Friday, May 16, 2008
2:00PM - 2:36PM
B4.00001: The fusion of neutron-rich nuclei with $^{208}$Pb
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Friday, May 16, 2008
2:36PM - 3:12PM
B4.00002: Taking a Broad Look at the Nuclear Equation of State
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Friday, May 16, 2008
3:12PM - 3:24PM
B4.00003: The Strong and Weak Lithium Anomaly in BBN
Patrick Bruskiewich
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Friday, May 16, 2008
3:24PM - 3:36PM
B4.00004: Lifetimes of states in 19Ne above the 15O + alpha threshold
Mythili Subramanian, Barry Davids, Tom Alexander, Gordon Ball, M. Chicoine, Ravuri Chakrawarthy, Randy Churchman, Jim Forster, S. Gujrathi, Greg Hackman, Derek Howell, Ritu Kanungo, J. Leslie, Elizabeth Padilla, Chris Pearson, Chris Ruiz, Gotz Ruprecht, Mike Schumaker, Isao Tanihata, Chris Vockenhuber, Pat Walden, Stan Yen
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Friday, May 16, 2008
3:36PM - 3:50PM
B4.00005: BREAK
Friday, May 16, 2008
3:50PM - 4:26PM
B4.00006: Solving a Five Decade-Old Mystery: Why is there Carbon Dating?
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Friday, May 16, 2008
4:26PM - 4:38PM
B4.00007: Ultra-Low Background Measurements using AMS
Daniel J. Robertson, John D. Baker, Philippe Collon, Jaret Heise, Kara J. Keeter, Christopher J. Schmitt, Ed Tatar, Charles Taylor
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Friday, May 16, 2008
4:38PM - 4:50PM
B4.00008: Fast Analysis of Potential Scintillators Using Ion Time Of Flight
Brian Milbrath, Yanwen Zhang
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Friday, May 16, 2008
4:50PM - 5:02PM
B4.00009: Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence Response of U-235
Glen Warren
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Friday, May 16, 2008
5:02PM - 5:14PM
B4.00010: Defect Measurements and Performance Testing of CZT Detectors Using I-DLTS, TCT, I-V, C-V and $\gamma $-Ray Spectroscopy
Rubi Gul, Zheng Li, Kara Keeter, Rene Rodriguez, Ralph James
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