Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS April Meeting 2018
Volume 63, Number 4
Saturday–Tuesday, April 14–17, 2018; Columbus, Ohio
Session Y13: New Perspectives in Gravitational Physics - II |
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Sponsoring Units: DGRAV Chair: Yosef Zlochower, Rochester Institute of Technology Room: A224-225 |
Tuesday, April 17, 2018 1:30PM - 1:42PM |
Y13.00001: Gravitational Radiation and Spiral Structure of Galaxies Shouhong Wang, Tian Ma First we show that the Einstein GR can be uniquely modified using the principle of interaction dynamics (PID) to take into account the effect of dark energy and dark matter phenomena, and to preserve the Einstein's two fundamental principles: the PE and the PGR. The gravitational field particle and radiation are described by the dual field $\{\Phi_\mu\}$, which is a spin-1 massless particle. This field particle can be regarded as the dark matter, and the energy it carries is the dark energy. Then the gravitational radiation leads to the introduction of gravitational temperature, called G-temperature. We derive three crucial parameters dictating the formation of different galactic structures: $Ra$ representing the G-temperature difference, a parameter $a$ representing the average velocity of stars in the galaxy, and a parameter $\ell $ representing the relative ratio between the inner and outer radii of galactic disk. We show that if $Ra$ is less than a critical threshold $R_c$ or if $\ell$ is small, then the galaxy is elliptic, and if $Ra$ is large then $R_c$ and $\ell$ is relatively large, then the galaxy is spiral. [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, April 17, 2018 1:42PM - 1:54PM |
Y13.00002: New Einstein Field Equation Explains of Dark Matter and Dark Energy Dayong Cao In Einstein$'$s equation, \begin{equation} G_{ik}=R_{ik}-\frac{1}{2}g_{ik}R={\kappa}T_{ik} \end{equation} With a coordinates system of spacetime and mass(energy) center, left side of the equation is structure of massenergy field, right side of the equation is massenergy field. The equation is gravitational structure. Conttract equation (1) with \begin{equation} {g^{ik}} \end{equation} \begin{equation} R=-{\kappa}T^k_{k} \end{equation} Substituting (3) to (1), Getting other Einstein$'$s Equation, \begin{equation} G'_{ik}=T_{ik}-\frac{1}{2}g_{ik}T^k_{k}=\frac{1}{\kappa}R_{ik} \end{equation} With a coordinates system of massenergy and spacetime center, left side of the equation is structure of spacetime field, right side of the equation is spacetime field. The equation is negative gravitational structure. The equation (4) can explain of dark matter and dark energy. We also suppose the moon has a relationship with dark matter and dark energy. \begin{equation} G_{ik}+G'_{ik}=0 \end{equation} The equation (5) can explain of flat structure of the universe. http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/APR16/Session/M13.8 [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, April 17, 2018 1:54PM - 2:06PM |
Y13.00003: Inflation from vacuum pairs Allan Rosencwaig We propose that a scalar quantum field representing the latent heat of separation of the strong force first-order phase transition is present in the supercooled phase of that transition. The vacuum particle pairs associated with this scalar quantum field may account for cosmological inflation. We show that this vacuum pair model provides an inflation of about 60 e-folds with a duration of about 10$^{\mathrm{-32}}$ s. The model also provides mechanisms for ending inflation, for reheating and for the generation of cosmic-scale spatial density variations. It predicts a CMB spectrum with a spectral index $n_{s}=$ 0.966, in excellent agreement with CMB data, and a tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$ of about 10$^{\mathrm{-4}}$, well below the Planck lower limit of 0.1. Most importantly, unlike current models, the vacuum pair model has only one adjustable parameter and requires no fine-tuning or special initial conditions. Furthermore, the vacuum pair model does not predict eternal inflation or a multiverse. [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, April 17, 2018 2:06PM - 2:18PM |
Y13.00004: EExplanation of Cosmic Acceleration and Excessive Spiral Galaxy Rotation Speed by Postulated Unbounded Light-Speed in the Hubble Expansion Thomas Chamberlain Deep MOND and the Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation show far-field gravitation around spiral galaxies declining inversely with radius while SN-1a supernova distance-measurements point to cosmic acceleration, both phenomena unexplained by general relativity. However, when Einstein's isotropic light-speed is succeeded by more fundamental anisotropic light-speed - specifically, unbounded inward with c/2 outward - within Hubble space-expansion a new, outward-reaching time dilation emerges as the basis for explaining cosmic acceleration. Uniting this new time-dilation with Schwarzschild-solution time dilation allows 1/r far-field gravitation around spiral galaxies thereby giving a relativistic formulation of Milgrom's Deep MOND. Both advances exhibit the empirical universal acceleration scale 1.2E-10 m/$s^{2}$ and are in accord with the Einstein gravitational effects near the Sun. Combining far-field and Schwarzschild gravity gives cross-over of the two components at near 7,000 AU from the Sun, in agreement with wide-binary data. While special relativity, and therefore general relativity, are revised at the foundation, standard relativity theory has been central in the present deeper development. [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, April 17, 2018 2:18PM - 2:30PM |
Y13.00005: Testing the truth of special relativity. Bharat Chaudhary I aim here to test the truth of time dilation and length contraction equations of special relativity with the help of Faraday's law that is expressed in two forms. Both forms give the induced emf in a loop by a changing magnetic flux. The first form contains only the time element, so we can test only the truth of time dilation equation with its help. The other one has both time and length elements, so we test the truth of the equations of both with its help. I have found that time dilation fails in the first test and both time dilation and length contraction fail in the second. I have developed an equation from the working of betatrons that shows that if time dilation really occurs, then the induced emf in the betatron orbit should increase with speed and it should exactly neutralize the effect of the increase of mass at all speeds and the betatron-electrons should move with a constant acceleration to any speed even beyond light's speed! But, it's not found to occur. Therefore, we conclude that time dilation doesn't really occur. This fact is confirmed by the second form of Faraday's law that fails both time dilation and length contraction equations as it shows unequal induced emfs on the two sides of the law which is incorrect. [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, April 17, 2018 2:30PM - 2:42PM |
Y13.00006: Special Theory of Relativity: Logical Inconsistencies Stephen Crothers When Einstein formulated his Special Theory of Relativity he tacitly assumed that it is possible to construct systems of clock-synchronized stationary observers consistent with the Lorentz Transformation. Such systems of observers are essential to the Special Theory. By mathematically constructing an infinite system of stationary observers and forcing it to comply with the Lorentz Transformation, it follows that the observers cannot be clock-synchronized. Conversely, by mathematically constructing an infinite system of clock-synchronized observers and forcing it to comply with the Lorentz Transformation, it follows that the observers cannot be stationary. Only one element of each of the said sets of observers has the deceptive appearance of satisfying Einstein's assumption. It is this element which Einstein incorrectly allowed to speak for all observers by virtue of his assumption; but clearly not all observers are equivalent. Furthermore, a system consisting of a single observer cannot be clock-synchronized or stationary with respect to anything. Einstein defined time by means of clocks. In so doing he detached time from physical reality because time is perceived and understood by the motion of celestial bodies, which is independent of the hands of a clock. [Preview Abstract] |
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