Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2024
Monday–Friday, March 4–8, 2024; Minneapolis & Virtual
Session J00: Poster Session I (2pm-5pm CST)
2:00 PM,
Tuesday, March 5, 2024
Room: Hall BC
Abstract: J00.00360 : The symmetric difference algebroid and escape - shrink back of the Black-Hole*
Zhi an Luan
Zhi an Luan
Zhi-An Luan
The classical Courant algebroid associates with the direct sume of tangent and cotangent vector bundle : TM = TM+T*M. The symmetric difference algebroid Tsd as a T-duality structure of the courant algebroid associates the direct difference form: Tsd = TM - T*M. Even so the TM algebroid and the Tsd algebroid are an isomorphism, but have deep different mathematical physical means. For example, in a complex torus or circle S1, two algebroids have completely different geometric realizations as:
TM= 2n ± √3 + 1/(2n ± √3); Tsd= 2n ± √5 - 1/(2n ± √5). There exists an important relationship: TM(n=1) = 2±√3 + 1/(2±√3) = 4; Tsd(n=1) = 2± √5 - 1/ (2±√5) = 4, i.e. in first period:
TM= TsdM = 4. We assert that this is just maximal light speed vmax = 4 rather than c= 3x... km/s. This light speed c only is a transitional speed measured in the earth, which is not the speed at original head (the Sun). This important discovery on the limit light speed will rewrite the relation between mass and velocity of the universe and fundamental particles. the new formula of mass transformation is m = √(1 - v/4) including the case of Tachyon particles. It clearly is that for velocity : v= 4(1 - m2). Then Gmv = 4Gm(1-m2) = Id =1. For the freedom fundamental group, we found there exists a monodromy dimensionless gravitational constant G = 2/3 = 0.666666.....
The symmetric difference algebroid exactly describes the extremel escape retract deformations over the universes. The escape- retract radius are √5 ∼ 1/√5, extremel escape-retract angle: θ1=atan(√5)= 65.9o > 60o; θ2= atan(1/√5) = 24.1o < 30o. We asserts that if argument angle is over the stable angle 60o or mass is over the critical mass √3/2, sub-system is possible to escape from the universe.. At a freedom escape point rcoh= √5/2 = 1.1180 > r=1, there exist two escape directions: √5/2 + 1/2 = 1.6180; √5/2 - 1/2 =0.6180, or φ = 1.6180, φ-1 =0.6180, φ(φ-1) = 1, φ2= 1 + φ, or the escape equation: φ2 - φ -1 = 0, its two roots are 1/2 ± √5/2. The Black Hole is a typical escape-retract phenomena, which also is vanishing cycle mutation. We can compute the mass of a BH: mBH = √(1- (√5)2/4) = √(-1/4) = i/2, it is complex mass as Tachyon. New stars are just retracted BHs. The BH has not earth or death.
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