E9.00001: The Effect of Problems Format on Student's Answer
Ganesh Chapagain, Beth Thacker
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E9.00002: Effect of Humidity and Hydrophobicity on the Tribological Properties of Self-Assembled Monolayers
Yen-Chih Liao, William Hargrove, Brandon Weeks
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E9.00003: Peer Pressure at Angelo State University
Jeremy Johnson, Hardin Dunham, Toni Sauncy
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E9.00004: A Study of Long Term Peer Engagement - The ALPHAS Program
Ashley Wilson, Hardin Dunham
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E9.00005: The Physics After School Special (PASS) Program
James Anderson, Hardin Dunham, Toni Sauncy
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E9.00006: ABSTRACT MOVED TO L1.00009
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E9.00007: Crystallographic analysis using electron transmission by graphite
Bryan Neal, Nick Lanning, Cristian Bahrim
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E9.00008: Controlling the Goos-H\"anchen and Imbert-Fedorov shifts via pump and driving field
Saeed Asiri, Jingping Xu, M. Al-Amri, M. Suhail Zubairy
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E9.00009: Exploring the Quantum Limit for Surface Plasmon Polaritons
Daniel Dominguez, Luis Grave de Peralta
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E9.00010: Pump Wavelength Dependent Time Correlated Photoluminescence Spectroscopy of Giant Quantum Dots
Aalap Verma, Siddharth Sampat, Anton Malko, Jennifer Hollingsworth, Yagnaseni Ghosh, Han Htoon
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E9.00011: Exact quantum dynamics calculations using a symmetrized Gaussian basis
Thomas Halverson, Bill Poirier
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E9.00012: Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy of cotton sheets
Yanhan Zhu, Mark Holtz, Ayrton Bernussi
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E9.00013: How to detect photons passing through interference minima
Luis Grave de Peralta, Daniel Dominguez
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E9.00014: Graphene in a Thermoelectric Battery
Keith Peck
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E9.00015: A Summer Research Experience in Particle Physics Using Skype
Curran Johnston, Steven Alexander, A.K. Mahmood
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E9.00016: Measurement of the Top Quark Pair Production Cross Section using Muon+jets Data at CDF
David To, Rachel Bernick, Wesley Ketchum, Young-Kee Kim
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E9.00017: Optical Foucault Pendulum: photons and the Coriolis effect
Charles Rogers, Richard Selvaggi
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E9.00018: Multivariate Calibration and Maintenance Using Principle Component Selection
Trevor O'Loughlin, John Kalivas, Parviz Shahbazikah
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E9.00019: An in situ Scattering Independent Absorption and Fluorescence Meter
Jessica Casas
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E9.00020: An Aerial ``Sniffer Dog'' for Methane
Brian Nathan, Dave Schaefer, Mark Zondlo, Amir Khan, David Lary
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E9.00021: Simulations of Experiments on Electron Magnetohydrodynamic Reconnection in a Field Reversed Configuration
Cynthia Correa, Wendel Horton
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E9.00022: Using Model Helicopters for Meteorological Observations in Support of Tornado Forecasting
William Harrison, Bryan Roscoe, David Schafer, Howard Bluestein, David Lary
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E9.00023: Coarsening of pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) films as observed by absorbance spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy: a kinetic study
Walid Hikal, Jeffrey Paden, Marauo Davis, Brandon Weeks
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E9.00024: Resonant Circuit Simulation and Development for LIGO Lasers
Joseph Coleman
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E9.00025: Test of the Hill Stability Criterion against Chaos Indicators
Suman Satyal, Billy Quarles, Tobias Hinse
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E9.00026: A Computer Program to Search for Gravity Waves
Ryan Staten
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E9.00027: Electronic structure and charge transfer excited states of a Sc$_{3}$N@C$_{80}$-tetraphenyl porphyrin molecular conjugate
Fatemeh Amerikheirabadi, Tunna Baruah, Rajendra Zope
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E9.00028: Photometric measurements of a Transit of Exoplanet TrES 3b
Dwight Russell, Lydia Shannon, Richard Campbell, Willie Strickland
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E9.00029: Comparison of Neutron Star Models Using Various EOS
Michael Naizer, William Newton, Carlos Bertulani
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E9.00030: The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
Robert Hayes
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