G00.00001: Advances in Experimental Techniques and Diagnostics
G00.00002: An Engineering Approach to Increasing Proton Radiography Sensitivity to Material Shock Front Detection
Michelle A Espy, William Meijer, Jason Allison, Ethan Aulwes, Devin Cardon, Mathew Freeman, Frank Merrill, Rachel Sidebottom
G00.00003: Optical return study for common surface preparations used in Photon Doppler Velocimetry
Michael R Armstrong, William P Mullins, Nazila Black, Natalie Prince, Zachary A Fussell
G00.00004: Phase investigation in Sn with plate impact and isentropic compression experiments with preheating devices.
Camille Chauvin, David Palma de Barros, Christophe Voltz
G00.00005: Uncertainty analysis of data collected using embedded magnetic particle velocity gauges
Simon Finnegan, Gareth Appleby-Thomas, Michael J Goff, James Ferguson
G00.00006: Optical Response and Hugoniot State of Shock-Compressed Heavy Liquids
Shuyue Guo, Travis J Voorhees, Adam W Sapp, Tracy J Vogler
G00.00007: Development of a Two-frame Holographic Imager for Shock Physics Research
Trevor M Hutchinson, Peter M Celliers, Suzanne J Ali, Erik J Davies, David J Erskine
G00.00008: Transverse Velocity for Angled Probes; Estimation, Uncertainty Quantification, and Sensitivity Analysis
Margaret Lund, Daniel J Champion
G00.00009: On calculating shock velocities by the overtake method behind splitting waves
Yonatan Schweitzer, Eli Gudinetsky, Benny Glam, Moris Sudai, Arnon Yosef-Hai
G00.00010: Comparison between x-ray free electron laser phase contrast imaging and hydrodynamical simulations of void collapse in PETN single crystals
Christian McCombs, Daniel S Hodge, Cynthia A Bolme, Kyle J Ramos, Arianna Gleason, Hae Ja Lee, Eric Galtier, Bob Nagler, Richard L Sandberg
G00.00011: Development of a confinement system for single-stage gun experiments
Joseph L Rivera, Brian J Jensen
G00.00012: Development and modeling for a small-scale, rapid heated explosives experiment
Daniel Skrabacz, Joel Heidemann, Kyle Spielvogel, Maria Campbell, Marc J Cawkwell, Virginia W Manner
G00.00013: Extending imaging VISARs into 3D with digital holography and phase retrieval
Peter M Celliers, Erik J Davies, Trevor M Hutchinson, Suzanne J Ali, David J Erskine, Jon H Eggert, Raymond F Smith
G00.00014: Symmetrization Techniques for High Explosive Test Data
Larry G Hill, Elizabeth G Francois, John S Morris
G00.00015: From 2D to 3D: Resolving Flow Fields Around Sand Penetrators Using Flash X-ray Imaging
Brett Kuwik, Ryan C Hurley
G00.00016: Speckle-based x-ray phase contrast imaging at free-electron lasers
Andrew Leong, Daniel S Hodge, Silvia Pandolfi, Yanwei Liu, Kenan Li, Anne Sakdinawat, Eric Galtier, Bob Nagler, Haeja Lee, Eric Cunningham, Cynthia A Bolme, Kyle J Ramos, Pawel M Kozlowski, Dimitri Khaghani, Thomas Carver, Stefano Marchesini, Richard L Sandberg, Arianna Gleason, David S Montgomery
G00.00017: Advancing Dynamic Temperature Measurements
G00.00018: Multiscale Temperature Measurements in Shocked High Explosives Using Raman Thermometry
Belinda P Johnson, Cynthia A Bolme, John M Lang, Kyle J Ramos, Shawn McGrane
G00.00019: Data Driven Modeling and Simulation
G00.00020: Predicting Velocimetry Curves from Photonic Doppler Velocimetry (PDV) Signals using Neural Networks
Keara G Frawley, Harikrishna Sahu, Naresh N Thadhani, Rampi Ramprasad
