Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2009 APS April Meeting
Volume 54, Number 4
Saturday–Tuesday, May 2–5, 2009; Denver, Colorado
Invited Speakers
Adelberger, Eric University of Washington |
Session J6.00003 Tests of Lorentz Invariance using Spinning Fermions and Laser Ranging to the Moon Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Ahmed, Mohammad Duke University and TUNL |
Session D3.00003 Few-body Studies at TUNL/HIGS Room: Plaza E |
Ahrenkiel, Richard Colorado School of Mines |
Session D7.00002 Teaching Photovoltaics: From Grammar School to Graduate School Room: Governor's Square 12 |
Amme, Robert C. Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Denver |
Session C7.00002 Use of Second Life for interactive instruction and distance learning in nuclear physics and technology Room: Governor's Square 12 |
Armstrong, David S. College of William \& Mary |
Session H3.00001 Testing fundamental symmetries with parity-violating electron scattering Room: Plaza E |
Arnett, David Steward Observatory, University of Arizona |
Session L5.00001 Hans A. Bethe Prize Talk: The Physics of Stars Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Banks, Thomas I. University of California, Berkeley |
Session R3.00002 Dissertation Award in Nuclear PhysicsTalk: An Introduction to the MuCap Experiment Room: Plaza E |
Becchi, C.M. Universit\`a di Genova, Dipartimento di Fisica and I.N.F.N. Sezione di Genova. |
Session J5.00001 Dannie Heineman Prize Talk: The BRST Symmetry at the Simplest Quantum Mechanical Level Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Bennum, David University of Nevada, Reno |
Session G6.00003 Taking Physics and Now the Stars on the Road With the Magic Physics Bus Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Bienenstock, Arthur Stanford University |
Session M1.00002 APS Past-President's Address: People and the Future of Physics Room: Governor's Square 12 |
Biro, Lucian National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control, Romania |
Session H7.00003 Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel of Nuclear Research Reactor VVR-S at the National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, Romania Room: Governor's Square 12 |
Blandford, Roger SLAC/Stanford University |
Session U50.00001 Astronomy \& Astrophysics Decadal Survey Room: Plaza F |
Bloom, Kenneth University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Session G2.00003 Stating the Case for Top at the LHC Room: Plaza D |
Blume, D. Washington State University |
Session D3.00001 Few-body aspects of dilute Fermi gases Room: Plaza E |
Boivin, R.L. General Atomics |
Session J15.00003 Scientific and Technological Challenges of Diagnosing Burning Plasmas Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Bortoletto, Daniela Purdue University |
Session D9.00001 Status and prospects for Higgs searches at the Tevatron Room: Governor's Square 11 |
Bortoletto, Daniela Purdue University |
Session H6.00001 Silicon detectors and their impact on hadron collider physics Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Branscomb, Lewis Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University |
Session G7.00003 Science as a Model for Rational, Legitimate Government Room: Governor's Square 12 |
Brash, Edward Christopher Newport University and Jefferson Laboratory |
Session L4.00002 The Elastic Electromagnetic Form Factors of the Proton Room: Plaza F |
Brau, James University of Oregon, Eugene |
Session L2.00003 Exploring the Energy Frontier; Looking Beyond LHC Discoveries Room: Plaza D |
Bregman, Joel University of Michigan |
Session W4.00002 Science Drivers for the International X-ray Observatory Room: Plaza F |
Bross, Alan Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session L6.00002 Accelerator Physics and Technologies for Muon Colliders Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Burkardt, Matthias New Mexico State University |
Session Q3.00001 Spin Orbit Correlations and the Transverse Force on Quarks Room: Plaza E |
Cadonati, Laura University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
Session R5.00001 Gamma Ray Burst Observations with LIGO Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Callan, Curt Princeton University |
Session H4.00002 Nobel 2008: Yoichiro Nambu and the origins of the Standard Model Room: Plaza F |
Cassel, David G. Cornell University |
Session J2.00001 30 Years of the Cornell Electron Storage Ring Room: Plaza D |
