Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS April Meeting 2014
Volume 59, Number 5
Saturday–Tuesday, April 5–8, 2014; Savannah, Georgia
Session L1: Poster Session II (14:00-17:00) |
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Sponsoring Units: APS Room: Exhibit Hall |
L1.00002: Observation of freakish-asteroid-discovered-resembles support my idea that many dark comets were arrested and lurked in the solar system after every impaction Dayong Cao New observations show that some asteroids are looked like comets. http://www.astrowatch.net/2013/11/freakish-asteroid-discovered-resembles.html, http://www.astrowatch.net/2013/11/astronomers-puzzle-over-newfound.html. It supports my idea that ``many dark comets with very special tilted orbits were arrested and lurked in the solar system'' - ``Sun's companion-dark hole seasonal took its dark comets belt and much dark matter to impact near our earth. And some of them probability hit on our earth. So this model kept and triggered periodic mass extinctions on our earth every 25 to 27 million years. After every impaction, many dark comets with very special tilted orbits were arrested and lurked in the solar system. Because some of them picked up many solar matter, so it looked like the asteroids. When the dark hole-Tyche goes near the solar system again, they will impact near planets.'' The idea maybe explains why do the asteroid looks like the comet? Where are the asteroids come from? What relationship do they have with the impactions and extinctions? http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2011.CAL.C1.7, http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/CAL12/Event/181168, http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2013.MAR.H1.267. During 2009 to 2010, I had presented there are many dark comets like dark Asteroids near the orbit of Jupiter in ASP Meetings. In 2010, NASA's WISE found them. http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2011.APR.K1.17, http://www.nasa.gov/mission\_pages/WISE/news/wise20100122.html [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00003: Observation of asteroid 2013 TV$_{135}$ supports my idea that a new impaction will come in 20 years Dayong Cao Asteroid 2013 TV135 who will impact in 2023 was newly discovered by Ukrainian astronomers in 2013. It supports my idea that a new impaction will come in 20 years. http://www.nasa.gov/mission\_pages/asteroids/news/asteroid20131017.html, http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2011.DFD.LA.24, http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2012.APR.K1.78, http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2013.APR.S2.14. The Sun's companion-dark hole, which is made of dark matter seasonal took its dark comets belt, dark matter, dark lives, and the pressed asteroids belt to impact near our earth. These impactions and dark matter's killers caused seasonal extinctions and produced new species. By many dark comets and asteroids impacting, the dark impaction model is a high probability impaction model; the impaction would not change the orbit of the invisible dark hole, so that it could keep accurate periodicity impactions. With the space-time center, the dark hole system is a negative Einstein's model by ``mass-energy coordinate.'' Sun and Dark hole build up the balance system. Through studying the model, the rule of the impaction can be calculated. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00004: Mid-infrared Variability of the Low Mass Stellar Binary TWA 30 A and B Aishwarya Iyer, Adam Burgasser T Tauri stars represent the initial stages of stellar birth, characterized by jets, accretion, outflows and circumstellar disks. TWA 30 AB is one of the nearest ($\sim$ 42 pc) low mass (both masses $\sim$ 0.12 Solar masses) binary T Tauris known, a well-separated (80'' on the sky) pair of mid-type M dwarfs in the $\sim$ 10 Myr TW Hydrae Association.\footnote{D. L. Looper et al. AJ, 140, 1486, (2010)} Both sources exhibit strong spectral signatures of accretion, jets and stellar winds, and mid-infrared excess indicating the presence of circumstellar disks.\footnote{A. Schneider et al. ApJ, 757, 163 (2012)} These disks are nearly edge-on but with slightly different geometries; TWA 30A, an optical transient, exhibits strong variable optical extinction (A$_{\mathrm{V}}\approx $ 1-8) from outer disk absorption, while TWA 30B is seen in reflection with an additional (variable) thermal component likely from the inner disk. The existing optical and near-infrared data predicts low variability for TWA 30A and high variability for TWA 30B in the mid-infrared. However, a single day of Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) mid-infrared monitoring reveals the opposite behavior. To investigate this contradiction, we have observed this system over a 40-day period with the Spitzer Space Telescope's Infrared Array Camera at 3.6 and 4.5 microns. We present preliminary analysis of the imaging data and examine their physical implications in the context of disk geometries and evolution in these two sources. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00005: Experimental creation of mini-cluster using photon-photon collision Meggie Zhang Our understanding of the universe is based on the observation of galactic objects with telescopes. But if we could somehow experimentally create these galactic objects in the lab which will help further our understanding of the formation of the galaxies, stars and planets. Using photon-photon collision we have successfully created mini-clusters system, stars and planets. Our work result is based on an reinterpretation of quantum physics and a modification of relativity theory. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00006: Experimental observation of planet formation using low energy photon-photon collision Meggie Zhang Our current theory believes that planets were formed from aggregation of galactic gas. Our work in 2011 suggested there could be an alternative explanation on planet formation based on a reinterpretation of quantum physics, which suggested that planet formed at early stage through aggregation, then it grows through a different process other than aggregation. Using low energy photon-photon collision we have successfully observed this process. This result also cast doubt on the Big Bang theory. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00007: Beyond the Standard Model with Cosmic Particle Accelerators Kevin Tennyson, Ian Morgan, Ted Tao, Erin DePree Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and active galactic nuclei (AGN) are among the most powerful cosmic particle accelerators and may therefore be excellent engines for producing particles beyond the standard model. We examine the physical conditions under which such collisions can occur within GRBs and AGNs. More specifically, we investigate the likelihood of producing the least massive Kaluza-Klein particle in these astrophysical systems as well as the potential associated observational signatures. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00008: Progress with ALFALFA Follow-up Observations: Interesting HI Sources Parker Troischt, Steven Grzeskowiak, Kyle Murray, Nathan Nichols The Undergraduate ALFALFA Team (UAT) is a collaborative undertaking of faculty and students at 19 institutions, performing research using the massive ALFALFA blind HI survey and several follow-up observations. The follow-up observations include targeted observations with Arecibo Observatory's L-Band Wide (LBW) receiver. The primary goal of the targeted LBW observations is to study several of the most interesting sources indicated by the 7000 square degree survey. This includes the following four categories: 1. dark galaxy candidates. 2. OH Megamaser Candidates. 3. extreme gas-dominated dwarf galaxy candidates and 4. statistical samples of low signal to noise sources associated with optical counterparts. Here we report on progress with deducting LBW data, including integrated fluxes of the positive detections and calculations of RMS noise for all spectra. [Preview Abstract] |
