Mid-Atlantic Section Fall Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 20
Friday–Sunday, December 4–6, 2020;
Session G03: Atmospheric Mercury and Soot
4:15 PM–6:15 PM,
Saturday, December 5, 2020
Chair: Alexei Khalizov, NJIT
Abstract: G03.00001 : Atmospheric Mercury: Successes and Failures with Measurements in the Parts-Per-Quadrillion Range
4:15 PM–4:51 PM
Preview Abstract
Seth Lyman
(Utah State University)
Mercury is a potent neurotoxicant. Human exposure to mercury most often
occurs from consumption of contaminated fish, but most mercury pollution is
emitted to the atmosphere. Once emitted, mercury can be chemically
transformed and transported around the globe. Except in some
highly-contaminated industrial areas, concentrations of atmospheric mercury
are too low to be a direct health hazard. Instead, atmospheric mercury
deposits to ecosystems, allowing it to bioaccumulate and biomagnify up
aquatic and other food chains. Elemental mercury makes up the vast majority
of what is in the atmosphere, with typical concentrations in the range of
1-2 ng m$^{\mathrm{-3}}$ (100-200 ppq). Measurements of oxidized mercury
compounds are much less certain and vary more with location, meteorology,
and chemistry, but typical measurements are in the range of 0-200 pg
m$^{\mathrm{-3}}$ (0-15 ppq).
Several robust, well-verified methods exist to measure gas-phase elemental
mercury. Pre-concentration on gold traps followed by atomic fluorescence is
the most common method, and it is very sensitive and stable. Measurements of
oxidized mercury are fraught, however. Low concentrations typically require
lengthy pre-concentration, but oxidized mercury compounds are so reactive
that they are not usually able to survive pre-concentration, leading to
measurement bias. Also, no established method exists that can measure
oxidized mercury compounds directly, so it must be pyrolytically reduced to
elemental mercury for analysis. This makes it impossible to know with
certainty what oxidized mercury compounds exist in the ambient atmosphere.
Finally, oxidized mercury compounds are semivolatile, and dynamic
partitioning between the gas-phase and particle-phases makes quantitative
separation of the phases extremely challenging. Commercial oxidized mercury
measurement systems exist, but they suffer from all of these problems and
have repeatedly been shown be biased.
Several research groups are working to improve measurements of oxidized
mercury. These improvements include (1) development of methods to measure
specific oxidized mercury compounds, and (2) development of methods to
measure total oxidized mercury in an accurate way, both with better
measurement methods and with reproducible calibration systems. To our
knowledge, no work is currently being done to develop quantitative
measurement systems that accurately differentiate between particle-phase and
gas-phase oxidized mercury.