Centrella, Joan NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Session A1.00003 Merging Black Holes Room: Plaza Ballroom ABC |
Chandran, Benjamin University of New Hampshire |
Session C4.00002 Heat transport and instabilities in galaxy-cluster plasmas Room: Plaza F |
Chen, Mark Queen's University |
Session Q2.00001 Recent Solar Neutrino Results and Future Prospects Room: Plaza D |
Chiang, James |
Session T4.00002 Fermi/LAT Observations of the Extragalactic Gamma-ray Sky Room: Plaza F |
Chiaverina, Christopher New Trier High School (retired) |
Session W7.00002 Communicating Science with the Arts Room: Plaza Ballroom ABC |
Clayton, Steven University of Illinois |
Session R3.00003 Dissertation Award in Nuclear Physics Talk: Data Analysis and Present Status of the MuCap Experiment Room: Plaza E |
Coale, Kenneth Moss Landing Marine Laboratory |
Session Q7.00003 Recent Results from Iron Enrichment Experiments: Implications for Geoengineering Room: Governor's Square 12 |
Collins, John Penn State University |
Session L3.00001 J. J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics Talk: Hard scattering factorization in QCD Room: Plaza E |
Corcoran, Marjorie Rice University |
Session H6.00002 Quark Mixing, Neutrino Mixing, Charged Lepton non-Mixing Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Corcoran, Marjorie Rice University |
Session Q4.00002 Opportunities for Heavy Hadron Spectroscopy Room: Plaza F |
Cowley, Steven UKAEA Culham |
Session G15.00001 From Fundamental Science to Fusion Energy -- the First 50 Years of Fusion Theory Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Cranmer, Steven Harvard-Smithsonian CfA |
Session D6.00003 Ion Heating in the Solar Corona and Solar Wind Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Cronin, James W. University of Chicago |
Session V1.00002 Kavli Foundation Lectureship: Nature's Highest Energy Messenger: Pierre Auger Observatory Room: Plaza Ballroom ABC |
Csaki, Csaba Cornell University |
Session D2.00003 Extra dimensional models for TeV scale physics Room: Plaza D |
Darby, Iain University of Tennessee |
Session J3.00002 Single-Neutron States in $^{101}$Sn populated via $\alpha$-decay Room: Plaza E |
Dehmer, Joseph National Science Foundation |
Session D4.00003 A Perspective on the Art of Mega Physics Progress and the Future of International Science Room: Plaza F |
Derwent, Paul Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session L6.00001 Scientific Reach and Accelerator Challenges of Project-X Room: Governor's Square 16 |
di Matteo, Tiziana Carnegie Mellon University |
Session B4.00002 The Interplay between Galaxy Evolution and Supermassive Black Hole Growth Room: Plaza F |
Dorfan, Jonathan SLAC - Menlo Park |
Session J2.00002 SLAC's Glorius Past Potends an Equally Glorius Future Room: Plaza D |
Dowdeswell, Elizabeth Nuclear Waste Management Organization, Canada |
Session H7.00001 A Contract Between Science and Society Room: Governor's Square 12 |
Durisen, Richard H. Indiana University |
Session Q5.00002 Radiative Hydrodynamics and the Formation of Gas Giant Planets Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Eisenstein, Robert Santa Fe Alliance For Science |
Session C7.00003 K-12 Math and Science Education: A Physicist Meets Reality Room: Governor's Square 12 |
Ellis, R. Keith Fermilab |
Session L3.00003 J. J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics Talk: Perturbative QCD: from the Tevatron to the LHC Room: Plaza E |
Ellise, Richard California Institute of Technology |
Session N1.00001 The Quest for Giant Telescopes: Four Centuries of Challenge and Scientific Discovery Room: Plaza Ballroom A |
Engel, Jonathan University of North Carolina |
Session Q2.00002 Determining the Reach of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Room: Plaza D |
Engelhardt, Michael Department of Physics, New Mexico State University |
Session C3.00001 Nucleons in lattice QCD - computational challenges and physics opportunities Room: Plaza E |
Evans, Matthew MIT |
Session C5.00001 Overview of the LIGO-GEO S5 and Virgo VSR1 Science Runs, and Sources of Transient Gravitational Waves Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Fatemi, Renee University of Kentucky |
Session T3.00003 New Results from Spin Physics at RHIC Room: Plaza E |
Fiksel, Gennady University of Wisconsin-Madison and Center for Magnetic Self-Organization in Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas |
