Bulletin of the American Physical Society
3rd Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan
Volume 54, Number 10
Tuesday–Saturday, October 13–17, 2009; Waikoloa, Hawaii
Session Index
Session BA: Neutrinos and Fundamental Symmetries
Chair: Steve Elliott, Los Alamos National LaboratoryRoom: Kona 5
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 7:00PM - 7:45PM |
BA.00001: TBD Invited Speaker: Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 7:45PM - 8:30PM |
BA.00002: Weighing Neutrinos Invited Speaker: Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:30PM - 9:15PM |
BA.00003: Electric Dipole Moment Searches for T-Violation Invited Speaker: Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 9:15PM - 10:00PM |
BA.00004: UCN for Testing Fundamental Symmetries Invited Speaker: Preview Abstract |
Session BB: Mini-Symposium on Heavy Flavor and Hard Probes in the Quark Gluon Plasma I
Chair: Saskia Mioduszewski, Texas A&M UniversityRoom: Kona 4
Session BC: Instrumentation I
Chair: T. Kawabata, Kyoto UniversityRoom: Kohala 1
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 7:00PM - 7:15PM |
BC.00001: ZeroDegree spectrometer at RIKEN RI Beam Factory Toshiyuki Kubo, Tetsuya Ohnishi, Hiroyuki Takeda, Naoki Fukuda, Daisuke Kameda, Kensuke Kusaka, Atsushi Yoshida, Koichi Yoshida, Masao Ohtake, Naohito Inabe, Yoshiyuki Yanagisawa, Kanenobu Tanaka Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 7:15PM - 7:30PM |
BC.00002: Ion-optical studies of BigRIPS separator and ZeroDegree spectrometer at RIKEN RI Beam Factory Hiroyuki Takeda, Toshiyuki Kubo, Tetsuya Ohnishi, Naoki Fukuda, Daisuke Kameda, Kensuke Kusaka, Atsushi Yoshida, Koichi Yoshida, Masao Ohtake, Naohito Inabe, Yoshiyuki Yanagisawa, Kanenobu Tanaka, Masafumi Matsushita Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 7:30PM - 7:45PM |
BC.00003: Ion Optics Simulation for Fragment Separator Yosuke Kawada, Takashi Nakamura, Toshiyuki Kubo, Hiroyuki Takeda, Toshiyuki Sumikama Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 7:45PM - 8:00PM |
BC.00004: Construction of high resolution beam line for SHARAQ spectrometer at RIKEN RI Beam Factory Yoshiyuki Yanagisawa, Toshiyuki Kubo, Kensuke Kusaka, Masao Ohtake, Koichi Yoshida, Tetsuya Ohnishi, Yoshiko Sasamoto, Akito Saito, Tomohiro Uesaka, Susumu Shimoura, Takahiro Kawabata, Shumpei Noji, Hideyuki Sakai Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:00PM - 8:15PM |
BC.00005: Ion optical studies in the high resolution beam line and the SHARAQ spectrometer Yoshiko Sasamoto, Tomohiro Uesaka, Takahiro Kawabata, G.P.A. Berg, Kohsuke Nakanishi, Shumpei Noji, Hiroyuki Takeda, Susumu Shimoura, Hideyuki Sakai, Toshiyuki Kubo Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:15PM - 8:30PM |
BC.00006: Field mapping measurement of SHARAQ dipole magnets Tomohiro Uesaka, Kohsuke Nakanishi, Hiroshi Kurei, Shinsuke Ota, Shin'ichiro Michimasa, Akito Saito, Yoshiko Sasamoto, Hiroyuki Miya, Hiroshi Tokieda, Susumu Shimoura, Kenjiro Miki, Shumpei Noji, Hideyuki Sakai Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:30PM - 8:45PM |
BC.00007: The New DAQ System in RIKEN RIBF Hidetada Baba, Takashi Ichihara, Tetsuya Ohnishi, Satoshi Takeuchi, Koichi Yoshida, Yasushi Watanabe, Shinsuke Ota, Susumu Shimoura Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:45PM - 9:00PM |
BC.00008: Performance test of detection system for $\beta-\gamma$ spectroscopy at RIBF Kenta Yoshinaga, Toshiyuki Sumikama, Hiroshi Watanabe, Shunji Nishimura, Junsei Chiba, Yuki Miyasita Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 9:00PM - 9:15PM |