G00.00021: Jointly Embedded Machine Learning Approach for Polymer Combustion Properties
Jesse C Hearn, SANGEETH BALAKRISHNAN, Francis G VanGessel, Brian C Barnes, Ian Michel-Tyler, Ruth Doherty, William Wilson, William Durant, Zois Boukouvalas, Mark D Fuge, Peter W Chung
G00.00022: Learning continuum strength models for meso-scale simulations of HMX from molecular dynamics using deep neural networks
Dylan O Walters, Jacob Herrin, Tommy Sewell, Stephen Baek, H.S. Udaykumar
G00.00023: Detonation and Shock Induced Chemistry
G00.00024: Effects of Microstructure and Binder on the Shock-to-Detonation Behavior of Hexanitrostilbene (HNS)
James A Stewart, Robert Knepper, David L Damm
G00.00025: Connecting details of heterogeneous explosives reactive wave profiles to the hydrodynamic reaction rate
Lee Perry, Malcolm J Burns
G00.00026: Dependence of the blast on the shape of a high explosive charge
Antoine Osmont, Marc Genetier, Alexandre Lefrancois
G00.00027: Designing a High-Throughput Drop-Weight-Impact Instrument for Real-Time Reaction Imaging of Energetic Materials
Jeremiah Moore, Roseanne M Cheng, Milovan Zecevic, Matthew Holmes, Marc J Cawkwell, Virginia W Manner
G00.00028: Laser Etched Fiducial Marks for Detonation Front Curvature Measurements
Rudy Originales, Ritchie I Chicas, Adam Pacheco, Eric K Anderson, Mark Short
G00.00029: Meshless Front Tracking with Acceleration Effect for Detonation Propagation in Multiple Explosives
Jin Yao, KEO H Springer
G00.00030: Evaluation of Explosively-Driven Flash Coatings
Gabriel A Montoya, Joshua Dean, Joseph Lawrence, Terry R Salyer, Steven F Son
G00.00031: Energetic and Reactive Materials
G00.00032: Microstructural Investigation of PBX 9501: Comparing Wet Slurry and Resonant Acoustic Mixing Techniques
Amanda L Duque, Larry G Hill, Jeremy T Tisdale, Janina Gielata, Joseph T Mang, Brian M Patterson
G00.00033: Structural Transformation and Chemical Stability of a Shock Compressed Insensitive High Explosive Single Crystal: Time-Resolved Raman Spectroscopy
Michael Winey, Kurt Zimmerman, Zbigniew A Dreger, Yogendra M Gupta
G00.00034: Porosity: The Key to Initiating Metallic Composite Particles under Shock Compression
Siva Kumar Valluri, Dana D Dlott, Edward L Dreizin
G00.00035: High-pressure, high-temperature phase diagram and equations of state of RDX polymorphs
Bethany Chidester, Malcolm J Burns, Marc J Cawkwell, Blake Sturtevant, Dana M Dattelbaum
G00.00036: Investigation of core/shell nanoparticles properties by classical molecular dynamic study
Faoulat Miradji, Denis Spitzer, Nicolas Pineau
G00.00037: Radiolytic Degradation of Common Energetic Functional Groups
Patricia L Huestis, Nicholas Lease, Christopher E Freye, Tammie R Nelson, Virginia W Manner
G00.00038: Measurement of the Coefficient of Thermal Expansion for PBX 9502
Adam Pacheco, Eric K Anderson, Ritchie I Chicas, Stephen J Voelkel, Mark Short
G00.00039: Microstructure of Pre-Pressed PBX Prills Explored by X-ray Computed Tomography
Brian M Patterson, Larry G Hill
G00.00040: Study of decomposition properties of PETN.
Natalya Suvorova, Laura Smilowitz, Virginia W Manner
G00.00041: Equations of State
G00.00042: Shock Hugoniot and a broad-range multiphase EOS of Ti-6Al-4V to more than 1 TPa.
Patricia Kalita, Kyle R Cochrane, Tommy Ao, Marcus Knudson, Scott D Crockett
G00.00043: Broad-range multiphase EOS of a strong oxide to more than 1 TPa.
