Bulletin of the American Physical Society
New England Section Fall 2024 Meeting
Friday–Saturday, October 18–19, 2024; Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts
Session A01: Astrophysics and Physics Education
1:00 PM–2:24 PM,
Friday, October 18, 2024
Northeastern University
Room: Richards Hall Room 237
Chair: Jacqueline McCleary
Abstract: A01.00003 : HII region Metallicities in Nearby Galaxies withMUSE and SITELLE
1:24 PM–1:36 PM
Eric Habjan
(Northeastern University)
Eric Habjan
(Northeastern University)
galaxies using Spectrom`etre Imageur `a Transform´ee de Fourier pour l’Etude en Long et en Large de
raies d’Emission (SITELLE). We analyze the [OII]λλ3726, 3728 flux along with a full suite of opti-
cal emission lines in order to directly derive the electrion density, electron temperature and chemical
abundances of HII regions using auroral and nebular emission lines. We find that measurements that
make use of the nebular-to-nebular line ne,[S II] cause an overestimate in Te,[O II] by ∼ 3, 000 K and
underestimate oxygen abundances by ∼ 0.1 dex. The [OII] auroral-to-nebular diagnostic in combina-
tion with Te,[N II] is used to derive ne,[O II]7325+/3727+, which is found to minimize the effects of density
inhomogeneities. Our findings also suggest that temperature inhomogeneities may be present in the
intermediate ionization volumne, which may be biasing Te,[S III] derived abundances to be underesti-
mated by a factor of ∼ 5. These results ultimately conclude that the abundance discrepancy factor
is more prevalent in chemically enriched HII regions and that when our directly calculated oxygen
abundances are compared to a number of strong line calibrations, the Dopita et al. (2016) relation
yields the best oxygen abundance estimations.
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