Session D6.00002 Ion Heating from Magnetic Reconnection in Laboratory Plasmas Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Fischer, Wolfram Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session X7.00003 Future high-luminosity electron-ion colliders Room: Governor's Square 12 |
Fonck, Raymond University of Wisconsin- Madison |
Session V1.00003 Recent Highlights in Plasma Physics on the Path to ITER Room: Plaza Ballroom ABC |
Ford, Kenneth Germantown Academy |
Session B5.00001 John Wheeler, 1933 - 1959: Particles and Weapons Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Fracchiolla, Claudia |
Session T6.00004 Life as a graduate student in a globalized collaboration Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Freidel, Laurent Perimeter Institute |
Session G5.00002 Spin Foam models: models of quantum space time Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Fryer, Chris Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session B4.00001 Recent Developments in Simulations of Stellar Core Collapse Room: Plaza F |
Gammie, Charles F. Physics Department, University of Illinois |
Session Q5.00001 Radiative Models of Black Hole Accretion Flows Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Gavela, Belen Universidad Autonoma de Madrid |
Session C2.00002 Some Recent Developments in Theoretical Neutrino Physics Room: Plaza D |
Gehrels, Neil NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Session F1.00001 DOE/NASA Joint Dark Energy Mission (JDEM) Room: Plaza Ballroom ABC |
Gershtein, Yuri Rutgers University |
Session T2.00002 Searches Beyond the Standard Model at the LHC Room: Plaza D |
Gibbons, Jack |
Session G7.00001 Skating on Thin Ice: Evolution of Conservation in Energy Policy Room: Governor's Square 12 |
Gibson, J. Murray Argonne National Laboratory |
Session B6.00001 Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation Studies for Designer Materials, Sustainable Energy and Healthy Lives Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Gibson, Karen University of Pittsburgh |
Session J2.00003 State of Heavy Flavor Room: Plaza D |
Green, Daniel Fermilab |
Session L2.00002 The Role of US Groups in LHC Physics Room: Plaza D |
Grindlay, Jonathan Harvard University |
Session X4.00002 EXIST: Surveying Black Holes from the Early Universe to Local Galaxies Room: Plaza F |
Grinstein, Sebastian |
Session H2.00003 Recent QCD Results from the Tevatron Room: Plaza D |
Grossman, Yuval Cornell University |
Session D2.00001 Flavor Physics Room: Plaza D |
Gutierrez, Gaston Fermilab |
Session W2.00001 Edward A. Bouchet Award Talk Room: Plaza D |
Hafemeister, David Center for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University |
Session X6.00002 Progress in CTBT Monitoring since its 1999 Senate Defeat Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Harris, Deborah Fermilab |
Session H6.00003 The MINERvA Experiment: getting a closer look at neutrinos Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Hartle, James University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session G5.00001 Einstein Prize Talk: The Quantum Origin of Our Classical Universe Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Haxton, Wick Institute for Nuclear Theory, University of Washington |
Session B3.00001 Nuclear Astrophysics and Rare Isotopes Room: Plaza E |
Hayden, Howard UConn (retired) |
Session D7.00001 A Conspectus on US Energy Room: Governor's Square 12 |
Hedin, David Northern Illinois University |
Session T2.00001 State of Tevatron Searches Beyond the Standard Model Room: Plaza D |
Heidbrink, William UC Irvine |
Session J15.00001 Energetic Particle Diagnostics for Magnetic Fusion Experiments Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Heller, Kenneth School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota |
Session Q6.00002 Designing an Introductory Physics Course for Biological Science Students Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Hieggelke, Curtis Joliet Junior College |
Session L8.00002 Excellence in Physics Education Award Talk: Revitalizing Introductory Physics at Community Colleges and More Room: Governor's Square 17 |
Hime, Andrew Physics Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session R4.00001 A DEAP \& CLEAN Program for the Direct Detection of Dark Matter Room: Plaza F |
Hjorth-Jensen, Morten Department of Physics, University of Oslo |
Session J3.00003 Shell-model interactions around $^{100}$Sn Room: Plaza E |
Hobbs, John Stony Brook University |
Session B2.00001 The State of the Standard Model and Higgs Searches Room: Plaza D |