Scott D Crockett, Patricia Kalita, Joshua P Townsend, Kaleb Burrage, Jesse S Smith
G00.00044: Multiphase Equation of State Optimisation Utilising Legendre Polynomial Fits for the Cost Function
Jake P Haynes
G00.00045: Equations of State and Phase Transformations in Rocky Materials to TPa Pressures
Shuai Zhang, Reetam Paul, Maitrayee Ghosh, Terry-Ann Suer, Marius Millot, Miguel A Morales, Fionn D Malone, Raymond Jeanloz, Eva D Zurek, Suxing X Hu, Ryan Rygg, Gilbert Collins
G00.00046: Sound velocity, second shock velocity and off-Hugoniot measurements of lead compressed up to 83 GPa.
Vitaly Paris, Eli Gudinetsky, Arnon Yosef-Hai, Alexander Fedotov Gefen, Benny Glam, Eitan Eidelstein, Yossef Horovitz, Meir Werdiger, Avi Ravid
G00.00047: High-temperature, high-pressure behavior of common windows and pressure calibrants: LiF and MgO
Kanani K Lee, Frederick Farah, Sarah M Arveson, Markus W Daene, Sebastien Hamel, Yue Meng, Dean Smith, Eric C Dutra, Minta C Akin
G00.00048: First-Principles and Molecular Dynamics
G00.00049: Characterizing Structure in Simulated Silicon Under Shock Compression
Alex C Li, Robert E Rudd, Eric N Hahn, Marc A Meyers
G00.00050: Molecular dynamics study of martensitic phase transformations in HMX: β-HMX twinning and β-ε phase transition
Andrey Pereverzev
G00.00051: Geophysics and Planetary Sciences
G00.00052: Anisotropic properties of 3D-printed rock-like materials under dynamic Brazilian disc tests
Huachuan Wang, Qianbing Zhang, Christopher H Braithwaite
G00.00053: Using shockless ramp compression to investigate melting in the Earth's mantle.
Lindsay M Harrison, Alisha N Clark, Steven D Jacobsen, Adam R Sarafian, Jean-Paul Davis, Joshua P Townsend
G00.00054: The Z to Planets Project: Exploring giant impacts and rocky exoplanet interiors at the Sandia Z Machine
Sarah T Stewart, Erik J Davies, Bethany Chidester, Richard G Kraus, Patricia Kalita, Seth Root, David E Bliss, Dylan K Spaulding, James Badro, Stein Jacobsen
G00.00055: Water in silicates: A combined shock and spectroscopy study
Melia Kendall, Alisha N Clark, Steven D Jacobsen, Laura L Gardner, Adam R Sarafian, Joshua P Townsend, Jean-Paul Davis, Christopher T Seagle
G00.00056: Grain-Scale to Continuum Modeling
G00.00057: Hot Spot Initiation and Growth in Shock-Induced RDX through MD-informed Void Collapse Simulations
Jake A Herrin, Oishik Sen, Garrett M Tow, John K Brennan, James P Larentzos, H.S. Udaykumar
G00.00058: High Energy Density Physics/Warm Dense Matter
G00.00059: Theoretical Calculation of Proton Radius
Han y yong Quan
G00.00060: Material Properties Bridging Across Strain Rates
G00.00061: Materials Science
G00.00062: Dynamic Tensile Extrusion Behavior of Fine-Grained OFHC Cu Fabricated by Powder Injection Molding and Equal Channel Angular Pressing
Keunho Lee, Hak Jun Kim, Leeju Park
G00.00063: The Effects of Prior Cold Work on the Shock Response of Silver
Jeremy C Millett, Nigel Park, Glenn Whiteman
G00.00064: Hydrodynamic simulations of rippled shock wave driven by laser ablation and initial pressure discontinuity
Nitish Acharya, Danae Polsin, Hussein Aluie, Gilbert W Collins, Ryan Rygg, Peter M Celliers, Jessica Shang
G00.00065: Microstructural features informing continuum scale dynamic behavior of an additively manufactured titanium alloy
Jonathan Lind, David Quint, Brittany Branch, Stuart Silling, John Mitchell, Ben Brown, William W Anderson, Veronica Anghel, John S Carpenter
G00.00066: High strain-rate strength response of single crystal Tantalum through in-situ hole closure imaging experiments
