Bulletin of the American Physical Society
39th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Volume 53, Number 7
Tuesday–Saturday, May 27–31, 2008; State College, Pennsylvania
Invited Speakers
Awschalom, David Center for Spintronics and Quantum Computation, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 |
Session P2.00001 Manipulating single electron spins and coherence in quantum dots Room: Kern Building 112 |
Bize, Sebastien LNE-SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris |
Session J2.00004 Search for Temporal Variations in Fundamental Constants Using Hyperfine Transitions in Primary Atomic Clocks Room: Kern Building 112 |
Bloch, Immanuel Institut fur Physik |
Session B1.00002 Towards Quantum Magnetism with Ultracold Quantum Gases in Optical Lattices Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Blume, Doerte Washington State University |
Session J1.00003 Small Mass- and Trap-Imbalanced Two-Component Fermi Gases Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Bottinelli, Sandrine Leiden Observatory, Leiden University |
Session Q2.00004 Hot corinos: pre-biotic molecules in solar-type protostars Room: Kern Building 112 |
Bowden, Mark Open University |
Session B3.00001 Stark Spectroscopy: Measuring Electric Fields in Plasmas Room: Keller Building 104 |
Brennecke, Ferdinand Institute for Quantum Electronics, ETH |
Session V1.00004 Cavity QED with a Bose-Einstein condensate Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Browaeys, Antoine CNRS - Institut d'Optique |
Session P1.00002 Single atoms in optical tweezers for quantum computing Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Calarco, Tommaso University of Ulm |
Session O1.00002 Optimal Control Theory and Quantum Information Systems Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Campbell, Gretchen JILA, NIST and the University of Colorado |
Session B2.00003 Solid State Analogs in Bose-Condensed Gases Room: Kern Building 112 |
Cappellaro, Paola ITAMP, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA |
Session P2.00003 High-sensitivity diamond magnetometer with nanoscale resolution Room: Kern Building 112 |
Cassidy, David University of California, Riverside |
Session I2.00001 Observation of Molecular Positronium, A Many-Positron Many-Electron System. Room: Kern Building 112 |
Chapman, Michael Georgia Tech |
Session K1.00003 Spin Dynamics of Spin-1 Bose Gas. Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Childress, Lilian Bates College \& Harvard University |
Session B2.00001 Coherent manipulation of single electronic and nuclear spins in diamond Room: Kern Building 112 |
Chu, Steven Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session H1.00001 The World's Energy Problem and What We Can Do About It Room: Eisenhower Auditorium |
Clad\'e, Pierre National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session O3.00001 The 2D Bose gas: observation of the BKT transition and the intermediate regime between thermal and superfluid. Room: Keller Building 104 |
Dasgupta, Arati NRL |
Session B3.00002 Electron-Impact Excitation of Complex Atoms: Impact on Gaseous Electronics Applications Room: Keller Building 104 |
DeMille, David Yale University |
Session O1.00001 Toward Quantum Computing with Polar Molecules Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
de Riedmatten, Hugues University of Geneva |
Session O2.00002 Quantum Storage in Solid State Atomic Ensembles Room: Kern Building 112 |
Deutsch, Ivan University of New Mexico |
Session P1.00003 Quantum Information Processing with Alkaline-Earth-Like Atoms Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Doyle, John Harvard University |
Session O1.00004 Cold Polar Molecules and Applications Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Duan, Luming University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) |
Session P1.00004 Controlling interaction of ultracold atoms in an optical superlattice Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Dunn, Aaron Rice University |
Session K3.00003 A Novel Short Extended Cavity Diode Laser for Red Wavelengths Room: Keller Building 104 |
Dutt, Gurudev University of Pittsburgh |
Session P2.00002 Coupled Electronic and Nuclear Spin Quantum Registers in Diamond Room: Kern Building 112 |
Engels, Peter Washington State University |
Session C2.00001 Soliton formation during the cooling, merging and splitting of BECs Room: Kern Building 112 |
Ertmer, Wolfgang Institute for Quantum Optics, Leibniz Universit\"at Hannover |
Session I1.00001 Damped Bloch Oscillations of Bose-Einstein Condensates in Disordered Potential Gradients Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Fan, Shanhui Stanford University |
Session U2.00005 Strongly correlated photons in one-dimensional waveguides Room: Kern Building 112 |
Feist, Johannes Institute for Theoretical Physics, Vienna University of Technology, Austria |
Session Q1.00003 Correlation in double ionization of He by ultrashort pulses Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Fischer, Daniel Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics |
Session C3.00001 Experiments with Reaction Microscopes in ion storage rings - first results and prospects Room: Keller Building 104 |
Flambaum, Victor University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia |
Session J2.00001 Variation of fundamental constants: theory Room: Kern Building 112 |
Foster, Matthew Los Alamos National Laboratory, Theoretical Division |
Session C3.00004 Correlated Electronic Dynamics in Ion-Atom Collisions Room: Keller Building 104 |
Gallagher, Thomas University of Virginia |
