Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2017 Annual Fall Meeting of the APS Ohio-Region Section
Volume 62, Number 18
Friday–Saturday, October 13–14, 2017; Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
Session F1: Quantum Optics and Quantum Information |
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Chair: Carlo Samson, Miami University Room: Kreger Hall 227 |
Saturday, October 14, 2017 8:30AM - 8:42AM |
F1.00001: Quantum uncertainty and symplectic capacity Barbara Sanborn In geometric quantum mechanics, a quantum system is described as a Hamiltonian dynamical system, with a complex projective Hilbert space as its phase space. The symplectic geometry of the quantum phase space shows the Robertson-Schrodinger uncertainty relation as an example of the energy identity from the theory of $J$-holomorphic curves. The identity relates the minimal uncertainty product for two quantum observables to a symplectic capacity, suggesting interesting relationships between the concepts of information capacity and symplectic capacity. [Preview Abstract] |
Saturday, October 14, 2017 8:42AM - 8:57AM |
F1.00002: Physical meaning of the radial index of Laguerre-Gauss beams William Plick, Mario Krenn The Laguerre-Gauss modes are a class of fundamental and well-studied optical fields. These stable shape invariant photons, exhibiting circular-cylindrical symmetry, are familiar from laser optics, micromechanical manipulation, quantum optics, communication, and foundational studies in both classical optics and quantum physics. They are characterized, chiefly, by two mode numbers: the azimuthal index indicating the orbital angular momentum of the beam, which itself has spawned a burgeoning and vibrant subfield, and the radial index, which up until recently has largely been ignored. In this talk we develop a differential operator formalism for dealing with the radial modes and, more importantly, give the meaning of this quantum number in terms of a well-defined physical parameter: the intrinsic hyperbolic momentum charge. [Preview Abstract] |
Saturday, October 14, 2017 8:57AM - 9:12AM |
F1.00003: Quantum Key Distribution and the Quest for the Holy Modes Stone Oliver, Yiyu Zhou, Mohammad Hashemi, Robert Boyd Quantum key distribution (QKD) offers a method of 100{\%} secure information transmission. Although previous work has shown successful implementations, a limitation of the work is that a linear polarization is typically used to encode bit information, which encodes only 1 bit per photon. If Laguerre Gauss (LG) modes replace polarization states in quantum key distribution as the mechanism for encoding, then in theory any number of bits could be encoded in a single photon's transverse phase structure. A major barrier to implementing this setup has been the ability to sort single photons in arbitrary LG modes, although recent work by Mirhosseini et. al. has realized an orbital angular momentum sorter, and here we demonstrate a radial mode sorter via single path interferometry; we report on an effective method of radial mode sorting utilizing a fractional Fourier transform. We demonstrate sorting for the radial modes and superposition modes tested (up to p$=$3) with a cross talk ranging from 3-15{\%}. This setup can be easily integrated with the orbital angular momentum sorter in order to characterize light of arbitrary transverse structure. Future work will entail applying this work to create a QKD using LG modes. [Preview Abstract] |
Saturday, October 14, 2017 9:12AM - 9:27AM |
F1.00004: Noise-enabled optical ratchet in cold atoms Alex Reigle By shining an additional laser beam onto a 3D optical lattice we introduce a propagating modulation that ``ripples'' through the lattice, ``dragging'' along some cold atoms. The underlying physical mechanism is discussed with data presented to elucidate the interplay between noise (spontaneous emission) and directed motion. [Preview Abstract] |
Saturday, October 14, 2017 9:27AM - 9:42AM |
F1.00005: Improvement in Quantum Storage Fidelity via Subradiance Tyler Thurtell, Perry Rice The recent push to develop quantum computing devices has created a need for systems that can store a quantum state. Such a system should be able to record superpostions and entanglements of quantum states. An atomic system capable of doing this is a three-level atom experiencing electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). EIT is optical effect in which the presence of a control laser field renders a medium transparent to a frequency it was previously opaque to. Such a system can record a photon state if the control field is manipulated properly. A limit is placed on the storage fidelity by spontaneous emission. For an isolated atom, the spontaneous emission rate is fixed by properties of the atom but if several atoms are brought to within a wavelength of the light emitted this is not the case. Symmetric superpositions emit more quickly than isolated atoms while antisymmetric superpositions emit more slowly. These are the phenomena of super and subradiance respectively. It has recently been shown that selectively radiant states exist for which some modes are subradiant and others are superradiant, that such states can be prepared in three level atoms undergoing EIT coupled to a nanofiber and that such states exponentially improve storage fidelity. We expand upon this. [Preview Abstract] |
Saturday, October 14, 2017 9:42AM - 9:57AM |
F1.00006: EIT Amplitude Noise Spectroscopy Michael Crescimanno, Ben Whitenack, Andrew Funk, Shannon O'Leary EIT Intensity noise spectroscopy is a (intrinsic) FM spectroscopy method usually achieved by computing a statistical quantity in the transmitted light intensities. Understanding these intensity fluctuations and their statistics in terms of EIT noise amplitudes leads to a more complete description of the underlying atom-photon interaction and a simpler way to apply noise spectroscopy in emerging technology such as atomic vector magnetometry. We report on our recent experiments that provide tests of our semiclassical quantum optics theory model of EIT noise. [Preview Abstract] |
Saturday, October 14, 2017 9:57AM - 10:12AM |
F1.00007: PT-Symmetry in Coupled Oscillators Jayson Rook A system may be considered PT-symmetric when, upon the action of both parity and time-reversal operators, it remains unchanged. In a system of two coupled oscillators, for instance, driving one oscillator and allowing comparable loss in the other consistutes a PT-symmetric system. For a pair of quantum oscillators, characterized by Rabi oscillations between discrete energy states, we find that the gain rate $\Gamma$ should not be exactly equal to the loss rate $\gamma$ to be PT-symmetric, but rather $\frac{\Gamma}{\gamma}=1+\frac{1}{\bar{n}}$, where $\bar{n}$ is the steady state excitation level. The $g^{\left( 1 \right)}$ correlation spectra under this condition show a central peak narrower than an ordinary Lorentzian, with a line-width inversely related to $\bar{n}$. Such oscillator systems come up in electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT), where electronic transition probabilities interfere, and stopped light, which utilizes EIT to store a pulse of light in an oscillator and release it at a later time. [Preview Abstract] |
Saturday, October 14, 2017 10:12AM - 10:27AM |
F1.00008: Superradiance with Classical Dipoles Arkan Hassan, Perry Rice Recently Solano et.al. observed both sub- and superradiance in a system of cold atoms trapped around an optical nanofiber. We calculate the radiation of a group of classical dipoles, a suitable approximation to atoms predominantly in the ground state. We find that initially there is superradiant behavior, and then a long subradiant tail. We consider one ball of atoms, two balls of atoms at different ends of the fiber, and two balls that have interactions via the fiber. For one ball we predict collective effects for a large number of atoms. For two uncorrelated balls, we find a spatial interference pattern dependent on the spacing between them, but no collective effects. Adding the long range coupling via the fiber does result in collective effects as observed. [Preview Abstract] |
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