BC.00009: Mass of the lowest $T=2$ level in $^{32}$Cl C. Wrede, C.M. Deibel, J.A. Clark, S. Caldwell, A. Chaudhuri, J. Fallis, A. Garcia, S. Gulick, D. Lascar, G. Li, G. Savard, K.S. Sharma, M. Sternberg, T. Sun, J. Van Schelt Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 9:15PM - 9:30PM |
BC.00010: Performance of Focal-Plane Tracking Detector CRDC for SHARAQ Hiroshi Tokieda, Shinichiro Michimasa, Shinsuke Ota, Susumu Shimoura, Tomohiro Uesaka, Shumpei Noji, Hideyuki Sakai, Patricia Roussel-Chomaz, Jean-Francois Libin, Patrice Gangnant, Charles Spitaels Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 9:30PM - 9:45PM |
BC.00011: Performance evaluation of Low-Pressure Multi-Wire Drift chamber for RI beam Hiroyuki Miya, Susumu Shimoura, Akito Saito, Kenjiro Miki, Takahiro Kawabata, Masaki Sasano, Tomohiro Uesaka, Hideyuki Sakai Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 9:45PM - 10:00PM |
BC.00012: Development of ionization chamber for super-heavy elements Kazutaka Ozeki, Takayuki Sumita, Kouji Morimoto, Akira Yoneda, Kosuke Morita Preview Abstract |
Session BD: Hadronic Physics I
Chair: A. Hosaka, Osaka UniversityRoom: Kohala 4
Session BE: Mini-Symposium on Developments in Re-accelerated Rare Isotope Beam Physics I
Chair: Michiharu Wada, RIKEN Nishina CenterRoom: Kohala 2
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 7:00PM - 7:30PM |
BE.00001: Stopped and re-accelerated rare isotope beams at FRIB at MSU Invited Speaker: Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 7:30PM - 7:45PM |
BE.00002: Reacceleration of rare isotopes at the NSCL - The ReA3 project Stefan Schwarz, Georg Bollen, Chris Compton, Marc Doleans, Walter Hartung, Oliver Kester, Mikhail Kostin, Felix Marti, Peter Miller, Xiaoyu Wu, Richard York, Qiang Zhao Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 7:45PM - 8:00PM |
BE.00003: RIPS upgrade and physics programs Hideki Ueno, Akihiro Yoshimi, Koichiro Asahi Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:00PM - 8:15PM |
BE.00004: Precision laser and microwave spectroscopy of radioactive Be isotopes provided from a projectile fragment separator RIPS A. Takamine, M. Wada, T. Sonoda, T. Nakamura, Y. Yamazaki, Y. Kanai, T.M. Kojima, T. Kubo, K. Okada, P. Schury, H. Iimura, I. Katayama, S. Ohtani, H. Wollnik, H.A. Schuessler Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:15PM - 8:30PM |
BE.00005: OROCHI experiment - nuclear laser spectroscopy in superfluid helium for rare radioisotopes Takeshi Furukawa Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:30PM - 8:45PM |
BE.00006: Fluorescence detection system for nuclear laser spectroscopy of Rb in superfluid helium A. Sasaki, T. Wakui, T. Furukawa, M. Kazato, M. Wada, T. Sonoda, A. Takamine, T. Kobayashi, M. Nishimura, H. Ueno, A. Yoshimi, N. Aoi, S. Nishimura, Y. Togano, M. Takechi, Y. Kondo, A. Hatakeyama, Y. Matsuura, Y. Kato, A. Odahara, T. Shimoda, K. Asahi, T. Shinozuka, T. Motobayashi, Y. Matsuo Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:45PM - 9:00PM |
BE.00007: Beam Cooling and Laser Spectroscopy (BECOLA) Project at NSCL K. Minamisono, B.R. Barquest, G. Bollen, P.F. Mantica, D.J. Morrissey, R. Ringle, S. Schwarz Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 9:00PM - 9:15PM |
BE.00008: Electromagnetic Moments of $^{28}$P Kensaku Matsuta, M. Mihara, D. Nishimura, M. Fukuda, R. Matsumiya, T. Nagatomo, S. Momota, K. Ohi, T. Izumikawa, T. Ohtsubo, Y. Namiki, M. Nagashima, D.M. Zhou, Y.N. Zheng, D.Q. Yuan, Y. Zuo, P. Fan, S.Y. Zhu, A. Kitagawa, M. Kanazawa, M. Torikochi, S. Sato, T. Sumikama Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 9:15PM - 9:30PM |