(Author Not Attending)
L1.00009: Toward Connecting Core-Collapse Supernova Theory with Observations: Nucleosynthetic Yields and Distribution of Elements in a 15 M$_\odot$ Blue Supergiant Progenitor with SN 1987A Energetics Tomasz Plewa, Timothy Handy, Andrzej Odrzywolek We compute and discuss the process of nucleosynthesis in a series of core-collapse explosion models of a 15 solar mass, blue supergiant progenitor. We obtain nucleosynthetic yields and study the evolution of the chemical element distribution from the moment of core bounce until young supernova remnant phase. Our models show how the process of energy deposition due to radioactive decay modifies the dynamics and the core ejecta structure on small and intermediate scales. The results are compared against observations of young supernova remnants including Cas A and the recent data obtained for SN 1987A. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00010: Neutrino-driven Convection and SASI in Three-Dimensional Core-Collapse Supernovae Christian D. Ott, Ernazar Abdikamalov, Roland Haas, Christian Reisswig, Philipp Moesta, Hannah Klion, Erik Schnetter The mechanism of core-collapse supernova explosions likely relies on support from two hydrodynamical instabilities: neutrino-driven convection and the standing accretion shock instability (SASI). We investigate under which conditions these instabilities develop. We perform 3D general-relativistic simulations of collapse and postbounce evolution of a $27$-$M_\odot$ star with a neutrino leakage scheme. We consider a range of neutrino heating rates and find the development of the 3D SASI in models with weak neutrino heating that do not develop explosions. Models that explode are dominated by neutrino-driven convection. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00011: Disk-outflow models as applied to high mass star forming regions through methanol and water maser observations Hontas Farmer As the recent publication by Breen et al (2013) found Class II methanol masers are exclusively associated with high mass star forming regions. Based on the positions of the Class I and II methanol and H$_{2}$O masers, UC H~II regions and 4.5~$\mu$m infrared sources, and the center velocities ($v_{\rm{LSR}}$) of the Class I methanol and H$_{2}$O masers, compared to the $v_{\rm{LSR}}$ of the Class II methanol masers, we propose three disk-outflow models that may be traced by methanol masers. In all three models, we have located the Class II methanol maser near the protostar, and the Class I methanol maser in the outflow, as is known from observations during the last twenty years. In our first model, the H$_{2}$O masers trace the linear extent of the outflow. In our second model, the H$_{2}$O masers are located in a circumstellar disk. In our third model, the H$_{2}$O masers are located in one or more outflows near the terminating shock where the outflow impacts the ambient interstellar medium. Together, these models reiterate the utility of coordinated high angular resolution observations of high mass star forming regions in maser lines and associated star formation tracers. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00012: The Effect of Sulfur on Interstellar Extinction Dhanesh Krishnarao, Ulysses Sofia We examine the prominence of sulfur in interstellar dust and any effects it may have on extinction. Sulfur is one of the most copious elements in the universe, so proper understanding of its role in the interstellar medium is crucial. Previous studies show little to no sulfur in interstellar dust but, recent evidence of observed interstellar grains and Glass Embedded with Metal and Sulphides (GEMS) suggest an abundance of sulfur in dust. Sulfur's location on the flat part of the curve of growth results in the need for very careful modeling in the form of the Voigt profile. We use custom-built IDL routines to perform Voigt profile fitting on Hubble Space Telescope spectroscopic data sight lines, using other species as a template to accurately fix parameters and extract column densities of sulfur in the gas. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00013: Thermodynamics of Neutron Stars Robert Gedies, R.M. Satish, Samina Masood We examine finite temperature and density (FTD) effects and corrections to the Thomas-Fermi model; also examined are the non-linear models of Boguta-Bodmer (BB) and Walecka coupled with the general relativistic Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equations of state (EOS). The coupling of these equations of state with the BB and Walecka models helps to analyze the thermodynamic properties of the neutron star system. In the Thomas-Fermi model, the introduction of finite temperature plasma effects (i.e. Coulomb effect) invites FTD corrections. In both the BB and Walecka model, the Baryon octet and 2 different forms of lepton inclusion are included into the corresponding lagrangian density. The BB model includes various leptonic degrees of freedom; while the Walecka model includes the assumption of an ideal Fermi gas of electrons and negatively charged muons. Together with FTD corrections and use of the Sommerfeld approximation, we will get a deeper knowledge of neutron star composition and its thermodynamic properties can be achieved. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00014: Characterization of Silicon Photomultiplier Detectors using Cosmic Radiation Favian Zavala, Juan Castro, Rexavalmar Niduaza, Zachary Wedel, Sewan Fan, Stefan Ritt, Laura Fatuzzo The silicon photomultiplier light detector has gained a lot of attention lately in fields such as particle physics, astrophysics, and medical physics. Its popularity stems from its lower cost, compact size, insensitivity to magnetic fields, and its excellent ability to distinguish a quantized number of photons. They are normally operated at room temperature and biased above their breakdown voltages. As such, they may also exhibit properties that may hinder their optimal operation which include a thermally induced high dark count rate, after pulse effects, and cross talk from photons in nearby pixels. At this poster session, we describe our data analysis and our endeavor to characterize the multipixel photon counter (MPPC) detectors from Hamamatsu under different bias voltages and temperature conditions. Particularly, we describe our setup which uses cosmic rays to induce scintillation light delivered to the detector by wavelength shifting optical fibers and the use of a fast 1GHz waveform sampler, the domino ring sampler (DRS4) digitizer board. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00015: Investigation of Cherenkov Light in an Oil Drum with Cosmic Radiation Zachary Wedel, Rexavalmar Niduaza, Juan Castro, Favian Zavala, Sewan Fan, Laura Fatuzzo Photomultiplier Tubes (PMTs) have been around for decades and have become well understood in their use as cosmic ray detectors. Multi-Pixel Photon Counters (MPPCs), on the other hand, are still being explored as more viable, cost-effective light detector for counting cosmic rays. To detect cosmic rays by the Cherenkov effect, we placed an acrylic cylinder, with wavelength-shifting fibers coiled around it and filled with distilled water, inside a light-tight box that was able to detect the weak light signals with PMTs (1 and 3 inch), an MPPC (3mm x 3mm), and with coincidence between different detectors. Additionally, we utilized an oil drum with approximate volume of 30 gallons as a light-tight vessel to conduct coincidence counts for detecting cosmic rays using the PMTs and MPPCs (3mm x 3mm and 1mm x 1mm). In this poster presentation, we would present our findings as a comparative analysis between the two different vessels and the efficiency thereof of the same to determine whether or not the MPPC is a viable instrument for detecting cosmic rays that produce Cherenkov light. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00016: Cosmic Ray Energetics and Mass for the International Space Station (ISS-CREAM) Ian Howley The Cosmic Ray Energetics and Mass detector is designed to directly measure cosmic rays with energy between 10$^{12}$- 10$^{15}$ eV and composition from proton to iron thereby investigating cosmic ray origins, acceleration and propagation. CREAM has four subsystems. The silicon charge detector consists of four identical layers each containing 2688 1.5 x 1.6 cm$^{2}$ pixels capable of measuring incident particle charge to about 0.2e. The calorimeter consists of a carbon target to induce interactions and alternating layers of tungsten plates and scintillating fibers used to measure incident particle energy, and provide triggering and particle tracking. The top and bottom counting detectors are scintillators with segmented read-out used for electron-proton separation. Finally, the boronated scintillator detector is a boron doped scintillator used to identify thermal neutrons emitted from interactions in the calorimeter, which can be used to separate electron and proton showers. Reconfiguring the payload for implementation on the ISS will provide an order of magnitude increase in exposure time and remove the atmospheric overburden as compared to previous balloon flights. In preparation for launch, the newly configured hardware must be tested, and remote monitoring and control capabilities must be established. The project overview, current status of testing, and preparations for launch in December 2014 will be presented. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00017: Modeling RF Emissions from Particle Showers in Dense Mediums Rachel Hyneman, Konstantin Belov, Stephanie Wissel The Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) experiment has recorded multiple Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray (UHECR) events via radio-frequency emissions from secondary particle showers in the Earth's atmosphere. The energy of these UHECR particles is reconstructed using Monte Carlo simulations based on first principles. The goal of the SLAC T-510 experiment is to validate these simulations and to provide an energy calibration for ANITA data analysis. We incorporated an RF emission simulation based on ZHS code into the GEANT4 toolkit, used for modeling the passage of particles in accelerator experiments. We predict strong radio emissions at the Cherenkov angle from a cascade of secondary particles in a polyethylene target in moderate magnetic fields. We see a strong dependence of the horizontally polarized component of the electric field on top of the Cherenkov cone on the magnetic field strength. We also observe a skewing of the Cherenkov cone as the magnetic field increases, which we believe to be an indication of the Askaryan effect. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00018: Conformal Invariance, Dark Energy, and CMB Non-Gaussianity Emil Mottola, Ignatios Antoniadis, Pawel Mazur In addition to scale invariance, a universe dominated by dark energy naturally gives rise to correlation functions with full conformal invariance, due to the isomorphism between the conformal group of three dimensional slices of de Sitter space and the de Sitter isometry group SO(4,1). In the standard homogeneous, isotropic cosmological model the embedding of flat spatial sections in de Sitter space induces a conformal invariant perturbation spectrum and definite prediction for the shape of the non-Gaussian CMB bispectrum. If the density fluctuations are generated instead on the de Sitter horizon, conformal invariance of the S$^2$ horizon embedding implies a different but also quite definite prediction for the angular correlations of CMB non-Gaussianity on the sky. Each of these forms for the bispectrum is different from the predictions of single field slow roll inflation models, which rely on the breaking of de Sitter invariance. We propose a quantum origin for the CMB fluctuations in the scalar gravitational sector from the conformal anomaly that could give rise to these non-Gaussianities without a slow roll inflaton field. Conformal invariance also leads to the relation nS -1 = nT between the spectral indices of the scalar and tensor power spectrum. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00019: Scalar Theory of Everything model correspondence to the Big Bang model and to Quantum Mechanics John Hodge We are at a special moment in our scientific evolution that requires the big of cosmology and the small of light and of particle physics be united by a single model. The Scalar Theory of Everything model (STOE) suggests fundamental assumptions with consideration for the successful parts of current models and for the data inconsistent with current models. The STOE has been tested over the last 10 years with data concerning galaxy rotation curves; redshift at galactic, solar system, and earth scales; BH-galaxy disk properties; temperature of the universe; and light interference. The STOE is simpler, corresponds to both General Relativity and quantum mechanics, and solves many current mysteries and inconsistencies. Therefore, the STOE is founded on orthodox science. Data analysis in 2011 confirmed predictions of the STOE made in 2006 that no other model suggested. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00020: Fluctuations in Cyclic Models Riley Mayes Our research comprised of analyzing the turnaround phase (when expansion gives way to contraction) within the context of cyclic models of the Universe. To complete this task, we sought to observe the evolution of the fluctuations during the turnaround for a range of k (inverse wavelength) values. This examination allows us to observe whether the fluctuations increase or diminish for smaller or larger values of k. This information is important to compare predictions of cyclic models to the observed anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background radiation. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00021: A Frequency Hopping Code to calculate gravitational wave fluxes from nearly parabolic equatorial EMRI orbits around Kerr black holes Jordan Stone, Sloan Ahrens, Daniel Kennefick One of the obstacles for calculating radiation reaction in highly eccentric around Kerr black holes is the broad range of gravitational wave frequencies which radiate away significant energy. A further complication is that the spectrum is assembled from different multipoles (l and m) with the main contributing harmonic (k) being quite different from multipole to multipole. Newtonian-order formulas for the complete spectrum enable us to roughly predict the harmonic k which will contribute most strongly for each multipole. Earlier work for eccentricity of up to 0.9 by various authors demonstrate how the varying harmonic contributions from each multipole go together to complete the full spectrum. We present a Teukolsky-based ``frequency hopping'' code which identifies the locations of these peaks while efficiently neglecting insignificant values of k. Along with proposed improvements to the Teukolsky-based code itself, we believe this new code will be capable of calculating the flux of energy and angular momentum for nearly parabolic orbits (e $>$ 0.99) in extreme-mass-ratio inspirals. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00022: The Third Fermi-LAT Catalog of High-Energy Gamma-ray Sources Toby Burnett The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope Large Area Telescope (LAT) has been gathering science data since August 2008, surveying the full sky every three hours. The second source catalog (2FGL, Nolan et al 2012, ApJS 199, 31) was based on 2 years of data. We are preparing a third source catalog (3FGL) based on 4 years of reprocessed data. The reprocessing introduced a more accurate description of the instrument, which resulted in a narrower point spread function. Both the localization and the detection threshold for hard-spectrum sources have been improved. The new catalog also relies on a refined model of Galactic diffuse emission, particularly important for low-latitude soft-spectrum sources. The process for associating LAT sources with those at other wavelengths has also improved, thanks to dedicated multiwavelength follow-up, new surveys and better ways to extract sources likely to be gamma-ray counterparts. We describe the construction of this new catalog, its characteristics, and its remaining limitations. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00023: Latest Results from the Gamma Ray Polarimeter Experiment (GRAPE) Mark McConnell, Peter Bloser, Camden Ertley, Jason Legere, James Ryan, Sambid Wasti The Gamma RAy Polarimeter Experiment (GRAPE) is a balloon borne instrument designed for measuring the polarization of sources from 50-500 keV. It was first flown on a 26-hour balloon flight in the fall of 2011 from Ft. Sumner, NM. The payload consists of an array of independent Compton polarimeter modules based on scintillation technologies. The ultimate goal of our program is to operate GRAPE in a wide FoV configuration on a LDB flight to study GRBs. For the first balloon flight, GRAPE was configured in a collimated mode to facilitate observations of known point sources so that the polarization measurement capability of GRAPE could be demonstrated. The Crab nebula/pulsar, the active Sun, and Cygnus X-1 were the primary targets for the first flight. Although the Crab was detected, the polarization sensitivity was worse than expected, in part because of a lower-than-expected altitude for much of the flight. Only upper limits on the Crab polarization were obtained. Two M-class solar flares were also observed, with null results that indicate less than 30\% polarization levels. This paper will describe the GRAPE payload, review the latest results from the first balloon flight, and present plans for the next GRAPE balloon flight, scheduled to take place in the fall of 2014. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00024: Fermion distribution in hot and dense media and applications to astrophysics R.M. Satish, Robert Gedies, Samina Masood Properties of fermions with the relativistic energies are determined by the Fermi-Dirac distribution in a hot and dense medium. It has been noticed that the energy integration of the distribution function always give a set of functions, identified by Masood in different limits of temperatures and chemical potentials. In this situation we study the behavior of Masood's $a_{i}$ functions in different statistical backgrounds which are relevant to physical systems such as the early universe or the stellar interiors. We mainly focus on the study of the early universe at high temperatures and the highly dense systems of compact stars such as supernovae and neutron stars. [Preview Abstract] |
(Author Not Attending)
L1.00026: What's wrong with relativity theory? Meggie Zhang Relativity theory is the most successful theory in modern physics but insofar we have not be able to reconcile relativity theory and quantum physics. Through reevaluation results in literature we found hints leading to a new understanding of the basics of quantum physics. By reinterpretation quantum physic we have successfully conduced a photon-photon collision experiment which gives us support on our reinterpretation of quantum physics which in turn suggested relativity theory is in-complete and fell into a paradoxical trap. This helps us a new understanding of mass and gravity. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00027: Mechanical design of the University of Florida Torsion Pendulum for testing the LISA Gravitational Reference Sensor Ryan Shelley, Andrew Chilton, Tawio Olatunde, Giacomo Ciani, Guido Mueller, John Conklin The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) requires free falling test masses, whose acceleration must be below 3 fm/s$^2$/rtHz in the lower part of LISA's frequency band ranging from 0.1 to 100 mHz. Gravitational reference sensors (GRS) house the test masses, shield them from external disturbances, control their orientation, and sense their position at the nm/rtHz level. The GRS torsion pendulum is a laboratory test bed for GRS technology. By decoupling the system of test masses from the gravity of the Earth, it is possible to identify and quantify many sources of noise in the sensor. The mechanical design of the pendulum is critical to the study of the noise sources and the development of new technologies that can improve performance and reduce cost. The suspended test mass is a hollow, gold-coated, aluminum cube which rests inside a gold-coated, aluminum housing with electrodes for sensing and actuating all six degrees of freedom. This poster describes the design, analysis, and assembly of the mechanical subsystems of the UF Torsion Pendulum. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00028: UV-LED-based charge control for LISA Taiwo Olatunde, Ryan Shelley, Andrew Chilton, Giacomo Ciani, Guido Mueller, John Conklin The test masses inside the LISA gravitational reference sensors (GRS) must maintain almost pure geodesic motion for gravitational waves to be successfully detected. The residual accelerations have to stay below 3fm/s$^2$/rtHz at all frequencies between 0.1 and 3 mHz. One of the well known noise sources is associated with the charges on the test masses which couple to stray electrical potentials and external electro-magnetic fields. The LISA pathfinder (LPF) will use Hg-discharge lamps emitting mostly around 253 nm to discharge the test masses via photoemission in its 2015/16 flight. A future LISA mission launched around 2030 will likely replace the lamps with newer UV-LEDs. UV-LEDs have a lower mass, a better power efficiency, and are smaller than their Hg counterparts. Furthermore, the latest generation produces light at 240 nm, with energy well above the work function of pure gold. I will describe a preliminary design for effective charge control through photoelectric effect by using these LEDs. The effectiveness of this method is verified by taking Quantum Efficiency (QE) measurements which relate the number of electrons emitted to the number of photons incident on the Au test mass surface. This presentation addresses our initial results and future plans which includes implementation and testing in the UF torsion pendulum and space-qualification in a small satellite mission which will launch in the summer of 2014, through a collaboration with Stanford, KACST, and NASA Ames Research Center. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00029: Beam emittance from ARPES for photoinjectors Katherine Harkay, Linda Spentzouris, Karoly Nemeth, Timothy Droubay, Scott Chambers, Alan Joly, Wayne Hess A commonly-used beam emittance measurement for photoinjector sources involves accelerating a low-charge beam to a few megavolts in an electron gun, then using a pepper-pot emittance diagnostic to image the transverse charge distribution. The emission distribution at the cathode surface could in principle be deduced through simulations, but cannot be measured directly with this method. In the quest to develop ultra-bright photoinjectors, it would be advantageous to be able to measure the emission distribution directly, and use this as a screening process to characterize different photocathode candidates. Angle-resolved photoemission sepctroscopy (ARPES), used widely in surface science, has been proposed [H. Padmore (private communication)] as a method to measure the photocathode intrinsic emittance. A promising novel photocathode, a thin layer of MgO on Ag [K. Nemeth et al, PRL 104. 046801 (2010)] was recently fabricated and ARPES measurements were carried out [T.C. Droubay et al, PRL (in press)]. The analysis of these data and resulting emittance will be presented. Implications for its use in simulations and design of future photoinjectors will also be presented. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00030: General Relativity Is Only A Fallacy Wrong Concept That Is Not Based On Any Reality And Is Not A Real Correct Science Ronald Kotas The concept of General Relativity is not compatible with Quantum Mechanics. General Relativity is not real science, only a fallacy concept with no definitive proofs. It is not based on reality. Light and other radiation are not bent by General Relativity, only by Newtonian Refractions in the Sun's very hot Corona. The planet Mercury orbital perihelion is not a proof of General Relativity; it is fully and logically explained by Newtonian Mechanics. The dynamic 2/3rds ratio of Mercury's day-to-year ratio is profound and a Nuclear Quantum Gravitational function, not General Relativity. The Red Shift is a Nuclear Quantum Gravitational effect, not General Relativity. The so-called gravitational lens is also where refraction of gaseous matter, dust or real objects are not considered. No ``gravity waves'' have ever been detected by any LIGO site in the world. No material ``frame dragging'' has been detected by the Gravity B probe. The reason is that there is no space fabric to cause these effects. It should be perfectly clear that General Relativity has no definitive proofs and is not a real or correct description of Science. Nuclear Quantum Gravitation is a clear explanation of Gravity/Gravitation with 31 proofs and indications, and is compatible with Quantum and Newtonian Mechanics. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00031: Radiated Quantities in Binary Black Hole Collisions Lorena Magana Zertuche, James Healy, Deirdre Shoemaker One of the more interesting and exotic systems in the universe is a system of two black holes. When black holes orbit each other, they will eventually collide, forming a single black hole with a mass almost equal to the sum of the two initial masses. This missing ``mass,'' up to ten percent, is converted into gravitational waves making these systems one of the most energetic in the universe. The systems also radiate angular momentum as they settle down to a Kerr black hole. I present work toward modeling the radiated angular momentum and energy as functions of the binary system's initial parameters for generic binaries. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00032: Galactic Rotation Curves from Yang-Mills Gravity Daniel Katz Yang-Mills Gravity (YMG) is a gauge field theory based on the $T_4$ group in flat spacetime. In its macroscopic limit, it modifies the trajectories of classical objects such that it serves as an alternative to General Relativity (GR). Since YMG is relatively new and unknown, a brief review of the general theory is given and a more comprehensive list of references is provided. In the present work, we find that the Schwarzchild-like solution to YMG supports a term like $\alpha r$ with constant $\alpha$. This translates into an $r$-term in the effective gravitational potential of classical objects. We use this modified potential to predict the shape of the rotation curves of spiral galaxies, and then use data from SDSS to constrain $\alpha$, which seems to be a free parameter in YMG. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00033: Short Range Tests of Gravity Crystal Cardenas, Andrew Harter, C.D. Hoyle, Holly Leopardi, David Smith Gravity was the first force to be described mathematically, yet it is the only fundamental force not well understood. The Standard Model of quantum mechanics describes interactions between the fundamental strong, weak and electromagnetic forces while Einstein's theory of General Relativity (GR) describes the fundamental force of gravity. There is yet to be a theory that unifies inconsistencies between GR and quantum mechanics. Scenarios of String Theory predicting more than three spatial dimensions also predict physical effects of gravity at sub-millimeter levels that would alter the gravitational inverse-square law. The Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP), a central feature of GR, states that all objects are accelerated at the same rate in a gravitational field independent of their composition. A violation of the WEP at any length would be evidence that current models of gravity are incorrect. At the Humboldt State University Gravitational Research Laboratory, an experiment is being developed to observe gravitational interactions below the 50-micron distance scale. The experiment measures the twist of a parallel-plate torsion pendulum as an attractor mass is oscillated within 50 microns of the pendulum, providing time varying gravitational torque on the pendulum. The size and distance dependence of the torque amplitude provide means to determine deviations from accepted models of gravity on untested distance scales. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00034: Supernova Constraints on Modified Theories of Gravity Nathan Prins, James Overduin, Joohan Lee Most attempts to unify gravitation with the standard model of particle physics involve new fields and/or additional (usually compact) dimensions. The dynamics of these compact extra dimensions can, however, act back on the dynamics of macroscopic space and time. We investigate a particular class of models with n compact dimensions plus a scalar field with negative kinetic energy (``phantom''), and show that they can be constrained by recent data on the magnitudes of Type Ia supernovae. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00035: Quantum evaporation of flavor-mixed particles Mikhail V. Medvedev Particles whose propagation (mass) and interaction (flavor) bases are misaligned are mixed, e.g., neutrinos, quarks, Kaons, etc. We show that interactions (elastic scattering) of individual mass-eigenstates can result in their inter-conversions. Most intriguing and counter-intuitive implication of this process is a new process, which we refer to as the ``quantum evaporation.'' Consider a mixed particle trapped in a gravitational potential. If such a particle scatters off something (e.g., from another mixed particle) elastically from time to time, this particle (or both particles, respectively) can eventually escape to infinity with no extra energy supplied. That is as if a ``flavor-mixed satellite'' hauled along a bumpy road puts itself in space without a rocket, fuel, etc. Of course, the process at hand is entirely quantum and has no counterpart in classical mechanics. It also has nothing to do with tunneling or other known processes. We discuss some implications to the dark matter physics, cosmology and cosmic neutrino background. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00036: Flavour Symmetry as a Gauge Invariance Rasulkhozha S. Sharafiddinov A classification of leptonic currents with respect to C-operation requires the separation of elementary particles into the two classes of vector C-even and axial-vector C-odd character. Their nature has been created so that to each type of lepton corresponds a kind of neutrino. Such pairs are united in families of a different C-parity. Unlike the neutrino of a vector type, any C-noninvariant Dirac neutrino must have his Majorana neutrino. They constitute the purely neutrino families. We discuss the nature of a corresponding mechanism responsible for the availability in all types of axial-vector particles of a kind of flavour which distinguishes each of them from others by a true charge characterized by a quantum number conserved at the interactions between the C-odd fermion and the field of emission of the corresponding types of gauge bosons. This regularity expresses the unidenticality of truly neutral neutrino and antineutrino, confirming that an internal symmetry of a C-noninvariant particle is described by an axial-vector space. Thereby, a true flavour together with the earlier known lepton flavour predicts the existence of a flavour symmetrical mode of neutrino oscillations as a unity of flavour and gauge symmetry laws. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00037: Study of isolated photon production in association with bottom quarks at the Tevatron Ashish Kumar The study of prompt photons produced in association with heavy quarks provides a crucial test of perturbative QCD predictions as well as constraints on parton distribution functions. We present first measurements of the cross section of photon plus bottom quark pair production in proton-antiproton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=1.96$ TeV using 8.7 fb$^{-1}$ of Tevatron data collected by the D0 experiment. The measurements are compared with theoretical calculations and predictions from Monte Carlo generators. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00038: CEEX EW Corrections for $f\bar{f}\rightarrow f'\bar{f'}$ at LHC and Muon Colliders as Realized in KK MC 4.22 B.F.L. Ward, S. Jadach, Z. Was With an eye toward the precision physics of the LHC and possible high energy muon colliders, we present the extension of the CEEX (coherent exclusive exponentiation) realization of the YFS approach to resummation in our KK MC to include the processes $f\bar{f}\rightarrow f'\bar{f'}$, $f=\mu,\tau,q,\nu_\ell, f'=e,\mu,\tau,q,\nu_\ell, q=u,d,s,c,b,t, \ell=e,\mu,\tau$ with $f\ne f'$. After giving a brief summary of the CEEX theory in comparison to the older EEX (exclusive exponentiation) theory, we illustrate theoretical results relevant to the LHC and possible muon collider physics programs. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00040: ABSTRACT MOVED TO D1.030 |
L1.00042: Absolute $\overline{\nu}_e$ Detection Efficiency of the Daya Bay Experiment Bryce Littlejohn The Daya Bay reactor $\overline{\nu}_e$ experiment has provided the most sensitive measurement of the neutrino mixing parameter $\theta_{13}$ ever recorded, sin$^2 2\theta_{13}=0.090\pm0.009$, by measuring relative differences in neutrino interaction rates between near and far detectors. In addition to measuring relative differences between detectors, the Daya Bay experiment can also make high-statistics measurements of the absolute reactor $\overline{\nu}_e$ flux and spectrum with its near site detectors. An essential input to any absolute measurement of the reactor flux normalization is the absolute efficiency in detecting $\overline{\nu}_e$ inverse beta decay interactions in the detector targets. The absolute efficiency of the Daya Bay inverse beta decay analysis utilizing neutron capture on Gadolinium has been precisely re-calculated using tuned Monte Carlo simulations of the Daya Bay detectors, with cross-checks and systematic uncertainties provided by data-Monte Carlo comparisons of various relevant calibration and inverse beta decay datasets. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00043: High-Density, Scintillating, Fluoride Glass Calorimeters Ugur Akgun, Qiuchen Xie The unprecedented radiation levels in current Large Hadron Collider runs, and plans to even increase the luminosity creates a need for new detector technologies to be investigated. Here, we propose to use high density, scintillating, fluoride glasses as active media in calorimeters. CHG3 is a special example of this glass family, which has been developed specifically for hadron collider experiments, and is known for fast response time, in addition to high light yield. In this presentation, the results from a computational study on the performances of the two different designs of CHG3 glass calorimeters are reported. First design reads the signal directly from the edge of the glass plate; the second design utilizes wavelength-shifting fibers to carry the signal out of the glass plate. Each simulation model is a sampling calorimeter with 20 alternating layers of glass and iron absorber. By changing the absorber thickness we tested hadronic as well as electromagnetic capabilities of the calorimeter models. [Preview Abstract] |
(Author Not Attending)