Jonathan Lind, Robert Carson, Nicolas Bertin, Matt Nelms
G00.00067: Effect of PBX Prill Size on the Compressive Properties of PBX 9502
Caitlin S Woznick, Geoffrey W Brown, Rosemary S Burritt, Larry G Hill
G00.00068: Local dynamic effects on impact welding process window variability
Manny Gonzales, Anupam Vivek, Blake Barnett, Glenn Daehn
G00.00069: On the numerical simulation of DTE test of OFHC Copper: Influence of constitutive modeling and numerical parameters
Sara Ricci, Nicola Bonora, Gabriel Testa
G00.00070: Multi-scale Modeling and Experiments
G00.00071: Elastic anisotropy of 1,3,5-Triamino-2,4,6-Trinitrobenzene (TATB) as a function of temperature and pressure: A Molecular Dynamics study
Paul Lafourcade, Nicolas Bruzy, Jean-Bernard Maillet, Christophe Denoual
G00.00072: Simulating Plasma Ignition of HMX via Microwave Radiation at Substandard Bulk Temperatures
Levi Lystrom, Rosemary S Burritt, Amanda L Duque, Lee Perry
G00.00073: Particulate, Composite, and Manufactured Materials
G00.00074: Influence of solid constituent properties on thermal response of porous materials under shock loading
Samuel A Weckert, Anatoly D Resnyansky
G00.00075: Shock compaction response of Al2O3 powders over range of initial density and high-pressure states
Ben Zusmann, Tracy J Vogler, Travis J Voorhees, Naresh N Thadhani, Matthew C Hudspeth, D A Fredenburg, Gregory B Kennedy
G00.00076: Phase Transitions and Kinetics
G00.00077: Phase transition and sound velocity study of shock loaded CaF2
Benny Glam, Arnon Yosef-Hai, Alex Gefen, Refael Hevroni, Yossef Horovitz, Moris Sudai
G00.00078: High Pressure Response of Additively Manufactured AlSi10Mg
Paul E Specht, Patricia Kalita, Kaleb Burrage, Jessie S Smith, Nathan Brown
G00.00079: Fracture of PC and PMMA cylinders in the Taylor tests
Anatoly D Resnyansky, Neil K Bourne, Eric N Brown
G00.00080: Soft Matter
G00.00081: Shock compression behavior of additively manufactured highly solids loaded polymer composites
Andrew Boddorff
G00.00082: Shock and Rarefaction Wave Induced Activation in Mechanophores
Brenden W Hamilton, Alejandro H Strachan
G00.00083: A shock wave through a polymer/TATB interface : a molecular dynamics study
Claire Lemarchand, Nicolas Pineau
G00.00084: Spall, Ejecta, and Ballistics
G00.00085: Comparison of two models for the simulation of hypervelocity impacts on porous graphite
David Hebert, Benjamin Jodar, Nicolas Teyssier, Bertrand Aubert, Jean-Luc Rullier, Isabelle Bertron
G00.00086: Understanding microstructural effects of spallation in additively manufactured Ti-5Al-5V-5Mo-3Cr towards the development of a two-phase microstructurally aware model.
Brittany Branch, Timothy Ruggles, David Moore, John Miers, Paul E Specht, John Mitchell, Stuart Silling, Ben Brown, John S Carpenter
G00.00087: Simulations of jetting behavior from a shocked micro-groove surface
Jeremy Horwitz, Yuchen Sun, Kyle Mackay, Alison Saunders, Jesse E Pino, Fady M Najjar, Brandon E Morgan, Camelia V Stan, Yuan Ping, Suzanne J Ali, Hye-Sook Park, Jon H Eggert
G00.00088: Comparisons of Explosive Dispersal in Static and Supersonic Conditions
Bradford A Durant, Joshua R Garno, Thomas L Jackson, Sivaramakrishnan Balachandar
G00.00089: General
G00.00090: Determining burn model parameters of ZPP using small scale tests
Angela Ng, Serene H Chan, Yeo Kwee Liang, Hng Huey Hoon
G00.00091: Model Testing and Diagnostic Simulation of Implosion Experiments on the National Ignition Facility
Adam M Bedel, Terance J Hilsabeck, Clement A Trosseille, Paul T Springer, Omar A Hurricane, John J Ruby