BE.00009: In-Beam M\"{o}ssbauer Spectroscopy Using Heavy Ion Beams at HIMAC M. Mihara, K. Kubo, Y. Kobayashi, T. Nagatomo, Y. Yamada, W. Sato, J. Miyazaki, S. Sato, A. Kitagawa Preview Abstract |
Session BF: Mini-Symposium on Electromagnetic Form Factors - from the Nucleon to Nuclei I
Chair: Bogdan Wojtsekhowski, Jefferson LabRoom: Kohala 3
Session BG: Mini-Symposium on Nuclear Physics in Stars I
Chair: Tatsushi Shima, Osaka UniversityRoom: Kings 2
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 7:00PM - 7:30PM |
BG.00001: Constraints on Nuclear Astrophysics from Presolar Stardust in Meteorites Invited Speaker: Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 7:30PM - 7:45PM |
BG.00002: Study of the $^{14}$O~+~$\alpha$ reaction at low energy T. Hashimoto, S. Kubono, H. Yamaguchi, S. Hayakawa, N.B. Dam, D. Kahl, T. Kawabata, Y. Wakabayashi, N.H. Lee, A. Kim, M.H. Han, J.S. Yoo, K.I. Hahn, Y.K. Kwon, C.S. Lee, T. Teranishi, S. Kato, T. Komatsubara, B.X. Wang, B. Guo, G. Bing, Y.B. Wang, W.P. Liu Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 7:45PM - 8:00PM |
BG.00003: Triple-$\alpha$ Process in Hot Astrophysical Scenarios N.R. Patel, U. Greife, K.E. Rehm, C.M. Deibel, J. Greene, D. Henderson, C.L. Jiang, B.P. Kay, H.Y. Lee, R. Pardo, K. Teh, S.T. Marley, M. Notani, X.D. Tang Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:00PM - 8:15PM |
BG.00004: Present status of direct $^{4}$He($^{12}$C,$^{16}$O)$\gamma $ measurement near stellar energy at KUTL Kunihiro Fujita, Kenshi Sagara, Takashi Teranishi, Takashi Goto, Rie Iwabuchi, Sayaka Matsuda, Keiju Nakano, Nozomi Oba, Masahiko Taniguchi, Hiroyuki Yamaguchi Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:15PM - 8:30PM |
BG.00005: Thick target measurement of the 40Ca(a,g)44Ti reaction rate S.A. Sheets, J.T. Burke, D. Blueul, T.A. Brown, P.G. Grant, R.D. Hoffman, A.M. Hurst, J.L. Fisker, E.B. Norman, L.W. Phair, N.D. Scielzo, S. Tumey Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:30PM - 8:45PM |
BG.00006: Astrophysical measurements with radioactive $^{17}$F beams at HRIBF D.W. Bardayan, C.D. Nesaraja, S.D. Pain, M.S. Smith, K.A. Chipps, U. Greife, J.C. Blackmon, K.Y. Chae, B.H. Moazen, S.T. Pittman, R. Hatarik, W.A. Peters, R.L. Kozub, J.F. Shriner, Jr., C. Matei Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:45PM - 9:00PM |
BG.00007: Probing Nucleosynthesis in Novae: $^{22}$Na(p,$\gamma$)$^{23}$Mg A.L. Sallaska, D.W. Storm, T.A.D. Brown, A. Garcia, C. Ruiz, D.F. Ottewell, C. Wrede, K. Snover, K. Deryckx, D.A. Hutcheon, L. Buchmann, C. Vockenhuber, J.A. Caggiano Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 9:00PM - 9:15PM |
BG.00008: First direct measurement of $^{23}$Mg$(p,\gamma)^{24}$Al with DRAGON L. Erikson Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 9:15PM - 9:30PM |
BG.00009: Photoexcitation of Astrophysically Important States in $^{26}$Mg Richard Longland, Richard deBoer, Christian Iliadis, Gencho Rusev, Anton Tonchev, Michael Wiescher Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 9:30PM - 9:45PM |
BG.00010: Investigation of the $^{30}$S($p,\gamma$)$^{31}$Cl reaction via Coulomb dissociation Yasuhiro Togano Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 9:45PM - 10:00PM |
BG.00011: Beta-decay of proton-rich $^{31}$Cl and its relevance for explosive H-burning L. Trache, A. Banu, J.C. Hardy, V.E. Iacob, M. McCleskey, B. Roeder, E. Simmons, G. Tabacaru, R.E. Tribble, T. Davinson, G. Lotay, P.J. Woods, A. Saastamoinen, A. Jokinen, J. Aysto Preview Abstract |
Session BH: Nuclear Structure I
Chair: Hiroyoshi Sakurai, RIKEN, Nishina Center, JapanRoom: Kings 3
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 7:00PM - 7:15PM |