L1.00045: Non-Invasive Beam Detection in a High-Average Power Electron Accelerator Joel Williams, Sandra Biedron, John Harris, Jorge Martinez, Stephen Milton, S. Benson, P. Evtushenko, G Neil, S. Zhang For a free-electron laser (FEL) to work effectively the electron beam quality must meet exceptional standards. In the case of an FEL operating at infrared wavelengths the critical phase space tends to be in the longitudinal direction. Achieving high enough longitudinal phase space density directly from the electron injector system in an FEL is difficult due to space charge effects, thus one needs to manipulate the longitudinal phase space once the beam energy reaches a sufficiently high value. However, this is fraught with problems. Longitudinal space charge and coherent synchrotron radiation can both disrupt the overall phase space, furthermore, the phase space disruption is exacerbated by the longitudinal phase space manipulation process required to achieve high peak current. To achieve and maintain good FEL performance, one needs to investigate the longitudinal emittance during operation, preferably in a non-invasive manner. Using electro-optical (EO) methods, we plan to measure the bunch longitudinal profile of an energy ($\sim$ 120-MeV), high-power ($\sim$ 10kW or more average FEL output power) beam. Such a diagnostic could be critical in efforts to diagnose and help mitigate deleterious beam effects for high output power FELs. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00046: THz based electron bunch length monitoring at the quasi-cw SRF accelerator ELBE Bertram Green, Sergey Kovalev, Alan Fisher, Christian Bauer, Michael Kuntzsch, Ulf Lehnert, Rico Schurig, Torsten Goltz, Peter Michel, Nikola Stojanovic, Michael Gensch In the past few years the quasi-cw SRF electron accelerator ELBE has been upgraded so that it now allows to compress electron bunches to the sub-picosecond regime. The actual optimization and control of the electron bunch form represents one of the largest challenges of the coming years. In particular with respect to the midterm goal to utilize the ultra-short electron bunches for Laser-Thomson scattering experiments or high field THz experiments. Current developments of THz based electron bunch diagnostic are discussed and an outlook into future developments is given. [Preview Abstract] |
(Author Not Attending)
L1.00047: Pulsed-Wire Method for Characterization of Undulator Magnet Alex D'Audney The performance of a Free Electron Laser (FELs) depends in part on the integrity of the magnetic field in the undulator. The magnetic field on the axis of the undulator is transverse and sinusoidally varying due to the periodic sequence of dipoles. The ideal trajectory of a relativistic electron bunch, inserted along the axis, is sinusoidal in the plane of oscillation. Phase errors are produced when the path of the electron is not the ideal sinusoidal trajectory, due to imperfections in the magnetic field. The result of such phase errors is a reduction of laser gain impacting overall FEL performance. A pulsed-wire method can be used to determine the profile of the magnetic field. This is achieved by sending a square current pulse through the wire, which will induce an interaction with the magnetic field. Measurement of the displacement in the wire over time using a motion detector yields the first or second integrals of the magnetic field. Dispersion in the wire can be corrected using algorithms resulting in higher accuracy. Once the fields are known, magnetic shims are placed where any corrections are needed. This pulsed-wire method will be used to characterize an undulator which has 50 periods of 25 mm each. The undulator has a K value of 1 and a betatron wavelength of 300 nm for an electron beam of 6 MeV. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00049: The mass composition of ultra-high energy cosmic rays measured by the Telescope Array experiment Toshihiro Fujii Measurements of the mass composition and its energy dependence are necessary to understand sources and propagations of cosmic rays and to exclude several theoretical models. A longitudinal development of an extensive air shower reaches its maximum at a depth, Xmax, that depends on the species of the primary cosmic ray. Using a technique based on Xmax, we report the mass composition of ultra-high energy cosmic rays from analyses of data observed by fluorescence detectors of the Telescope Array experiment. We summarize results analyzed by three different types of reconstruction procedures which are stereo, monocular and hybrid mode. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00050: Self-completeness and the generalized uncertainty principle Maximiliano Isi, Jonas Mureika, Piero Nicolini The generalized uncertainty principle discloses a self-complete characteristic of gravity, namely the possibility of masking any curvature singularity behind an event horizon as a result of matter compression at the Planck scale. In this paper we extend the above reasoning in order to overcome some current limitations to the framework, including the absence of a consistent metric describing such Planck-scale black holes. We implement a minimum-size black hole in terms of the extremal configuration of a neutral non-rotating metric, which we derived by mimicking the effects of the generalized uncertainty principle via a short scale modified version of Einstein gravity. In such a way, we find a self- consistent scenario that reconciles the self-complete character of gravity and the generalized uncertainty principle. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00051: Gravity slows light Ian O'Sullivan The speed of light is measured as a constant number of metres per second. However, a meter is a measure of how far light travels in a second. That is, light always travels as far as it does in a second every second. This is a circular definition. When measured against other things, light speed must change. Gravity is usually described as a consequence of a curve in spacetime. The word ``space'' has two distinct meanings. In geometry, space is a continuous area. In relativity, ``space'' refers exclusively to geometric spaces measured with light. ``Time'' in a relativistic sense also refers exclusively to the passage of time as measured against light. So a curve in spacetime (a relativistic concept) is a gradual deviation in the thing we use to measure geometric spaces and the passage of time, i.e. the speed of light. I show how Newtonian gravity can explain observable phenomena if the speed of light is inversely proportional to the strength of the gravitational field. For example, we would also expect light to refract as it changes speed passing near massive bodies. Boundary conditions are also discussed, for example, very high gravity will slow light to a stop, making it impossible to measure anything against light, giving a gravitational singularity. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00052: The JENSA Gas Jet Target K.A. Chipps With the construction of next-generation radioactive ion beam (RIB) facilities, the study of many rare and unstable isotopes previously unattainable will be made possible. In order to take full advantage of possible measurements with these new isotope beams, improvements in detectors and targets are necessary. The Jet Experiments in Nuclear Structure and Astrophysics (JENSA) gas jet target is a new and cutting-edge target system, designed to provide a target of light gas, such as hydrogen or helium, that is localized, dense, and pure. In order to accomplish this, the JENSA system involves nearly two dozen vacuum pumps, differential pumping stages, a custom-built industrial compressor, and vacuum chambers designed to incorporate large arrays of both charged-particle and gamma-ray detectors. The JENSA gas jet target was originally constructed and characterized at ORNL, and has now moved to the ReA3 hall at the NSCL. Tests at ORNL show the JENSA system is capable of producing the most dense helium jet target for RIB studies in the world. JENSA will form the main target for the proposed SEparator for CApture Reactions (SECAR), and together the two comprise the equipment necessary to facilitate the studies which form the focus of the U.S. experimental nuclear astrophysics community. