83rd Annual Meeting of the APS Southeastern Section
Volume 61, Number 19
Thursday–Saturday, November 10–12, 2016;
Charlottesville, Virginia
Session D2: Metamagnetism
3:45 PM–5:15 PM,
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Room: Salon C
Chair: Bellave Shivaram, University of Virginia
Abstract ID: BAPS.2016.SES.D2.1
Abstract: D2.00001 : Harnessing the f-electron valence in ThCr$_{\mathrm{2}}$Si$_{\mathrm{2}}$-type compounds*
3:45 PM–4:15 PM
Preview Abstract
Ryan Baumbach
(National High Magnetic Field Laboratory - Florida State University)
Work during the past several decades has made it increasingly clear that
unstable valence correlated electron materials (e.g., cuprates,
iron-pnictide/chalcogenides, and f-electron systems) are at the frontier for
discoveries. These systems exhibit extraordinary phenomena, including
breakdown of Fermi liquid behavior, non-phonon mediated superconductivity,
and anomalous ordered states. In spite of intense efforts to unravel their
behaviors, they continue to be intractable to theoretical treatments.
Equally challenging is that their chemical phase space is enormous, making
brute force exploration of real materials ineffective. In this talk, I will
discuss a new way to organize the abundant f-electron materials
crystallizing in the ThCr$_{\mathrm{2}}$Si$_{\mathrm{2}}$-type structure,
which hosts numerous exemplary correlated electron materials (e.g., the
heavy fermion superconductors CeCu$_{\mathrm{2}}$Si$_{\mathrm{2}}$ and
URu$_{\mathrm{2}}$Si$_{\mathrm{2}})$. In particular, I will suggest that
f-electron materials in this structure are parameterized in two dimensional
maps with the axes of unit cell volume and electronic concentration, where
the loci of the exotic metallic states coincides with crossover regions
between different f-electron valences. This picture unifies earlier work
and, importantly, shows that chemical variation on the transition metal or
ligand sites explores the 2D phase space along a non-trivial vector. This
provides essential guidance for deciding which of these materials might host
extraordinary behavior (e.g., quantum criticality, non-Fermi-liquid,
anomalous magnetism, and superconductivity) and how to tune them.
Importantly, it removes the need for exhaustive expeditions in the chemical
phase space, which drastically improves the ability to uncover novel
behavior in these and related systems. To examine this picture, I will
present results for the chemical substitution series
CeCu$_{\mathrm{2}}$Si$_{\mathrm{2-x}}$P$_{\mathrm{x}}$ and
URu$_{\mathrm{2}}$Si$_{\mathrm{2-x}}$P$_{\mathrm{x}}$, which explore the
electron doping vector in their respective phase diagrams. Particular
attention will be given to the anomalous high field ordered state in
URu$_{\mathrm{2}}$Si$_{\mathrm{2}}$ and how it evolves with $x$.
*This work was supported by National Science Foundation Cooperative Agreement No. DMR-0084173, the State of Florida and the DOE. A portion of this work was supported by the NHMFL User Collaboration Grants Program
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2016.SES.D2.1