Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2018 Annual Fall Meeting of the APS Ohio-Region Section
Volume 63, Number 15
Friday–Saturday, September 28–29, 2018; University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio
Session C01: Poster Session
5:30 PM,
Friday, September 28, 2018
Room: Ingman Room
Chair: Nik Podraza, Randy Ellingson, University of Toledo
Abstract ID: BAPS.2018.OSF.C01.30
Abstract: C01.00030 : Characterization of mode-locked fiber lasers
Kyle Hagan
(University of Dayton)
Kyle Hagan
(University of Dayton)
Andy Chong
(University of Dayton)
Ultrafast lasers have applications that span many disciplines from materials science to medicine. Traditionally, ultrafast lasers are assembled from a Ti:Sapphire (T:S) gain medium due to a fast pulse duration (5fs) and high output power. However, a large drawback to T:S is the cost and size. An ultrafast fiber laser (FL) can be developed for a lower cost and take up less space. Drawbacks to a FL is low power output and long pulse duration (20fs). A goal in FL development is to match the performance of a T:S laser. Characterizing performance of these lasers involves measurement of output power, repetition rate, and pulse duration. The assembly of the laser requires splicing optical fiber from a pump diode to fiber of several optical components. The laser is then mode-locked. Mode-locking is the process of generating an ultrashort pulse in the laser cavity by introducing a component called a saturable absorber. Mode-locking is crucial to producing an ultrafast laser. The mode-locked power is 58.5mW and the repetition rate is 45.5MHz, offering a pulse energy of 1.26nJ. The pulse duration is measured with a technique called second-harmonic intensity autocorrelation. Autocorrelation is necessary as the pulse is too fast for electronics to respond. The pulse duration is 97.4fs.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2018.OSF.C01.30
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