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00053: Primary Beam Steering Due To Field Leakage From Superconducting SHMS Magnets Michael Moore, Silviu Covrig, Roger Carlini, Buddhini Waidyawansa, Jay Benesch The Super High Momentum Spectrometer (SHMS) was designed for the 12 GeV/c physics program in Hall C at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator (JLab). At JLab an electron beam impinges on a fixed target and scattered particles are analyzed with magnetic spectrometers. The SHMS angular acceptance is $5.5^{\circ} \leq \theta \leq 40^{\circ}$. When positioned at $\theta=5.5^{\circ}$ and full field strength the external fields from the magnets are large enough to steer the unscattered primary beam away from the beam dump window located 51.8 m from the target. The effects of these magnetic fields on the primary beam line downstream of the target are studied using Opera 3-D and TOSCA. A solution is presented that uses passive elements to shape these fields and assure that the primary beam is steered onto the beam dump window. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00054: The Majorana Demonstrator: Status and Prospects Johnny Goett The continuing search for neutrinoless double beta decay, a rare process that may inform the absolute mass scale of the neutrino, is challenged by a persistent continuum background at energies below 5 MeV. The goal of the Majorana Demonstrator is to show the feasibility of reducing these backgrounds below~1 count/tonne*year in the 4keV ROI around the Q-value at 2039 keV. The demonstrator will field an array of highly purified point contact germanium detectors to demonstrate the effectiveness of a suite of materials assay, construction and analysis techniques. We provide an overview of the experimental requirements, design and expected sensitivity. A brief summary of the~demonstrator~status will be given for further elaboration in following talks. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00055: Analysis of (3He,t) charge exchange reaction Pardeep Singh, R.G.T. Zegers, Pawel Danielewicz, Shumpei Noji We have studied the (3He,t) charge-exchange reaction at 140 MeV/u on 12C, 18O, 26Mg, 58,62,64Ni, 68Zn and 118-120Sn targets, within distorted wave impulse approximation. In contrast to most previous calculations, exchange contributions to the reaction are treated exactly. The present work focuses on Gamow-Teller and Fermi transitions, for which a proportionality between the differential cross section at zero momentum transfer and transitions strength is known to exist. The goal of the study is to investigate the quality of the new reaction calculations. If successful, it will allow for more detailed investigation of charge-exchange reactions data obtained with composite particles including for transitions with non-zero $\Delta $L. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00056: Signal verification with blackbody photons for the Fermilab Holometer Brittany Kamai The Holometer, an instrument that consists of two proximate power-recycled laser interferometers, is used to test for the presence of a new type of position noise. The predicted noise signal, from a quantum-geometrical theory, is that two interferometers can measure correlated position noise in the light output of the each interferometer. Verification of the ability to correctly detect small correlations in a noisy signal can be done using blackbody photons passing through a beamsplitter. The correlated intensity variations from a blackbody emitter will be used to test the Holometer photodiodes, electronics and front-end software. We will describe the verification equipment and procedure. Science runs for the Holometer will commence in early 2015. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00057: Investigation into the Nano-Structured Surface of the Daguerreotype Emily Thompson The purpose of this project was to advance conservation techniques used on the daguerreotype and gain a better understanding of its nanoparticle covered surface. We specifically looked at how light, heat, moisture, and biology affected the daguerreotype. In addition, we altered the steps of creating a daguerreotype (iodizing, exposing, developing, and gilding) to study the effects on the surface. We found that the gilding can create a double void and a porous region below the surface, and it is now believed to be the reason for exfoliation. We found that UV light affected all areas of the daguerreotype, while visible light only affected tarnished areas. Nanoparticles were synthesized using biological materials and used to create biology on a daguerreotype. In the future, we plan to continue investigating the gilding process and biology on daguerreotypes. This project was supported in part by NSF award PHY-1156339. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00058: Breaking Degeneracies between Quasar Halo Occupation Distribution Models : Extending Direct Measurements to Redshift 0.6 My Nguyen, Suchetana Chatterjee, Adam Myers, Zheng Zheng, Eduardo Rozo, Eli Rykoff Recent work on quasar clustering suggests a degeneracy in the halo occupation distribution (HOD) constrained from two-point correlation function. To break this degeneracy, we made a direct measurement of the mean occupation function (MOF) at redshift $z\sim0.2$ from cross-matching SDSS DR7 quasars with galaxy clusters drawn from the MaxBCG catalog. A limitation of our measurement is that $z\sim0.2$ appears to be too shallow for good statistics. To circumvent this limitation, we repeat our measurement using clusters drawn from the RedMapper catalog. The number of matched quasars increases significantly in this new analysis, as RedMapper clusters probe as high as $z\sim0.6$. Preliminary results show that the MOF increases monotonically with halo mass. The variance of the HOD closely resembles a Poisson distribution. The radial distribution of quasars within dark matter halos is described by a power law with a slope of $\sim -1$. The conditional luminosity function (CLF) and conditional black hole mass function (CMF) of quasars show no evidence of evolution with host halo mass, similar to inferences drawn from measurements of the two-point correlation function. [Preview Abstract] |
L1.00059: Application of conservation laws in electron-positron annihilation Bijaya Aryal Electron-positron annihilation and creation of gamma rays involve various conservation principles. The least possible number of gamma rays produced in an annihilation event for low energy case can be generally explained using energy and momentum conservation. For this purpose, we choose a convenient frame of reference in which the system has zero linear momentum just before the annihilation event occurs. A learning activity was designed to help introductory level physics students understand and apply some of these conservation principles in the context of electron-positron annihilation. This study presents the students' spontaneous application of prior learning resources while explaining the annihilation process and predicting the least possible number of gamma rays produced in an annihilation event. Qualitative and quantitative data were gathered from students' interviews and written responses from several semesters. Data analysis has revealed students' use of macroscopic analogies during these applications. Moreover, this study has shown that analogical mechanical models seemed to improve student performance. However, a majority of the students using such models provided incorrect reasoning in their explanations. [Preview Abstract] |
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