Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS April Meeting 2017
Volume 62, Number 1
Saturday–Tuesday, January 28–31, 2017; Washington, DC
Session M2: Research in Introductory CoursesUndergraduate
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Sponsoring Units: GPER Chair: John Thompson Room: Maryland B |
Sunday, January 29, 2017 3:30PM - 3:42PM |
M2.00001: Students’ network integration vs. persistence in introductory physics courses Justyna Zwolak, Eric Brewe Society is constantly in flux, which demands the continuous development of our educational system to meet new challenges and impart the appropriate knowledge/skills to students. In order to improve student learning, among other things, the way we are teaching has significantly changed over the past few decades. We are moving away from traditional, lecture-based teaching towards more interactive, engagement-based strategies. A current, major challenge for universities is to increase student retention. While students' academic and social integration into an institution seems to be vital for student retention, research on the effect of interpersonal interactions is rare. I use of network analysis to investigate academic and social experiences of students in and beyond the classroom. In particular, there is a compelling case that transformed physics classes, such as Modeling Instruction (MI), promote persistence by the creation of learning communities that support the integration of students into the university. I will discuss recent results on pattern development in networks of MI students’ interactions throughout the semester, as well as the effect of students' position within the network on their persistence in physics. [Preview Abstract] |
Sunday, January 29, 2017 3:42PM - 3:54PM |
M2.00002: Reducing the failure rate in introductory physics classes Jeff Saul, Patrick Coulombe, Rebecca Lindell Calculus-based introductory physics courses are often among the most difficult at many colleges and universities. With the national movement to increase STEM majors, the introductory calculus-based courses need to be less of a weed-out course and more of a course that propels students forward into successful majors. This talk discusses two approaches to reduce DFW rates and improve student retention: studio courses and parachute courses. Studio courses integrate lecture/laboratory into one course where the primary mode of instruction is small group activities. Typically, any students enrolled in the college or university can enroll in a studio version of the course. Parachute courses on the other hand, focus on the poor performing students. Designed so that students not doing well in an introductory physics course can switch into the parachute class mid-semester without harm to their GPA. In addition, the parachute course focuses on helping students build the knowledge and skills necessary for success when retaking the calculus-based Physics course. The studio course format has been found to reduce DFW rates at several universities by 40-60{\%} compared with separate lecture and laboratory format versions of the same courses, while parachutes courses were less successful. At one university, the parachute course succeeded in helping 80{\%} of students maintain their GPA, but only helped 20{\%} successfully pass the calculus-based physics course. [Preview Abstract] |
Sunday, January 29, 2017 3:54PM - 4:06PM |
M2.00003: Large-scale Assessment Yields Evidence of Minimal Use of Reasoning Skills in Traditionally Taught Classes Beth Thacker Large-scale assessment data from Texas Tech University yielded evidence that most students taught traditionally in large lecture classes with online homework and predominantly multiple choice question exams, when asked to answer free-response (FR) questions, did not support their answers with logical arguments grounded in physics concepts. In addition to a lack of conceptual understanding, incorrect and partially correct answers lacked evidence of the ability to apply even lower level reasoning skills in order to solve a problem. Correct answers, however, did show evidence of at least lower level thinking skills as coded using a rubric based on Bloom's taxonomy. With the introduction of evidence-based instruction into the labs and recitations of the large courses and in a small, completely laboratory-based, hands-on course, the percentage of correct answers with correct explanations increased. The FR format, unlike other assessment formats, allowed assessment of both conceptual understanding and the application of thinking skills, clearly pointing out weaknesses not revealed by other assessment instruments, and providing data on skills beyond conceptual understanding for course and program assessment. [Preview Abstract] |
Sunday, January 29, 2017 4:06PM - 4:18PM |
M2.00004: How to improve essential skills in introductory physics through brief, spaced, online practice. Andrew Heckler, Brendon Mikula We developed and implemented a set of online ``essential skills'' tasks to help students achieve and retain a core level of mastery and fluency in basic skills necessary for their coursework. The task design is based on our research on student understanding and difficulties as well as three well-established cognitive principles: 1) spaced practice, to promote retention, 2) interleaved practice, to promote the ability to recognize when the learned skill is needed, and 3) mastery practice mastery practice, to promote a base level of performance. We report on training on a variety of skills with vector math. Students spent a relatively small amount of time, 10-20 minutes in practice each week, answering relevant questions online until a mastery level was achieved. Results indicate significant and often dramatic gains, often with average gains of over one standard deviation. Notably, these large gains are retained at least several months after the final practice session, including for less-prepared students. [Preview Abstract] |
Sunday, January 29, 2017 4:18PM - 4:30PM |
M2.00005: Mastery Based Homework in Introductory Physics at the University of Illinois Tim Stelzer, Brianne Gutmann, Gary Gladding, Morten Lundsgaard, Noah Schroeder The successful implementation of mastery-style online homework into our preparatory mechanics course has been a long-term project, currently in its second year. By requiring students to perfect a single unit of defined competencies before moving on to its successive unit (with intervening narrated animated solutions for instructional support), this homework delivery method replaced traditional immediate feedback online homework for the class of about 500 students. After the first year of data collection and analysis, significant revisions were made to the system's delivery, content, and messaging. The impact of these changes and second year data will be presented, as well as data from implementation in our introductory electricity and magnetism course. [Preview Abstract] |
Sunday, January 29, 2017 4:30PM - 4:42PM |
M2.00006: Successes and Challenges in Transitioning to Large Enrollment NEXUS/Physics IPLS Labs Kimberly Moore UMd-PERG's NEXUS/Physics for Life Sciences laboratory curriculum, piloted in 2012-2013 in small test classes, has been implemented in large-enrollment environments at UMD from 2013-present. These labs address physical issues at biological scales using microscopy, image and video analysis, electrophoresis, and spectroscopy in an open, non-protocol-driven environment. We have collected a wealth of data (surveys, video analysis, etc.) that enables us to get a sense of the students' responses to this curriculum in a large-enrollment environment and with teaching assistants both `new to' and 'experienced in' the labs. In this talk, we will provide a brief overview of what we have learned, including the challenges of transitioning to large N, student perception then and now, and comparisons of our large-enrollment results to the results from our pilot study. We will close with a discussion of the acculturation of teaching assistants to this novel environment and suggestions for sustainability. [Preview Abstract] |
Sunday, January 29, 2017 4:42PM - 4:54PM |
M2.00007: Curricular Adaptations in Introductory Physics Labs Benjamin W. Dreyfus, Mary Ewell, Kimberly Moore When curricular materials are disseminated to new sites, there can be a tension between fidelity to the original intent of the developers and adaptation to local needs. In this case study we look at a lab activity that was initially developed for an introductory physics for the life sciences (IPLS) course at the University of Maryland, then implemented at George Mason University with significant adaptations. The goals of the two implementations were overlapping, but also differed in ways that are reflected in the two versions of the lab. We compare student lab report data from the two sites to examine the impacts of the adaptation on how students engaged with the lab. [Preview Abstract] |
Sunday, January 29, 2017 4:54PM - 5:06PM |
M2.00008: Going Beyond Calculation and Concepts: Students' Interpretation and Knowledge Structures in Quantum Mechanics. Noah Finkelstein, Jessica Hoehn Learning quantum mechanics requires students to develop not only new mathematical skills and conceptual understanding, but also has students reason about what these mean and how to organize understanding of quantum mechanical principles, tools and concepts. Towards this instructional goal, we present current research that examines how students make interpretations, probes understanding of student ontologies, and curricula that explicitly addresses interpretation of quantum phenomena and student reasoning structures (ontologies). [Preview Abstract] |
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