21st Biennial Conference of the APS Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter
Volume 64, Number 8
Sunday–Friday, June 16–21, 2019;
Portland, Oregon
Session D3: AETD: Detonation Diagnostics 1
2:00 PM–3:00 PM,
Monday, June 17, 2019
Room: Pavilion East
Chair: Arnaud Sollier, CEA
Abstract: D3.00001 : Pulsed Laser Imaging For Explosive Event
2:00 PM–2:30 PM
Preview Abstract
Kevin McNesby
(US Army Research Laboratory)
Pulsed-laser, camera-synchronized shadowgraph imaging of bright events, such
as following detonations of solid chemical explosives, is a useful method
for imaging near-field phenomena close to the explosive center of mass. The
intensity of pulsed laser light over a narrow wavelength range (typically
near 0.001 nanometer (nm)) and pulse time duration (typically less than 30
nanoseconds (ns)) often equals or exceeds the brightness of the explosive
event, allowing imaging of features normally obscured (e.g., shock
separation from detonation products). For best image quality, laser
coherence should be ``spoiled'' to minimize laser speckle, and the laser
should be able to run continuously to enable capture of the full explosive
event (often several milliseconds). Commercial high repetition rate (up to 3
megaHertz (MHz)), high power (up to 100 W average power), narrow linewidth
(less than 0.03 nm at 532 nm) pulsed lasers capable of continuous operation
are available. We examine two systems employing diode-pumped solid state
(DPSS, Coherent Inc. Avia 532-65) and hybrid fiber-DPSS (Spectra-Physics
Quasar 532-95) techniques. We have been investigating using these systems in
laser shadowgraphy imaging systems, as an enhancement of our previous
capabilities (20 kHz, 20W, Cu-vapor laser).
Both of these laser systems exhibit laser speckle when the output beam is
used to illuminate a surface. To minimize speckle, we use transfer optics
employing a combination of liquid-filled light pipes and optical fibers. The
use of the light pipe/optical fiber combination slightly broadens the laser
line width while causing dispersion to the pulse, and provides an image
speckle contrast ratio nearest (but not equal) to that obtained using an arc
lamp. Preliminary results show that the combination of liquid filled light
pipes and optical fibers can reduce speckle to obtain speckle contrast
ratios approaching those obtained using incoherent light sources. The
presentation will discuss Edgerton shadowgraphy using pulsed laser
illumination, light pipes filled with different media, and discuss
applications to medium scale energetic material testing now underway using
these systems.