohringer, Nina Max-Planck Advanced Study Group at CFEL, Hamburg, Germany |
Session C2.00002 Realization of an atomic inner-shell x-ray laser at the Linac Coherent Light Source Room: A602 |
Rolston, Steve JQI and University of Maryland |
Session U4.00001 Rydberg-dressed Atoms Room: A704 |
Sa de Melo, Carlos Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session N6.00001 Quantum Phases of Dipolar Molecules Room: A706 |
Salomon, Christophe Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Ecole Normale Sup\'erieure |
Session H4.00001 Thermodynamics of Quantum Gases Room: A704 |
Schafer, Kenneth Department of Physics and Astronomy, Louisiana State University |
Session J6.00001 Theory of attosecond transient absorption Room: A706 |
Schultze, Martin Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics |
Session J6.00004 Attosecond Spectroscopy Room: A706 |
Simcic, Jurij Jet Propulsion Lab |
Session N1.00002 Charge-Exchange Experiments with Highly Charged Ions and Their Relevance to Astrophysics Room: A601 |
Slusher, Richart Georgia Institute of Technology Research Institute |
Session S1.00003 Physics at Bell Labs 1965-2005: the good, the bad and the ugly Room: Marquis Ballroom |
Smith, Randall Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory |
Session N1.00003 Laboratory Astrophysics for Current and Future X-ray Satellites Room: A601 |
Stancil, Phillip University of Georgia |
Session N1.00001 Cooling and Infrared Emission due to Molecular Collisional Excitation in Astrophysical Environments Room: A601 |
Stringari, Sandro University of Trento |
Session J4.00001 Beyond the thermodynamic limit of number fluctuations Room: A704 |
Sullivan, James Centre for Antimatter Studies, Australian National University |
Session H6.00004 Gaseous Positronics -- Positron interactions with atoms and molecules and their applications Room: A706 |
Tan, Shina Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session A1.00004 George E. Valley, Jr. Prize Talk: Exact relations for Fermi gases with large scattering length Room: Atrium Ballroom A |
Ullrich, Joachim Max-Planck Institut f\"ur Kernphysik, D-69117 Heidelberg |
Session P2.00001 Ultra-fast Dynamics: Pump-probe experiments at Free Electron Lasers Room: A602 |
Vuletic, Vladan MIT |
Session N4.00003 Entangled-state generation via light-induced atom-atom interaction Room: A704 |
Weidemueller, Matthias University of Heidelberg |
Session N6.00004 Dipolar Effects in an Ultracold Gas of LiCs Molecules Room: A706 |
Weinacht, Thomas Stony Brook University |
Session B2.00007 Control of Strong Field Molecular Ionization using Shaped Ultrafast Laser Pulses Room: A602 |
Wells, E. Department of Physics, Augustana College, Sioux Falls, SD 57197 USA |
Session B2.00001 Adaptive femtosecond control using feedback from three-dimensional momentum images Room: A602 |
Wendt, Amy University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session H6.00003 Optical Diagnostics of Electron Energy Distributions in Low Temperature Plasmas Room: A706 |
Worner, Hans Jakob Laboratory for physical chemistry, ETH Zurich |
Session C2.00003 Conical intersection dynamics probed by homodyne high-harmonic spectroscopy Room: A602 |
Wrachtrup, Joerg University of Stuttgart |
Session H2.00004 Quantum physics with small diamond spin clusters Room: A602 |
Yamazaki, Yasunori RIKEN |
Session C1.00002 Synthesis of cold antihyrogen in a cusp trap Room: A601 |
Zoller, Peter University of Innsbruck |
Session T2.00001 Open System Quantum Simulations with Cold Atoms, Molecules and Ions Room: A602 |
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