Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2024 APS March Meeting
Monday–Friday, March 4–8, 2024; Minneapolis & Virtual
Session G52: Quantum Circuit Compilation and Synthesis
11:30 AM–2:18 PM,
Tuesday, March 5, 2024
Room: 201AB
Chair: Alexandru Paler, Aalto University
Abstract: G52.00003 : Choosing an Optimal Pass Set for Quantum Transpilation*
11:54 AM–12:06 PM
Siddharth Dangwal
(University of Chicago)
Siddharth Dangwal
(University of Chicago)
Gokul Subramanian Ravi
(University of Michigan)
Lennart Maximilian Seifert
(University of Chicago)
Frederic T Chong
(University of Chicago)
However, choosing the right set of transpiler passes and the right configuration for each pass is a challenging problem.
Transpilers often make critical decisions using heuristics since the ideal choices are impossible to identify without knowing the target application outcome. Further, the transpiler also makes simplifying assumptions about device noise that often do not hold in the real world. As a result, we often see counter-intuitive effects where the fidelity of a target application decreases despite using state-of-the-art optimizations or a combination of them.
To overcome this challenge, we propose OPTRAN, a framework for Choosing an Optimal Pass Set for Quantum Transpilation. OPTRAN uses efficiently classically simulable quantum circuits, that resemble the target application, to estimate how different transpiler passes interact with each other in the context of the target application. OPTRAN then uses this information to choose the optimal combination of passes that maximizes the target application's fidelity when run on the actual device. Our experiments on IBM machines show that OPTRAN
achieves by 88.68% of the maximum possible fidelity, (a 4.31x improvement over IBM-Qiskit's baseline). We also propose low-cost variants of OPTRAN, called OPTRAN-E-3 and OPTRAN-E-1 that improve fidelity by 70% and 61% of the maximum permissible limit at a 58% and 69% reduction in cost compared to OPTRAN respectively.
*This work is funded in part by EPiQC, an NSF Expedition in Computing; in part by STAQ; in part by the US Department of Energy Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research, Accelerated Research for Quantum Computing Program; and in part by the NSF Quantum Leap Challenge Institute for Hybrid Quantum Architectures and Networks, in part based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, National Quantum Information Science Research Centers, and in part by the Army Research Office.
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