APS March Meeting 2024
Monday–Friday, March 4–8, 2024;
Minneapolis & Virtual
Session V00: Poster Session III (1pm-4pm CST)
1:00 PM,
Thursday, March 7, 2024
Room: Hall BC
Abstract: V00.00182 : Room-temperature voltage-controlled spin-orbit torques in perpendicular 2DEG/Ti/CoFeB heterostructure
Nian Xie
(Tongji university)
Nian Xie
(Tongji university)
Nian Xie, Xuepeng Qiu*
Two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) emerged at the oxide interface has aroused great interest for its many fascinating properties, such as high mobility (μ), superconductivity, ferromagnetism, and strong Rashba spin-orbit coupling (SOC). The large Rashba-Edelstein effect and its inverse effect have been explored in 2DEG by using spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance (ST-FMR) and spin-pumping techniques. However, the 2DEG sandwiched between oxides requires state-of-art material engineering and limits its device design, in which direct contact of functional layer with 2DEG cannot be achieved. Here, we successfully created 2DEG at SrTiO3 interface by utilizing the argon ions (Ar+) irradiation. Subsequently, the perpendicular magnetized Ti/CoFeB/MgO multilayers have been deposited on top of the 2DEG. The transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image shows the sharp interfaces and negligible inter-diffusion between layers in the 2DEG/Ti/CoFeB/MgO heterostructure. Gate voltage (Vg) dependence of longitudinal resistance (Rxx) and carrier density (nH) at T = 300 K for the 2DEG/SiO2 sample indicates that Vg can efficiently manipulate oxygen vacancies (OV). The magnetoresistance (ΔRxx) at different angles (θH) for 2DEG/Ti/CoFeB/MgO heterostructure at T = 10 K exhibits the 2DEG characteristic. The sign change of ΔRxx suggests that the magnetic field (H)-induced transition of interaction between the electrons and the Kondo-shielded magnetic impurities. The first (V1f) and second (V2f) harmonic Hall voltage at various Vg and the corresponding damping-like effective field (HL), field-like effective field (HT), and effective spin-torque efficiency (θ‖,⊥) fitted from V2f reveal that a large modulation of SOT about 550% has been achieved via Vg in 2DEG/Ti/CoFeB/MgO heterostructure. The voltage-controlled SOT in 2DEG opens the way for a new generation of spintronics devices.