17th Biennial International Conference of the APS Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter
Volume 56, Number 6
Sunday–Friday, June 26–July 1 2011;
Chicago, Illinois
Session S3: High Pressure Strength III
9:15 AM–10:45 AM,
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Room: Renaissance Ballroom AB
Chair: Jeremy Millett, Atomic Weapons Establishment
Abstract ID: BAPS.2011.SHOCK.S3.1
Abstract: S3.00001 : The development and application of multi-scale materials modeling methods for the prediction of dynamic strength*
9:15 AM–9:45 AM
Preview Abstract
Athanasios Arsenlis
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
It becomes more difficult to simply extract experimental information on the
strength of materials under dynamic conditions simultaneously reaching high
pressures, temperatures, and strain rates. The difficulty stems from the
inability to independently control and extract the pressure, temperature and
strain rate dependence under dynamic conditions, the inability to maintain
those conditions, and the inability to probe into the volume of a material
during an experiment. The observations that are made during dynamic
materials experiments tend to be integrated measures of the equations of
state and materials strength. As a result, materials experiments reaching
dynamic extremes may be better suited to validate and constrain materials
strength models and equations of state than they are for actually uniquely
determining their forms and coefficients.
Conversely, as the dynamic conditions become more extreme they may become
more amenable to being investigated with the suite of materials modeling and
simulation tools currently available. In studying the dynamic strength of
simple ductile metals, molecular dynamics simulations are able to easily
simulate the mobility of dislocations when their velocities are on the order
of 0.1 m/s and above. The low velocity limit is controlled by the frequency
of atomic vibrations, the spacing between atoms, and the limits of strong
scaling of molecular dynamics simulations on massively parallel computers.
For dislocation densities on the order of 10$^{12}$-10$^{16}$ m$^{-2}$, and
lattice spacings on the order of Angstroms, the mobility information becomes
relevant for materials experiencing strain rates greater than 10$^{4}$
The typical time scales of dislocation dynamics tools are controlled by the
frequency of dislocation collisions, the natural frequencies of a
dislocation line segment whose length scales with the spacing between
dislocations, and the limits of strong scaling of dislocation dynamics
simulations on massively parallel computers. These time scales practically
limit dislocation simulations to strain rates greater than 10 s$^{-1}$.
Furthermore, the efficiency of these simulations increases with increasing
strain rate. When the mobility of the dislocations is obtained by molecular
dynamics simulation the strain rate limit from the molecular dynamics
simulations apply.
The development of the constitutive models for dynamic straining conditions
using a multiscale modeling methodology employing ab intitio, molecular
dynamics, dislocation dynamics, and continuum finite element methods will be
presented. Each modeling method is used to obtain information about material
behavior that is sourced at its relevant length scale of applicability. The
results obtained with the each simulation method are coarse grained and used
as input for all of the simulations applicable at larger length scales. At
the end of this chain, a final constitutive model for material strength is
constructed for use in general engineering codes used to simulate the
behavior of components under dynamic loading conditions. The final form of
the model as well as all of its coefficients are determined by the
supporting lower length scale simulations so that it can be considered a
true numerical prediction of the material's dynamic strength.
The predictive quality of the model is assessed by comparing the prediction
of engineering simulations with the observations under a variety of loading
conditions obtained with gas guns, explosive drives, and laser ramp
*This work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2011.SHOCK.S3.1