BH.00001: High spin structure of the neutron-rich nucleus $^{139}$Cs Joseph Hamilton, Shaohua Liu, Akunuri Ramayya, Y.X. Luo, J.K. Hwang, A. Covello, A. Gargano, N. Itaco, J.O. Rasmussen, A.V. Daniel, G.M. Ter-Akopian, S.J. Zhu, W.C. Ma Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 7:15PM - 7:30PM |
BH.00002: Application of the E-Gamma Over Spin (E-GOS) Method to Rare Earth Region Nuclei D.A. Meyer, K.R. Dudziak Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 7:30PM - 7:45PM |
BH.00003: Gamma spectroscopy of $^{150}$Sm L. Bianco, P. Garrett, J. Sharpey, S.P. Bvumbi, S. Majola, P. Jones, A. Minkova, L. Riedinger, J. Timar, D. Curien Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 7:45PM - 8:00PM |
BH.00004: Shape coexistence with strong mixing in $^{152}$Sm W.D. Kulp, J.L. Wood, P.E. Garrett Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:00PM - 8:15PM |
BH.00005: Transition Strength Ratios in the Tetrahedral Candidate $^{156}$Dy D.J. Hartley, L.L. Riedinger, D. Curien, J. Dudek, B. Gall, J.M. Allmond, C.W. Beausang, M.P. Carpenter, C.J. Chiara, R.V.F. Janssens, F.G. Kondev, T. Lauritsen, E.A. McCutchan, I. Stefanescu, S. Zhu, P.E. Garrett, W.D. Kulp, J.L. Wood, K. Mazurek, M.A. Riley, X. Wang, N. Schunck, C.-H. Yu, J. Sharpey-Schafer, J. Simpson Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:15PM - 8:30PM |
BH.00006: Multitude of bands in $^{156}$Dy L.L. Riedinger, D.J. Hartley, D. Curien, J. Dudek, B. Gall, M. Allmond, C. Beausang, M.P. Carpenter, C.J. Chiara, R.V.F. Janssens, F.G. Kondev, T. Lauritsen, E.A. McCutchan, I. Stefanescu, S. Zhu, P.E. Garrett, W.D. Kulp, J.L. Wood, M.A. Riley, X.F. Wang, N. Schunck, C.H. Yu, J. Sharpey-Schafer, S. Majola, J. Simpson Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:30PM - 8:45PM |
BH.00007: E0 transitions in the deformed nucleus $^{158}$Dy E. Williams, T. Kibedi, V. Werner, G. Dracoulis, T. Ahn, R.J. Casperson, A. Devlin, A. Heinz, G. Ilie, A. Jia Xin Teh, G.J. Lane, D. McCarthy, J. Qian, A. Schmidt, A.E. Stuchbery, J.R. Terry Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:45PM - 9:00PM |
BH.00008: Lifetime measurements of the yrast band states of \textsuperscript{184}Pt and \textsuperscript{186}Pt David McCarthy, Volker Werner, J. Russell Terry, Zvi Berant, Robert Casperson, Andreas Heinz, Greg Henning, Jing Qian, Elizabeth Williams, Ryan Winkler Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 9:00PM - 9:15PM |
BH.00009: Investigation of excited states in Pt isotopes: $^{188}$Pt, $^{192}$Pt, $^{194}$Pt G. Ilie, T. Ahn, D. Bucurescu, R.J. Casperson, R.F. Casten, R. Chevrier, D. McCarthy, A. Heinz, S. Heinze, R. Hertenberger, D.A. Meyer, D. Mucher, P. Pejovic, C. Scholl, J.R. Terry, V. Werner, R. Winkler, H.-F. Wirth Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 9:15PM - 9:30PM |
BH.00010: Nuclear photon scattering experiments by quasi-monochromatic, linearly polarized light sources T. Shizuma, T. Hayakawa, H. Ohgaki, H. Toyokawa, T. Komatsubara, N. Kikuzawa, A. Tamii, H. Nakada Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 9:30PM - 9:45PM |
BH.00011: Compton Scattering on $^{209}Bi$ at HI$\gamma$S From $E_{\gamma}=11-30$ MeV S.S. Henshaw, M.W. Ahmed, N. Brown, B.A. Perdue, S. Stave, H.R. Weller, P.P. Martel, A. Teymurazyan, R. Miskimen, R.M. Prior, M.C. Spraker, R. Pywell, G. Feldman, A.M. Nathan, S. Whisnant Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 9:45PM - 10:00PM |
BH.00012: Spectroscopy of the N=126 Nucleus $^{215}$Ac Andreas Heinz, R. Winkler, J. Qian, J.R. Terry, Z. Berant, M. Bunce, R.J. Casperson, R.F. Casten, G. Henning, A. Schmidt, V. Werner, E. Williams Preview Abstract |
Session BJ: Mini-Symposium on Progress in Strangeness Physics I