Session J3.00005 Coherent Population Transfer in Rydberg Atoms by Multiphoton Adiabatic Rapid Passage Room: Keller Building 104 |
Geppert, Wolf Stockholm University |
Session Q2.00002 Formation of Biomolecule Precursors in the Interstellar Medium and Planetary Atmospheres Room: Kern Building 112 |
Gonzalez-Ferez, Rosario Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain |
Session U1.00001 Rovibrational Dynamics and Photoassociation of Cold Heteronuclear Dimers in Electric Fields Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Greene, Chris H. JILA and Department of Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309-0440 |
Session I1.00002 Few-body physics of trapped unequal mass fermions Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Gribakin, Gleb Queen's University Belfast |
Session I2.00002 Vibrational Feshbach Resonance Mechanism for Positron Annihilation on Molecules Room: Kern Building 112 |
Griesmaier, Axel University of Stuttgart |
Session K2.00005 Expansion and Dipolar Collapse of a Quantum Ferrofluid Room: Kern Building 112 |
Grimm, Rudolf IQOQI, Innsbruck |
Session J1.00002 Exploring an ultracold Fermi-Fermi mixture of $^{6}$Li and $^{40}$K atoms Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Hess, P.W. Williams College |
Session K3.00001 Precise measurement of the hyperfine splittings within the 6p$_{3/2}$ level of atomic indium using two-color diode laser spectroscopy Room: Keller Building 104 |
Hessels, E. A. York University |
Session I2.00004 Antihydrogen Production within a Penning-Ioffe Trap (ATRAP) Room: Kern Building 112 |
Holland, Murray JILA |
Session C2.00005 Vortices in Rotating Optical Lattices Room: Kern Building 112 |
Horner, Daniel Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session Q1.00004 Few-Photon Ionization Using Complex Exterior Scaling Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Jessen, Poul University of Arizona |
Session Q3.00001 Optimal Control of Large Spin Systems Room: Keller Building 104 |
Ketterle, Wolfgang MIT |
Session I1.00003 Pairing and superfluidity in a gas of strongly interacting fermions Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Kimble, H.J. California Institute of Technology |
Session U2.00001 Strong Interactions of Photon Pairs in Cavity QED Room: Kern Building 112 |
Kleppner, Daniel Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session C1.00001 Physical Review Letters, DAMOP, and the Law of Unintended Consequences Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Koehl, Michael University of Cambridge |
Session B1.00003 Fermions and bosons in optical lattices Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Kostelecky, Alan Indiana University |
Session I3.00001 Theory and Status of Lorentz Violation Room: Keller Building 104 |
Krauter, Hanna Quantop, Niels Bohr Institute |
Session O2.00001 Quantum state transfer from light to an atomic ensemble at room temperature Room: Kern Building 112 |
Krems, Roman University of British Columbia |
Session U1.00004 Cold Controlled Chemistry Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Kulander, Kenneth Lawrence Livermore |
Session A1.00003 Will Allis Prize Talk: Ionization Dynamics of Atoms in Intense, Ultra-short Laser Pulses Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom A-E |
Kunhardt, E.E. Polytechnic University New York |
Session B3.00003 A Puzzle in the Earth's Mesosphere: Runaway Electrons Room: Keller Building 104 |
Lee, Teck-Ghee Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session C3.00003 Contemporary Methods and New Phenomena in Atomic Collisions Room: Keller Building 104 |
Lett, Paul Joint Quantum Institute |
Session I1.00004 Population dynamics in a sodium spinor condensate Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Li, Wenhui Rice University |
Session J1.00004 Measurements of the Paired Fraction in the BEC-BCS Crossover Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Lvovsky, Alexander University of Calgary |
Session O2.00003 Storage of squeezed light as a step towards universal quantum memory Room: Kern Building 112 |
Madsen, Niels Swansea University, UK |
Session I2.00003 Formation and Steps Toward Trapping of Antihydrogen - Results from ALPHA Room: Kern Building 112 |
Mavalvala, Nergis Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session V1.00001 Cooling of gram scale objects Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
McCall, Benjamin University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session Q2.00003 The Enigmatic Diffuse Interstellar Bands: A Reservoir of Organic Material Room: Kern Building 112 |
Mitroy, Jim Charles Darwin University |
Session P3.00001 Calculation of the dispersion interaction between two atoms Room: Keller Building 104 |
Moehring, David University of Michigan |
Session B2.00004 Remote Entanglement and Quantum Networks with Trapped Atomic Ions Room: Kern Building 112 |
Narevicius, Edvardas University of Texas at Austin |
Session V1.00003 Stopping supersonic beams with atomic and molecular coilguns Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Nelson, Karl D. Penn State University |
Session V1.00002 An Approach to Quantum Computing with Neutral Atoms in a 3D Optical Lattice Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Osipov, Timur Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session U3.00005 Fragmentation of Small Molecules by Photo-Double Ionization Room: Keller Building 104 |
Ospelkaus, Silke JILA, University of Colorado |
Session K2.00001 Ultracold dense gas of heteronuclear deeply bound molecules Room: Kern Building 112 |
Papp, Scott JILA and University of Colorado |
