Becerra, F. Elohim University of New Mexico |
Session M01.00001
Measuring states of laser light beyond the quantum noise limit
Berger, Joshua Colorado State University |
Session J03.00001
Phenomenology of Dark Sectors at the Short-Baseline Neutrino Experiments
Berry, Joseph National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session I01.00002
Harnessing Hybrid Semi-conductors
Boizelle, Benjamin Brigham Young University |
Session K02.00001
Wrangling the Beast – Precision Supermassive Black Hole Mass Measurement With ALMA
Bozhko, Dmytro University of Colorado, Colorado Springs |
Session E04.00001
Perspectives of quantum computing with magnons
Colton, John Brigham Young University |
Session J06.00001
Neural Networks and Machine Learning in Condensed Matter Physics Research: Two Examples
Cosburn, Katherine University of New Mexico |
Session D01.00001
A Machine Learning Approach Using Gravity and Cosmic Ray Muon Data for Shallow Subsurface Density Prediction at the Showa-Shinzan Lava Dome, Usu, Japan
da Silva, Caitano New Mexico Tech |
Session E05.00001
Probing Lightning Effects at the Edge of Space
Della Corte, Dennis Brigham Young University |
Session K01.00001
Application, Assessment, and Development of Molecular Design Methods
Dey, Arjun NSF's National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory (NOIRLab) |
Session A01.00003
The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument: Exploring Dark Energy, Dark Matter and the Cosmos
Eley, Serena Colorado School of Mines |
Session K03.00001
Designing high-performance superconductors with nanoparticle inclusions: comparisons to strong pinning theory
Fine, Rob Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session E02.00001
Recent Work on Detector R&D and Neutrino Cross Sections at MicroBooNE
Gui, Guan JILA |
Session D01.00002
Second-harmonic generation and the conservation of spatiotemporal orbital angular momentum of light
Hamden, Erika University of Arizona |
Session B01.00001
New Frontiers in UV Space Astrophysics
Hassan, Mohammed University of Arizona |
Session J04.00001
Attosecond all-optical light field sampling.
Jimenez, Jose University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session A01.00002
The modes of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and other respiratory viruses: What we know now, and how to protect ourselves
Kazachenko, Maria University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session I01.00001
Living In the Golden Age of Solar Physics.
Keppel, Cynthia Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility |
Session G01.00001
Nuclear Science: from Fundamental Physics to Medical Technology
Krause, Elisabeth University of Arizona |
Session E01.00001
Recent cosmology results from the Dark Energy Survey
Litos, Michael University of Colorado Boulder |
Session J02.00001
Plasma Wakefield Accelerator Research at FACET-II
Marino, Alysia University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session A01.00001
Mukhopadhyay, Mainak Arizona State University |
Session D01.00003
Neutrinos and quantum fields in the Universe
Rott, Carsten University of Utah |
Session M01.00002
Search for new phenomena and cosmic accelerators with high energy neutrinos
Schaibley, John University of Arizona |
Session E03.00001
Controlling excitons in 2D semiconductor heterostructures.
Sievert, Matthew New Mexico State University |
Session K04.00001
Jet Drift in Flowing Nuclear Media
Singh, Arunima Arizona State University |
Session E03.00002
Computational Discovery, Synthesis, and Functionalization of 2D Materials
Sun, Shuo JILA and University of Colorado Boulder |
Session B04.00001
Single-Photon Level Nonlinear Optics with Nanophotonic Cavity QED
Teitelbaum, Samuel Arizona State University |
Session B02.00002
A bond-selective view of electron-phonon coupling
Vershinin, Michael University of Utah |
Session J05.00001
Single molecule biophysics perspective on SARS-CoV-2
Wilcox, Bethany University of Colorado Boulder |
Session M01.00003
Measuring student learning across the physics curriculum
Zink, Barry University of Denver |
Session B02.00001
Surprises in Heat Transport in Sub-100 nm thin films and nanostructures: From Breaking the "Law” to Putting a New Spin on Metals