Thursday, November 9, 2006
8:30AM - 8:42AM
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Thursday, November 9, 2006
8:42AM - 8:54AM
BB.00002: Measurements of the $^1$S$_0$ Scattering Lengths in Neutron-Deuteron Breakup at 19 MeV in a Coincidence Geometry
A.S. Crowell, J. Deng, J.H. Esterline, C.R. Howell, M.R. Kiser, R.A. Macri, S. Tajima, W. Tornow, B.J. Crowe III, R.S. Pedroni, W. Von Witsch, H. Wita{\l}a
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Thursday, November 9, 2006
8:54AM - 9:06AM
BB.00003: Identification of levels in $^{144}$Cs}
E.F. Jones, P.M. Gore, Y.X. Luo, J.H. Hamilton, A.V. Ramayya, J.K. Hwang, H.L. Crowell, K. Li, C.T. Goodin, J.O. Rasmussen, S.J. Zhu
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Thursday, November 9, 2006
9:06AM - 9:18AM
BB.00004: New Results for the Intensity of Bimodal Fission in Ba Channels of the SF of $^{252}$Cf
C.T. Goodin, D. Fong, J.K. Hwang, A.V. Ramayya, J.H. Hamilton, K. Li, Y.X. Luo, J.O. Rasmussen, S.C. Wu, M.A. Stoyer, T.N. Ginter, S.J. Zhu, R. Donangelo, G.M. Ter-Akopian, A.V. Daniel, G.S. Popeko, A.M. Rodin, A.S. Fomichev
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Thursday, November 9, 2006
9:18AM - 9:30AM
BB.00005: RHIC and Non-Equilibrium Signals of the Deconfining Phase Transition
Alexei Bazavov, Bernd Berg
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Thursday, November 9, 2006
9:30AM - 9:42AM
BB.00006: Monte Carlo Simulation of a Large NaI Detector Using GEANT4
Daniel Mittelberger, Gerald Feldman
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Thursday, November 9, 2006
9:42AM - 9:54AM
BB.00007: Studying neutron stars at Jefferson Lab: the PRex experiment
David S. Armstrong
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Thursday, November 9, 2006
9:54AM - 10:06AM
BB.00008: Equation of State for low density nuclear matter
Jutri Taruna, Jorge Piekarewicz
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Thursday, November 9, 2006
10:06AM - 10:18AM
BB.00009: Accelerate the transition of radioisotopes and unwanted weapons-grade $^{239}$Pu into stable nuclei with a system of high frequency modulation for a net energy gain
Eugene Pamfiloff
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Thursday, November 9, 2006
10:18AM - 10:30AM
BB.00010: Proton configuration and mass variations are observed in each of the 3036 isotopes studied.
Eugene Pamfiloff
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