Friday, October 6, 2006
1:30PM - 1:42PM
OT1.00001: Using the Feynman-Kac Path Integral Method in Finding Excited States of Helium.
Nail G. Fazleev, James M. Rejcek, John L. Fry
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Friday, October 6, 2006
1:42PM - 1:54PM
OT1.00002: Chasing a polar catastrophe: \textit{ab-initio} theory of the LaAlO$_{3}$/SrTiO$_{3}$ interface
Jaekwang Lee, A.A. Demkov
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Friday, October 6, 2006
1:54PM - 2:06PM
OT1.00003: Energy and Properties of Fully Nonadiabatic Molecules Using Monte Carlo Methods
Steve Alexander, R.L. Coldwell
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Friday, October 6, 2006
2:06PM - 2:18PM
OT1.00004: A New Pion-Nucleon Partial Wave Analysis
Michael Sadler, Shon Watson, Jugoslav Stahov
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Friday, October 6, 2006
2:18PM - 2:30PM
OT1.00005: Changes in Routes to Chaos with Increasing Number of Degrees of Freedom
Zdzislaw Musielak
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Friday, October 6, 2006
2:30PM - 2:42PM
OT1.00006: Probabilistic aspects of isoscaling
Jorge Munoz, Jorge Lopez, Claudio Dorso, Carlos Hernandez
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Friday, October 6, 2006
2:42PM - 2:54PM
OT1.00007: What should be our approach to understanding the universe?
Hui-Yiing Chang
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Friday, October 6, 2006
2:54PM - 3:06PM
OT1.00008: Interaural Coherence and Localization
Eric Pepin
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Friday, October 6, 2006
3:06PM - 3:18PM
OT1.00009: Is Quantum Mechanics Nonlocal?
James Espinosa
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Friday, October 6, 2006
3:18PM - 3:30PM
OT1.00010: Angular Momentum in de Broglie-Bohm Quantum Theory
Donald H. Kobe
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Saturday, October 7, 2006
10:30AM - 10:42AM
OT2.00001: Spectroscopic and \textit{ab initio} studies on the conformations and intramolecular hydrogen bonding of 2-indanol
Abdulaziz A. Al-Saadi, Martin Wagner, Jaan Laane
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Saturday, October 7, 2006
10:42AM - 10:54AM
OT2.00002: Using Seismology to Map and Characterize the Glacial Bed in the Onset Region of Ice Stream D, West Antarctica
Bridget McEwen
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Saturday, October 7, 2006
10:54AM - 11:06AM
OT2.00003: Precision Measurement of the Microwave Properties of a Select Liquid Crystal
James Roberts, Aman Anand, Jai Dahiya
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Saturday, October 7, 2006
11:06AM - 11:18AM
OT2.00004: Calculations of Energy Spectra of Quantum Systems Using the Feynman-Kac Path Integral Method
James M. Rejcek, Nail G. Fazleev, John L. Fry
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Saturday, October 7, 2006
11:18AM - 11:30AM
OT2.00005: Vibrational Spectra, DFT Calculations, and the Unusual Structure and Vibrations of 1,3-Disilacylobutane
Mohamed Z.M. Rishard, Richard M. Irwin, Jaan Laane
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Saturday, October 7, 2006
11:30AM - 11:42AM
OT2.00006: Role of analyticity and covariance in determining laws of mechanics
John Fry, Zdzislaw Musielak, L.D. Swift
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Saturday, October 7, 2006
11:42AM - 11:54AM
OT2.00007: Vibrational Spectra and Structure of Coumaran and Its Ring-Puckering Potential Energy Functions in the S$_{0}$ and S$_{1}(\pi $,$\pi $*) Electronic States
Juan Yang, Martin Wagner, Katsuhiko Okuyama, Jaan Laane
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Saturday, October 7, 2006
11:54AM - 12:06PM
OT2.00008: A New Line Representing Meson Masses and Angular Momenta: An Alternate Approach to Regge Lines
Norman Redington, M.A.K. Lodhi
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Saturday, October 7, 2006
12:06PM - 12:18PM
OT2.00009: Spectroscopic Studies and Ab Initio Calculations of 1,3-Benzodioxan in its S$_{0}$ and S$_{1}(\pi $,$\pi $*) Electronic States
Kathleen McCann, Jaebum Choo, Martin Wagner, Jaan Laane
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