APS March Meeting 2024
Monday–Friday, March 4–8, 2024;
Minneapolis & Virtual
Session J00: Poster Session I (2pm-5pm CST)
2:00 PM,
Tuesday, March 5, 2024
Room: Hall BC
Abstract: J00.00343 : Escape and Retract over Universes*
Zhi an Luan
(University of British Columbia)
Zhi an Luan
(University of British Columbia)
Zhi-An Luan
This paper proposes firstly the T-duality Courant algebroid theory, which provides a strong tool for deeply description on the escape and retract phenomenon over many universes. It is known that standard Courant algebraic structure TM+T*M combines complex and symplectic geometry. This new T-duality Courant algebraic theory generalizes and extends the Courant algebroid to the T-duality complex Courant algebraic structure as the TM- T*M, which has an important mirror symmetry : R-> 1/R more precise, U^2 - W^2 = t, which has two topological representations U(1-U)= 1 and U(1-U) = -1. First solution is complex form : U=1/2 +- I*sqrt(3) /2, which is a circle S1 or a torus structure describing motions between two-bodies or universes. Second solution is a pair of golden ration phi= sqrt(5)/2 + 1/2=1.618; phi-1 = 0.618 or phi(phi-1) = 1= Id. It shows that from the escaping point sqrt(5)/2 has two objects: 0.618 and 1.618, which have same probability i.e. 0.5. It means that escape and retract of universes and fundamental particles indeed are a T-duality manifolds. we see the escape mutation orbifolds pass a vacuum line bundle where mass=0, which implies that the escape and retract move behaviour arise by limit light speed 4 rather than our measurements 3x... km/s. It is clear that m=0 and limit light speed are two necessary conditions. This important discovery opens a door of research about the Black-Hole and original source. I assert that all universes are without Origen, also without end point, which are without any birth or a death. The T-duality complex Courant algebraic geometry splits a circle S1 or torus into an elliptic manifold with centre distance d= sqrt(5), which is greater than radius 2 of Universe, then induces escape performance. It is completely different from standard Courant algebraic geometry TM+T*M. The new T-duality theory will be proved it is a robust tool for studying mani-body problems. The Black-Hole is an escaped universe again returning by retract deformation rather than other.