Hooper, Dan Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session R4.00003 The Hunt for Dark Matter Room: Plaza F |
Hossenfelder, Sabine Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Session X5.00002 Phenomenological Quantum Gravity Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Howell, D. Andrew UC Santa Barbara & Las Cumbres Observatory |
Session L5.00002 Dimming Metals: the Effect of Progenitor Metallicity on the 56Ni Yield and Luminosity of Type La Supernovae Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Israel, Martin Washington University in St. Louis |
Session G4.00002 TIGER: Progress in Determining the Sources of Galactic Cosmic Rays Room: Plaza F |
Ivezic, Zeljko University of Washington |
Session W4.00003 LSST: the physics of the dark universe Room: Plaza F |
Jaffe, Robert MIT |
Session C7.00001 Teaching ``The Physics of Energy'' at MIT Room: Governor's Square 12 |
Jeanloz, Raymond University of California, Berkeley |
Session R7.00001 Leo Szilard Lectureship Award Talk: Science and International Security Room: Governor's Square 12 |
Jenet, Fredrick A. The Center for Gravitational Wave Astronomy, University of Texas at Brownsville |
Session D5.00003 Pulsar timing and Gravitational Wave Detection: Building a galactic scale gravitational wave observatory Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Jones, Brian Colorado State University |
Session G6.00001 Half a Million Hands: On the Road with the Little Shop of Physics Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Jones, Christine Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Session C6.00003 Black Holes, Dark Matter, and Dark Energy: Measuring the Invisible through X Rays Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Jones, Lawrence W. University of Michigan |
Session T7.00001 Innovation Was Not Enough; The History of the Midwestern Universities Research Association Room: Governor's Square 12 |
Karsch, Frithjof Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session C3.00003 Thermodynamics of strongly interacting elementary particles Room: Plaza E |
Katehi, Linda University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session T6.00001 Modern International Research Groups: Networks and Infrastructure Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Kayser, Boris Fermilab |
Session X2.00003 Theoretical Understanding of the GSI Anomaly Room: Plaza D |
Keith, David University of Calgary |
Session Q7.00001 Solar-band Climate Engineering Technologies, Risks and Unknowns Room: Governor's Square 12 |
Keppel, Cynthia Hampton University |
Session H3.00002 Current Status and Expected Developments in Nucleon Structure Measurements Room: Plaza E |
Keppel, Cynthia Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility |
Session B6.00002 Medical Applications: Proton Radiotherapy Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Kerr, Donald Former Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence |
Session J7.00003 Physicists and the Intelligence Community: The Next Decade Room: Governor's Square 12 |
Kim, Ki-Yong University of Maryland |
Session R6.00002 Ultrafast terahertz generation and spectroscopy for accelerator diagnostics Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Kobayashi, Makoto KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization |
Session H4.00001 Flavor Physics in Japan Room: Plaza F |
Kolb, Adrienne W. Fermilab History and Archives Project |
Session T7.00002 Fermilab: The Ring of the Frontier, 1967-1989 Room: Governor's Square 12 |
Kovar, Dennis Department of Energy |
Session D4.00002 Global Physics Projects - Panelist Room: Plaza F |
Krennrich, Frank Iowa State University |
Session W4.00001 AGIS -- the Advanced Gamma-ray Imaging System Room: Plaza F |
Kronfeld, Andreas Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session D2.00002 Recent Developments in Lattice QCD Room: Plaza D |
Kuhn, Sebastian Old Dominion University |
Session G3.00002 From Deuterium to Free Neutrons - Recent Experimental Results Room: Plaza E |
Lane, Neal Rice University |
Session G7.00002 Civic Scientist Era Room: Governor's Square 12 |
Laws, Kenneth Dickinson College |
Session W7.00003 Dance as a Road to Science Room: Plaza Ballroom ABC |
Lewis, Patricia M. James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies |
Session R7.00002 Joseph A. Burton Forum Award Talk: Remembering our Humanity: the deep impact of the Russell-Einstein Manifesto Room: Governor's Square 12 |
