Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2023 APS April Meeting
Volume 68, Number 6
Minneapolis, Minnesota (Apr 15-18)
Virtual (Apr 24-26); Time Zone: Central Time
Session QQ02: V: Neutrinos and New ParticlesUndergrad Friendly
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Sponsoring Units: DNP Chair: Rex Tayloe, Indiana University Bloomington Room: Virtual Room 2 |
Tuesday, April 25, 2023 12:00PM - 12:12PM |
QQ02.00001: Demonstrating Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy using a Cavity: The Cavity CRES Apparatus Alexander Marsteller The Project 8 experiment aims to measure the effective mass of the electron antineutrino. |
Tuesday, April 25, 2023 12:12PM - 12:24PM |
QQ02.00002: Measurements of Neutron-Induced Gamma Ray Background of 100Mo for CUPID Erin V Hansen, Joseph H Camilleri, Sean W Finch, Mary F Kidd, Yury G Kolomensky, Daniel Mayer, Vivek Singh, Werner Tornow, Zhiyuan Zhang, Shreya V Puranam, Anisha Yeddanapudi CUPID (CUORE with Upgraded Particle IDentification), an update to CUORE (Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events), is an experiment designed to search for neutrinoless double beta decay using the candidate isotope 100Mo. To estimate the neutron-induced gamma ray background of 100Mo, an experiment was conducted at TUNL (Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory) in which neutron beams ranging from 4-8 MeV were targeted at varying samples of 100Mo, 56Fe, and Cu. We present neutron-100Mo gamma production cross sections for decays of interest to the background estimations of CUPID, and set a limit on production of gamma-events within the region of interest. |
Tuesday, April 25, 2023 12:24PM - 12:36PM |
QQ02.00003: MAGNETO-ν: Searching for keV-scale sterile neutrino in 241Pu beta decays Geonbo Kim Sterile neutrino of a keV-scale mass is one of strong low mass dark matter candidates. The MAGNETO-ν experiment is a search for keV neutrino signatures in 241Pu beta decays using magnetic quantum sensors. Non-zero mixing of the keV neutrino with the electron neutrino can result in emission of sterile neutrinos in nuclear beta decays, reducing maximum energies carried by electrons and nuclear recoils and producing the “kink” structure in beta decay spectra. 241Pu has a single beta decay branch to the ground state of 241Am with the 20.78(17) keV Q-value and the 14.329(29) y half-life, therefore is very suitable for searching for sterile neutrinos in the 1 keV – 20 keV mass range. MAGNETO-ν uses enriched 241Pu sources and Decay Energy Spectrometry (DES) technique with magnetic quantum sensors for high resolution, low background, and high statistics measurement of 241Pu beta spectrum. Our first result of 241Pu measurement and experiment plan as well as systematics of the experiment will be presented. |
Tuesday, April 25, 2023 12:36PM - 12:48PM |
QQ02.00004: IceCube MEOWS Working Group Update John Hardin This talk presents recent results from the IceCube experiment on new physics searches using a very pure sample of up-going muon tracks produced by TeV-scale atmospheric neutrino interactions beneath the detector. Results on searches for sterile neutrinos in complex models that include a non-zero ??34 mixing angle and decay will be presented along with results on non-standard interactions and on neutrino decoherence. Future upgrades of the analysis will also be discussed. |
Tuesday, April 25, 2023 12:48PM - 1:00PM |
QQ02.00005: Analysis of MAGNETO-ν data and a preliminary limit to keV-sterile neutrino mixing Xianyi Zhang, Alexander Kavner, Geonbo Kim Sterile neutrino in the keV scale is a potential dark matter candidate. A non-zero mixing of sterile neutrino with the electron-antineutrino can cause a discontinuity in the beta spectrum. Thus, a precise beta spectrum measurement in the keV region is a test of presence of the keV-scale sterile neutrino. The MAGNETO-ν experiment measures the total beta decay spectrum of 241Pu, including the daughter nuclear recoils, with high resolution magnetic microcalorimeters (MMCs). The 241Pu sources are fully embedded into the detector to achieve total energy absorption with ~100% detection efficiency. This approach has allowed us to achieve O(0.01) sensitivity for the sterile neutrino mixing |Ue4|2 in the 10 keV mass region with only 24 hours of measurement and a single detector with a 1 Bq 241Pu source. We are presenting the experimental setup, the data processing, and the preliminary analysis for sterile neutrino probing with current dataset taken for 10 days with a 100 Bq source. |
Tuesday, April 25, 2023 1:00PM - 1:12PM |
QQ02.00006: Testing neutrality of matter by measuring magnetic fields Prajwal T MohanMurthy, Jonathan Ouellet Possible existence of minicharges questions charge conservation, thereby also the neutrality of neutrons, and by extension the neutrality of matter. The charge of the neutron is extremely well measured, and is consistent with zero: q_n = (-0.2+-0.8)*10^{-21} e. This measurement comes from testing for neutrality of SF6 molecules using acoustic oscillations (sound). Furthermore, charge conservation in conjunction with the asymmetry between the proton and electron charges further confirms the neutrality of the neutron: (q_p + q_e) <10^{-21} e. Other techniques for testing neutrality of matter in the past has involved, suspended macro-particles falling, deflection of beams of neutrons, atoms, and molecules, both under the influence of electromagnetc fields, and by measuring potential differences upon gas efflux. |
Tuesday, April 25, 2023 1:12PM - 1:24PM |
QQ02.00007: Search for new heavy resonances decaying to two Standard Model bosons with semi-leptonic final states using the full Run 2 ATLAS dataset Maria Mazza We present preliminary results of a combined search for new particles decaying to a vector boson and a Higgs boson, as well as to two vector bosons, focusing on semi-leptonic final states and using 139 fb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collisions at the LHC. Two important models that predict such particles are the Heavy Vector Triplet (HVT) model and the two-Higgs-doublet model (2HDM), which address important deficiencies of the Standard Model related to the Higgs sector: the naturalness problem and the possibility of an extended scalar sector. The analysis will set limits on the production cross-sections of a new heavy vector boson predicted by the HVT model and of a new pseudoscalar boson A predicted by the 2HDM model, as well as constrain the respective models' parameters. Improvements in sensitivity with respect to previous iterations of the analysis using novel deep learning techniques will be discussed, with particular focus on a multi-class boosted jet classifier for the identification of the particle origin of the hadronic decay as coming from a top quark, a W boson, a Z boson, a Higgs boson, or multi-jet production. |
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