Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2024 APS March Meeting
Monday–Friday, March 4–8, 2024; Minneapolis & Virtual
Session S05: Magnetic Topological Thin Films and Heterostructures IV
8:00 AM–11:00 AM,
Thursday, March 7, 2024
Room: L100E
Chair: Qianni Jiang, Stanford University
Abstract: S05.00002 : Magnetization studies of high Curie Temperature (Sb2-yMnyTe3)1-x(Mn1+ySb2-yTe4)x structures grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)*
8:36 AM–8:48 AM
Candice R Forrester
(The Graduate Center (CUNY))
Candice R Forrester
(The Graduate Center (CUNY))
Christophe Testelin
(Sorbonne Université, CNRS, Institut des NanoSciences de Paris)
Kaushini S Wickramasinghe
(City College of City University of New york)
Ido Levy
(New York University)
Xiaxin Ding
(City College of New York)
Lia Krusin-Elbaum
(The City College of New York)
Gustavo Lopez
(Lehman College)
Maria C Tamargo
(The City College of New York)
The Nanofabrication Facility of the CUNY Advanced Science Research Center (ASRC), MPBT (physical properties—low temperature) platform of Sorbonne Université, D. Demaille for EDS measurement.
We reported the magnetic properties of (Sb2-yMnyTe3)1-x(Mn1+ySb2-yTe4)x structures grown at slow growth rates (~0.5 nm/min) with high Mn content. Bulk EDS studies showed Mn incorporation into Sb and Te sites and possible Sb2-yMnyTe3 alloy formation, which gave TC values of up to 100K. Analysis revealed the presence of two TC components and led us to propose that excess Mn in SLs and QLs contributes to the TC1 and TC2, respectively.
Magnetization studies of these materials were undertaken to understand their unique behavior. Initial work showed TC independence from carrier density, suggesting long range magnetic interactions via Mn-Te orbital hybridization are dominant. For x ≤ 0.7, Arrott plots gave TC1 of ~26K, consistent with published data for similar compositions, following Mean-Field theory. However, for 0.7 ≤ x ≤ 0.85, where there is significant disorder and excess Mn, deviation from Mean-Field theory was observed. Regarding TC2, behavior consistent with predicted values for Sb2-yMnyTe3 as a function of y was seen for y ≤ 0.6, while TC2 deviated from the predictions at higher Mn content. Independent assessment of ‘y’ in the QLs is being pursued.
*This work was supported by NSF grants no. DMR-2011738 (NSF MRSEC PAQM) and no. HRD-2112550 (Phase II CREST IDEALS). This work was also supported by Project DYNTOPANR-22-CE30-0026-01.
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