Litvinov, Yuri GSI, Darmstadt |
Session X2.00001 Non-exponential orbital electron capture decay of Hydrogen-like Ions Room: Plaza D |
Liu, Yuk Tung University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session W6.00002 General Relativistic Simulations of Black Hole-Neutron Star Mergers: Status and Applications Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Llewellyn Smith, Chris Theoretical Physics, Oxford, UK |
Session D4.00001 Beller Lectureship Talk: International Scientific Collaboration Room: Plaza F |
Lommen, Andrea Franklin and Marshall College |
Session X5.00001 Detecting Gravitational Wave Bursts Using Pulsars Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Long, Sharon Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University |
Session Q6.00001 Pre-Medical Education in the Physical Sciences for Tomorrow's Physicians Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Lu, Zheng-Tian Argonne National Laboratory; The University of Chicago |
Session B3.00002 Francis M. Pipkin Award Talk: Simple Atom, Extreme Nucleus: Laser Trapping and Probing of Helium-8 Room: Plaza E |
Luu, Thomas Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session C3.00002 Using LQCD to answer questions about hadronic interactions: a perspective from a traditional nuclear theorist Room: Plaza E |
Machacek, Marie Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory |
Session C4.00001 Edges, Bubbles, Ripples and Shocks: Observational Signatures of a Dynamic ICM Room: Plaza F |
Magleby, Stephanie Brigham Young University |
Session Q6.00003 The Care and Feeding of Pre-Meds Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Malace, Simona University of South Carolina |
Session L4.00003 The Proton in the Nuclear Medium Room: Plaza F |
Maloney, David Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne |
Session L8.00003 Excellence in Physics Education Award Talk: Promoting Incremental Research-based Instructional Innovation Room: Governor's Square 17 |
Mandic, Vuk University of Minnesota |
Session D5.00001 Gravitational Wave Astrophysics using LIGO Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Mantica, P.F. NSCL and Department of Chemistry, Michigan State University |
Session J3.00001 Measurement of the half-life of $^{100}$Sn Room: Plaza E |
Markert, Christina University of Texas at Austin |
Session B10.00001 Creation and evolution of the deconfined Quark-Gluon matter Room: Governor's Square 10 |
Matsui, Kazuaki Institute for Applied Energy |
Session H7.00002 Radioactive Waste Management, its Global Implication on Societies, and Political Impact Room: Governor's Square 12 |
Matthaeus, W.H. University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 |
Session D6.00001 Scenarios for Ion Heating in Low Frequency MHD Turbulence Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Mavalvala, Nergis Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session T5.00001 Beyond the quantum limit in gravitational wave detectors Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Mayer, Lucio Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Zurich |
Session J4.00001 Gas inflows in galaxy mergers as a key to the pairing, growth and formation of supermassive black holes Room: Plaza F |
McDonald, Robert A. National Reconnaissance Office |
Session J7.00001 Physicists {\&} Engineers in the Spy Business--What Does the Record Say About National Reconnaissance? Room: Governor's Square 12 |
McGuire, Steve Southern University and A&M College |
Session X5.00003 Materials Science in LIGO Room: Governor's Square 15 |
McKeown, Robert Cal Inst of Tech (Caltech) |
Session R3.00001 Tom W. Bonner Prize Talk: The Quest for Strange Magnetism in the Proton Room: Plaza E |
McKinney, Jonathan SLAC - Menlo Park |
Session B4.00003 Relativistic Compact Objects and their Environs Room: Plaza F |
McMahon, Steve Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK |
Session B2.00003 Standard Model and Higgs Searches at the LHC Room: Plaza D |
Meegan, Charles USRA |
Session T4.00001 Fermi Observations of Gamma-Ray Bursts Room: Plaza F |
Melnikov, Kirill Johns Hopkins University |
Session H2.00002 QCD aspects of hadron collider physics Room: Plaza D |
Menzione, Aldo INFN, Pisa |
Session W2.00002 W. K. H. Panofsky Prize Talk: The Silicon vertex detector at CDF Room: Plaza D |
Meyer, Stephan University of Chicago |
Session X4.00001 Probing Inflation with Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization Room: Plaza F |
Michael, Downer University of Texas, Austin |
