Bulletin of the American Physical Society
38th Annual Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Volume 52, Number 7
Tuesday–Saturday, June 5–9, 2007; Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Session Index
Session P1: 2-Dimensional Physics
Chair: V. Schweikhard, University of ColoradoRoom: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D
Friday, June 8, 2007 10:30AM - 11:06AM |
P1.00001: Bose gas in Flatland Invited Speaker: Preview Abstract | |
Friday, June 8, 2007 11:06AM - 11:42AM |
P1.00002: Interference and dephasing dynamics in low dimensional condensates. Invited Speaker: Preview Abstract | |
Friday, June 8, 2007 11:42AM - 12:18PM |
P1.00003: Composite-fermionization of rapidly rotating bosons in two dimensions Invited Speaker: Preview Abstract | |
Friday, June 8, 2007 12:18PM - 12:54PM |
P1.00004: Bose-condensed states in 2D trapped gases Invited Speaker: Preview Abstract |
Session P2: Rydberg Physics
Chair: B. Dunning, Rice UniversityRoom: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod C
Friday, June 8, 2007 10:30AM - 11:06AM |
P2.00001: The Atomic Chameleons: Rydberg Wavepackets Invited Speaker: Preview Abstract | |
Friday, June 8, 2007 11:06AM - 11:42AM |
P2.00002: Rydberg excitation of cold atoms: dipole blockade and ionization. Invited Speaker: Preview Abstract | |
Friday, June 8, 2007 11:42AM - 12:18PM |
P2.00003: Rydberg atoms in Antihydrogen Experiments Invited Speaker: Preview Abstract | |
Friday, June 8, 2007 12:18PM - 12:54PM |
P2.00004: Forming, trapping, and cooling neutral antimatter: strongly magnetized highly excited antihydrogen atoms Invited Speaker: Preview Abstract |
Session P3: The State of the Art in Quantum Cryptography
Chair: W. Tittel, University of CalgaryRoom: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod B
Friday, June 8, 2007 10:30AM - 11:06AM |
P3.00001: Entanglement-Based Free Space Quantum Key Distribution Invited Speaker: Preview Abstract | |
Friday, June 8, 2007 11:06AM - 11:42AM |
P3.00002: Free-space quantum key distribution at GHz transmission rates Invited Speaker: Preview Abstract | |
Friday, June 8, 2007 11:42AM - 12:18PM |
P3.00003: Stable operation of a Secure QKD system in the real-world setting Invited Speaker: Preview Abstract | |
Friday, June 8, 2007 12:18PM - 12:54PM |
P3.00004: Free-Space Quantum Key Distribution using Polarization Entangled Photons Invited Speaker: Preview Abstract |
Session P4: Cold Collisions of Atoms and Heteronuclear Molecules
Chair: R. Stock, University of CalgaryRoom: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod A1-A2
Session P5: Interactions of Ultrashort Intense Light with Atoms, Molecules, and Plasmas
Chair: K. Schafer, Louisiana State UniversityRoom: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod A3-A4
Session P6: Photon Interactions with Atoms and Molecules
Chair: A. Aguilar, Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryRoom: TELUS Convention Centre Olde Scotch Room
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