Session U1.00003 Creation of heteronuclear Feshbach molecules with $^{85}$Rb and $^{87}$Rb Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Paredes, Bel\'{e}n Institute for Physics, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Staudingerweg 7, D-55099 Mainz, Germany |
Session O3.00005 Minimum Instances of Topological Matter in an Optical Plaquette Room: Keller Building 104 |
Peik, Ekkehard PTB |
Session J2.00003 Search for Temporal Variations in Alpha Using a Yb$^+$ Optical Frequency Standard Room: Kern Building 112 |
Peters, Achim Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin, Institut fuer Physik, Hausvogteiplatz 5-7, 10178 Berlin |
Session I3.00005 Modern Optical Tests of Special Relativity Room: Keller Building 104 |
Petta, Jason Princeton University |
Session P2.00004 Controlling electron and nuclear spins in double quantum dots Room: Kern Building 112 |
Phillips, William D. Joint Quantum Institute |
Session B1.00001 Spinning Atoms with the Orbital Angular Momentum of Light Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Porto, Trey NIST |
Session P1.00001 Controlled Interaction Between Pairs of Atoms in a Double-Well Optical Lattice Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Rabl, Peter Harvard-Smithsonian CFA |
Session B2.00002 Towards Hybrid Quantum Information Processing with Polar Molecules Room: Kern Building 112 |
Rau, J. University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario |
Session K3.00005 Theoretical study of half-cycle pulse assisted ionization and recombination in Rydberg atoms Room: Keller Building 104 |
Rey, Ana Maria ITAMP-Harvard |
Session B1.00004 Probing and controlling quantum magnetism with ultra-cold atoms Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Rosenband, Till National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session J2.00002 Search for Temporal Variation of Fundamental Constants With Hg+ and Al+ Optical Clocks Room: Kern Building 112 |
Sa de Melo, Carlos A.R. Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session J1.00001 Mixtures of Ultracold Fermions with Unequal Masses Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Safronova, Marianna University of Delaware |
Session P3.00005 Polarizabilities, Atomic Clocks, and Magic Wavelengths Room: Keller Building 104 |
Salacka, Joanna University of Washington |
Session K3.00002 Stabilized 1762 nm Laser for Barium Ion Qubit Readout via Adiabatic Passage Room: Keller Building 104 |
Sandhu, Arvinder University of Arizona |
Session Q1.00002 Using high-harmonics for probing real-time dynamics of highly excited molecules Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Schafer, Kenneth Louisiana State University |
Session U3.00001 Imaging and Controlling Ultrafast Ionization Processes Room: Keller Building 104 |
Scharf, Caleb Columbia University |
Session Q2.00001 Protons to Planets: Mapping the Routes to Life Room: Kern Building 112 |
Schmelcher, Peter University of Heidelberg |
Session J3.00001 One-dimensional Rydberg gas in a Magneto-Electric Trap Room: Keller Building 104 |
Schmidt-Bocking, Horst Universitat Frankfurt |
Session A1.00002 Davisson-Germer Prize in Atomic or Surface Physics: The COLTRIMS multi-particle imaging technique-new Insight into the World of Correlation Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom A-E |
Schultz, Justin T. University of Melbourne |
Session K3.00004 Beam Production and Stabilization via Frequency Up-conversion in Rubidium Vapor Room: Keller Building 104 |
Sellars, Matthew University of Otago |
Session O2.00004 Quantum Memory in Solids Room: Kern Building 112 |
Sengstock, Klaus Institut f\"ur Laser-Physik , Universit\"at Hamburg |
Session K1.00004 Spin dynamics of spin-1 and spin-2 Bose gases Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Stamper-Kurn, Dan University of California, Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session K1.00001 Phases and phase transitions in a dipolar ferromagnetic spinor gas Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Stoehlker, Thomas GSI-Darmstadt, Univ. Heidelberg |
Session C3.00002 Polarization and Angular Correlation of X-Rays Emitted in Relativistic Ion-Atom Collisions Room: Keller Building 104 |
Ueda, Masahito Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Session K1.00002 What we know and have yet to learn about spinor Bose-Einstein condensates Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Ullrich, Joachim Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Kernphysik, D-69117 Heidelberg |
Session Q1.00001 Attosecond Precision Pump-Probe Experiments: Visualizing Molecular and Electronic Dynamics Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
van Heijnsbergen, Deniz American Physical Society |
Session C1.00002 50 Years of PRL: Physical Review Letters or Prestige and Recognition in Letter-Format Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Walmsley, Ian University of Oxford |
Session Q3.00005 Fast pulses and slow atoms: making microKelvin molecules using femtosecond lasers Room: Keller Building 104 |
Yelin, Susanne University of Connecticut |
Session O1.00003 Quantum information processing and non-linear optics using polar molecules Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
Young, J.A. University of Nevada, Las Vegas |
Session B3.00004 Bound States and Feshbach Resonances in Positron-Molecule Annihilation Room: Keller Building 104 |
Zaccanti, Matteo LENS |
Session U1.00002 Heteronuclear K-Rb mixtures with tunable interactions Room: Nittany Lion Inn Ballroom CDE |
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