Session R6.00001 Holographic Visualization of Wakefield Accelerator Structures Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Michelson, Peter Stanford University |
Session A1.00001 The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope: The First Eight Months Room: Plaza Ballroom ABC |
Mioduszewski, Saskia Texas A\&M University |
Session T3.00002 Maria Goeppert Mayer Award Talk: High Transverse Momentum Probes at RHIC Room: Plaza E |
Mohapatra, Rabindra University of Maryland |
Session Q2.00003 Neutrino Mass and the Origin of Matter Room: Plaza D |
Montaruli, Teresa University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session R2.00003 Recent Results from IceCube Room: Plaza D |
Mueller, Guido University of Florida |
Session D5.00002 The Science and Technology of LISA Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Muggli, Patric University of Southern California |
Session R6.00003 Optical Diagnostics for Plasma-based Particle Accelerators Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Muller, Richard University of California at Berkeley |
Session P1.00003 A Physicist Looks at the Terrorist Threat Room: Plaza Ballroom ABC |
Murayama, Hitoshi IPMU Tokyo and Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session L2.00001 The LHC and Cosmology Room: Plaza D |
O'Kuma, Thomas Lee College |
Session L8.00001 Excellence in Physics Education Award Talk: Physics at the Community College Room: Governor's Square 17 |
Oddone, Pier Director of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session D4.00004 Global Physics Projects -Panelist Room: Plaza F |
Ordonez, Carlos University of Houston |
Session B7.00001 John Wheatley Award Talk: Building bridges instead of fences. Renewed Science cooperation with Latin America. Room: Governor's Square 12 |
Parrish, Ian UC Berkeley |
Session C4.00003 A Tale of Two Instabilities: Simulation of Buoyancy Instabilities in the Intracluster Medium Room: Plaza F |
Paschke, Kent University of Virginia |
Session A1.00002 What have we learned using the CEBAF microscope to study hadronic matter? Room: Plaza Ballroom ABC |
Pearce, Mark KTH, Stockholm |
Session R4.00002 Studies of cosmic antiparticles with PAMELA Room: Plaza F |
Peebles, Tony UCLA |
Session J15.00002 The Importance of Turbulence Measurements to Burning Fusion Plasmas Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Petratos, Gerassimos Kent State University |
Session G3.00001 JLab Few Body Form Factor Measurements Room: Plaza E |
Piekarewicz, Jorge Florida State University |
Session W3.00003 Neutron Stars and the PREX Experiment Room: Plaza E |
Poelker, Matt Jefferson Lab |
Session X7.00001 Polarized Electrons, Positrons and Ions: Source Challenges for New Accelerators Room: Governor's Square 12 |
Pollock, Steven University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session R13.00001 Sustaining educational transformations: evidence and approaches at CU Boulder Room: Plaza Court 3 |
Porter, Lisa Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity |
Session J7.00002 Physics, Physicists and Revolutionary Capabilities for the Intelligence Community Room: Governor's Square 12 |
Porter, Troy University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session T4.00003 Galactic scientific results from the first 6 months of the Fermi/LAT mission Room: Plaza F |
Pospelov, Maxim University of Victoria |
Session J6.00002 Cosmology, scalar-tensor theories of gravity, and precision measurements at low energy Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Post-Zwicker, Andrew Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session R7.00003 Forum on Physics and Society Special Recognition Room: Governor's Square 12 |
Pretz, John Los Alamos National Lab |
Session R2.00002 Milagro Observations of the TeV Sky Room: Plaza D |
Prieto, P. Director, Center of Excellence on Novel Materials - CENM, Universidad del Valle in Cali, Colombia |
Session B7.00003 Physics in the Andean Countries: A Perspective from Condensed Matter, Novel Materials and Nanotechnology Room: Governor's Square 12 |
Prince, Thomas Caltech/JPL |
Session X4.00003 Observing the Dark Side of the Universe with LISA Room: Plaza F |
Ramirez, Enrico University of California Observatories |
Session R5.00002 The Progenitors of Short Gamma-Ray Bursts Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Reddy, Sanjay Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session W3.00001 Matter under extreme conditions and its role in explosive astrophysical phenomena Room: Plaza E |