Chair: Osamu Hashimoto, Tohoku UniversityRoom: Queens 4
Session BK: Applications of Nuclear Physics I
Chair: Micah Johnson, Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryRoom: Queens 5
Session BL: Nuclear Reactions: Heavy-Ions/Rare Isotope Beams I
Chair: Tetsuo Noro, Kyushu UniversityRoom: Queens 6
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 7:00PM - 7:15PM |
BL.00001: Measurement of shell energies for $^{40,48}$Ca by using ($\vec{p},2p$) reaction Yoshihide Matsuda, Tetsuo Noro, Tomotsugu Wakasa, Yukiko Yamada, Masanori Dozono, Midori Okamoto, Takuro Shishido, Kichiji Hatanaka, Hiroyuki Okamura, Harutaka Sakaguchi, Atsushi Tamii, Yusuke Yasuda Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 7:15PM - 7:30PM |
BL.00002: Study of spin dipole strength in $^{12}{\rm N}$ via complete polarization transfer measurements Masanori Dozono, Tomotsugu Wakasa, Tetsuo Noro, Kenshi Sagara, Yukiko Yamada, Sho Kuroita, Takumi Imamura, Hiroki Shimoda, Takehiro Sueta, Yoshihide Matsuda, Yuichiro Eguchi, Keisuke Yashima, Kichiji Hatanaka, Hiroyuki Okamura, Atsushi Tamii, Hiroaki Matsubara, Daiki Ishikawa, Yasuhiro Sakemi, Tetsuya Nagano, Toshiya Takahashi Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 7:30PM - 7:45PM |
BL.00003: Spectroscopic Factors from the Single Neutron Pickup Reaction $^{64}$Zn($\vec{\mathrm{d}}$,t) Kyle Leach Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 7:45PM - 8:00PM |
BL.00004: Determining (n,$\gamma )$ cross sections using surrogate reactions Nicholas Scielzo, Jutta Escher Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:00PM - 8:15PM |
BL.00005: Inelastic and Transfer Couplings in Nucleon Induced Reactions Gustavo Nobre, Ian Thompson, Jutta Escher, Frank Dietrich, Marc Dupuis Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:15PM - 8:30PM |
BL.00006: Unique double folding optical parameters for 240 MeV$^{ 6}$Li beam Krishichayan, X. Chen, Y.-W. Lui, Y. Tokimoto, J. Button, D.H. Youngblood Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:30PM - 8:45PM |
BL.00007: Measurement of the$^{ 235}$U(n,n')$^{235m}$U Integral Cross Section in a Pulsed Reactor D.J. Vieira, E.M. Bond, G. Belier, V. Meot, J.A. Becker, R.A. Macri, N. Authier, D. Hyneck, X. Jacquet, Y. Jansen, J. Legrendre Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:45PM - 9:00PM |
BL.00008: Directional Correlation of Nuclear-Collision Probability for Aligned Beams of Deformed Nucleus M. Fukuda, D. Nishimura, M. Takechi, M. Mihara, K. Matsuta, R. Matsumiya, T. Kuboki, K. Namihira, I. Hachiuma, T. Yamaguchi, T. Suzuki, Y. Okuma, M. Nagashima, T. Ohtsubo, Y. Shimbara, T. Izumikawa, K. Tanaka, T. Suda, S. Momota, W. Xu, G.W. Fan, S. Fukuda, S. Sato, M. Kanazawa, A. Kitagawa Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 9:00PM - 9:15PM |
BL.00009: Shift and width of momentum distribution of projectile-like fragments produced at 290MeV/u Sadao Momota, Mitsutaka Kanazawa, Atsushi Kitagawa, Shinji Sato Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 9:15PM - 9:30PM |
BL.00010: Measurements in the Quasi-Continuum Mathis Wiedeking Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 9:30PM - 9:45PM |
BL.00011: A Quadrupole Momentum Thermometer for Heavy-Ion Reactions Larry May, Aldo Bonasera, Sara Wuenschel, Sherry Yennello Preview Abstract | |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 9:45PM - 10:00PM |
BL.00012: Classical studies of nuclear isoscaling Jorge Lopez, Alan Davila, Claudio Dorso, Christian Escudero, Jorge Mu\~noz Preview Abstract |
Session BM: Nuclear Theory I
Chair: Ionel Stetcu, University of WashingtonRoom: Kings 1
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