C02.00001: Normal Mode Analysis of Collective Excitations in a Lipoxygenase Proton Tunneling Reaction
Nate Avish
C02.00002: Automated Neuron Tracking in C. elegans Using Segmentation and Graph Neural Networks
Hang Deng, James Yu
C02.00003: Using Stochastic Force Inference to Predict Stall Forces and Rate Kinetics in Molecular Motors with a Focus on Kinesin-1
Adam Hartman
C02.00004: Studying Gold Nanoparticle Dimer Dynamics by Using Optical Tweezing and Darkfield Microscopy
Payton M Harvill, Alona Maslennykov, Hanil Chung, Daniel Jackson, Maria Kamenetska
C02.00005: Pharmacochemical Modeling and Evaluation of Drug Molecules Used in the Treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease
Richard Kyung, Yejee Kim, Jaeyoung Yoon
C02.00006: Dynamics and Energetics of Rare Conformational Transitions in RNA
Lev Levintov, Harish Vashisth
C02.00007: High-throughput Mechanical Characterization of Ultra-Soft Biological Materials Using Puncture and Needle-Induced Cavitation
Jennifer R Quigley, Hsu Shwe Yee Naing, Gabriela M Lana, Shelly Peyton, Alfred J Crosby
C02.00008: Probabilistic Genotype-Phenotype Maps Reveal Mutational Robustness of RNA Folding, Spin Glasses, and Quantum Circuits
Anna Sappington, Vaibhav Mohanty
C02.00009: Ionic environment effects on the dynamics of biomolecular assemblies
George Wanes
C02.00010: Low Power Textile Integrated Electroosmosis Pump for Active Moisture and Sweat Management
Opeyemi S Akanbi
C02.00011: Floquet Engineering Molecular Spin Qubits
Andrew Cupo, Shuanglong Liu, Hai-Ping Cheng
C02.00012: Plasma Treatment in Graphene Exfoliation: Comparing a Handheld Corona Device to Oxygen Plasma in Pre-Treating SiO2 Wafers
Christina F Issa, Andrew Michael Seredinski
C02.00013: Study of Annealing Temperature on Electrochemical Properties of Nsutite Materials
Noah Lee, Lekan Joseph Oyelola, Tess E Masi, Manika Chaudhary, Vikhyat Sahi, Peter K LeMaire
C02.00014: Investigating Bose-Einstein Condensation in a Two-Level System Using the Multi-Orbital Hubbard Model
Kalum Palandage, Alexandra B Barbosa Gonzalez
C02.00015: Deploying the nanoESCA spectrometer to the novel altermagnet MnTe.
Alexander Poulin, Syed Mohammad Fakruddin Shahed, Kar Swastik, Alberto De La Torre Duran
C02.00016: Abstract Withdrawn
C02.00017: Determining the Optimal Bolus Thickness to Maximize Skin Dose
Kalum Palandage, Alexander Mosenthal
C02.00018: Study on DNA Intercalation and Gene Mutation by Photoproducts
Kenny Yu
C02.00019: Clogging of Dry Granular Material Through Particle Arrays in 3D
Ishan Rana, Shubha Tewari
C02.00020: Optimizing Lobed Colloid Design to Produce Core-Shell Morphologies
Brunno Rocha, Borna Fardsadegh, Harish Vashisth
C02.00021: Employing Nano-dopants to Enhance the Resistivity of Molecular Liquid Crystals
Iyanna Trevino, Michael Gammon, Michael Burnes, Noah Lee, Abdul Hamid Saeed, Yuriy Garbovskiy
C02.00022: Active Matter that Flocks and Jams
Antti Eero K Asikainen, David Martin, Sunghan Ro, Julien Tailleur
C02.00023: On the interplay of short-range repulsive forces and long-range motility regulation
Quan M Nguyen, Alberto Dinelli, Gianmarco Spera, Julien Tailleur