Reina, Laura Florida State University |
Session B2.00002 Higgs searches within and beyond the Standard Model Room: Plaza D |
Rezzolla, Luciano Albert Einstein Institute, Max-Planck Inst. for Gravitational Physics |
Session W6.00003 Modelling the Inspiral and Merger of Binary Neutron Stars Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Riess, Adam JHU/STScI |
Session J6.00001 A Redetermination of the Hubble Constant with the Hubble Space Telescope from a Differential Distance Ladder Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Rimmer, Robert JLab |
Session X7.00002 Advances in Superconducting Radio Frequency Science and Technology for Nuclear Physics Room: Governor's Square 12 |
Ristori, Luciano Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Session W2.00003 W. K. H. Panofsky Prize Talk: The Silicon Vertex Trigger Room: Plaza D |
Robock, Alan Rutgers University |
Session Q7.00002 The Many Problems with Geoengineering Using Stratospheric Aerosols Room: Governor's Square 12 |
Romanova, Marina Cornell University |
Session Q5.00003 MHD Simulations of Disk-Star Interaction Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Rosner, Robert Argonne National Laboratory |
Session P1.00002 Nuclear Energy Room: Plaza Ballroom ABC |
Rossing, Thomas D. Stanford University |
Session W7.00001 Teaching Physics of Music Room: Plaza Ballroom ABC |
Ruf, Thomas CERN |
Session R12.00003 Prospects for B Physics at the LHC Room: Plaza Court 2 |
Shabalina, Elizaveta II. Physikalisches Institut, Universit\"at G\"ottingen |
Session H9.00001 Measurements of single top Room: Governor's Square 11 |
Sheffield, Richard Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session B6.00003 Applications in Nuclear Energy Security Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Shellard, Ronald Cintra Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas F\'isicas |
Session B7.00002 An overview of experimental High Energy Physics in South America Room: Governor's Square 12 |
Shepard, James University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session G3.00003 Finite Range Effects in Atomic and Nuclear Three-Body Physics Room: Plaza E |
Sherrill, Bradley Michigan State University |
Session B3.00003 Promise and Preparations of FRIB for Nuclear Astrophysics Room: Plaza E |
Shropshire, Steve Idaho State University |
Session G6.00002 Idaho State University Physics Road Show Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Soper, Davison University of Oregon |
Session L3.00002 J. J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics Talk: Partons, QCD, and Factorization Room: Plaza E |
Sorensen, Paul Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session T3.00001 George E. Valley Jr. Prize Talk: Discoveries in Nuclear Collisions and the Phases Quark Gluon Matter Room: Plaza E |
Sorin, Veronica |
Session G2.00002 The State of the Top Quark Physics: recent results from the Tevatron Room: Plaza D |
Sphicas, Paris CERN and University of Athens, Greece |
Session V1.00001 The LHC Room: Plaza Ballroom ABC |
Stanev, Todor Department of Physics and Astronomy, UNiversity of Delaware |
Session G4.00003 Recent Progress and New Puzzles in Cosmic Ray Physics Room: Plaza F |
Stankus, Paul Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session W3.00002 Quark-Gluon Plasma: The Stuff of the Early Universe Room: Plaza E |
Strauss, Michael University of Oklahoma |
Session H2.00001 QCD at the Tevatron: Jets {\&} Photons plus Jets Room: Plaza D |
Strikman, Mark Penn State University |
Session H12.00001 Short Range Correlations in Nuclei and Their Implications for the Structure of Dense Nuclear Matter Room: Plaza Court 2 |
Swanson, Eric Univ of Pittsburgh |
Session Q4.00001 Theoretical Challenges in Hadron Spectroscopy Room: Plaza F |
Swordy, Simon University of Chicago |
Session R2.00001 The VERITAS gamma-ray observatory: Recent observations and status Room: Plaza D |
Sylvester, Kory NNSA/Department of Energy |
Session X6.00003 Technology and Policy: Looking to the Future Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Taboada, Ignacio Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session R5.00003 Neutrino Messages from Gamma Ray Bursts Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Tait, Tim M.P. Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University |
Session G2.00001 Top Quark: Theory Perspective Room: Plaza D |
Thorne, Kip S. California Institute of Technology |
Session B5.00002 John Wheeler, 1952 - 1976: Black Holes and Geometrodynamics Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Toback, David Texas A\&M University |
Session R9.00001 Physics Beyond the Standard Model Room: Governor's Square 11 |
Tuts, Michael Columbia University |
Session T6.00003 How the LHC has revolutionized collaboration and research Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Vahle, Patricia College of William and Mary |
Session C2.00003 The State of the Neutrino Mixing Matrix Room: Plaza D |
Vanden Bout, Paul National Radio Astronomy Observatory |
Session C6.00002 Radio Telescopes - A Technological Saga Sparked by Serendipity Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Vecchio, Alberto University of Birmingham |
Session J4.00003 Probing Black Hole Mergers with LISA Room: Plaza F |
Vetter, Paul Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session X2.00002 Searching for Experimental Verification of the Oscillation of Electron Capture Decay Probability Room: Plaza D |
Vokos, Stamatis Seattle Pacific University |
Session H13.00001 Task Force on Teacher Education in Physics: Preliminary Results Room: Plaza Court 3 |
Volonteri, Marta University of Michigan |
Session J4.00002 Black hole mergers along the cosmic history Room: Plaza F |
Wacker, Jay SLAC |
Session T2.00003 The State of Searches Beyond the Standard Model- Theoretical Aspects Room: Plaza D |
Wald, Robert University of Chicago |
Session G5.00003 The Formulation of Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Wascko, Morgan Imperial College London |
Session T6.00002 Working on an experiment half a world away Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Wascko, Morgan Imperial College London |
Session C2.00001 The State of the Neutrino Mass Spectrum Room: Plaza D |
Watkins, Michael California Institute of Technology, Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Session T5.00003 The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) -- Measuring Climate Change via Gravity Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Weber, William University of Trento and INFN |
Session T5.00002 LISA Pathfinder: testing the limits of pure geodesic motion for gravitational wave observation in space Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Westerhoff, Stefan University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session G4.00001 New Results from the Pierre Auger Observatory Room: Plaza F |
Wisniewski, William Stanford Linear Accelerator Center |
Session Q9.00001 Rare B Decays and CP Violation from BaBar and Belle Room: Governor's Square 11 |
Wojcicki, Stanley Physics Department, Stanford University |
Session T7.00003 A Personal Recollection of the SSC Birth and Demise Room: Governor's Square 12 |
Wojtsekhowski, Bogdan TJNAF |
Session L4.00001 The Charge Form Factor of the Neutron Room: Plaza F |
Wolke, Magnus Institute for Nuclear Physics and Juelich Centre for Hadron Physics, Research Centre Juelich, D-52425 Juelich, Germany |
Session Q4.00003 Symmetries and Hadron Spectroscopy with WASA-at-COSY Room: Plaza F |
Woolf, Neville Steward Observatory, University of Arizona |
Session C6.00001 The Bionic Telescope Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Yuan, Feng Lawrence Berkeley Lab/RBRC |
Session H3.00003 Overview of Nucleon Structure Theory Room: Plaza E |
Zegers, R.G.T. National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, Michigan State University |
Session L5.00003 Test of Weak Reaction Rates of Importance for Late Stellar Evolution Using Charge-exchange Reactions. Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Zholents, Alexander Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session P1.00001 Next generation x-ray laser sources for the study of matter Room: Plaza Ballroom ABC |
Zimmerman, Peter D. Department of War Studies, King's College London, Strand Campus, London UK WC2R 2LS |
Session X6.00001 Dr. Inside and Dr. Outside: Physicists Involved With National Security and Foreign Policy Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Zlochower, Yosef Rochester Institute of Technology |
Session W6.00001 Numerical Relativity: A critical new tool for astrophysics Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Zurek, Wojciech H. Theory Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session B5.00003 John Wheeler, 1976 - 1996: Law Without Law and Quantum Information Room: Governor's Square 15 |
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