2024 APS March Meeting
Monday–Friday, March 4–8, 2024;
Minneapolis & Virtual
Session A64: Statistical and Nonlinear Physics of Earth and its Climate
8:00 AM–11:00 AM,
Monday, March 4, 2024
Room: 211AB
Chair: Ching-Yao Lai, Princeton University
Abstract: A64.00004 : The Thermodynamics of Trees may be helpful in controlling the Climate
9:00 AM–9:12 AM
Richard M Kriske
(University of Minnesota)
Richard M Kriske
(University of Minnesota)
Richard Kriske
Einstein's first paper was on Capillary Action. Capillary Action intrigued him, as water was able to rise hundreds of feet in the air without any work being done. Einstein believed that a gas flowed downward into the tree as the water rose. This author had previously proposed that it is not generally a gas, but rather "Holes" that travel downward in the capillary tubes as the water molecules travel upward. It may be that Einstein came up with his Noble Prize winning idea of the "Photoelectric Effect" from his earlier interest in Capillary Action. When reading Enrico Fermi's book on Thermodynamics, that author had an idea about the Thermodynamics of Chemical Reactions, and proposed the the "Phase" of the reaction involved all of the molecules in the reaction. In the case of Capillaries in trees that "Phase" involves both the water molecules and the "Holes" in the liquid column that pass from the point (perhaps in the leaves) downward into the roots. As the Photons of heat strike the water column, they break the bond holding the water stream to the H2O molecule, the H2O molecule is ejected as a gas (one could argue that it is "Dry Steam") and the "Hole" propagates into the soil and creates a field of "Holes" that draw water from the soil. This mechanism causes the tree to be cooler that its surroundings. This author proposed previously that trees and animals cool themselves by using this method of capillary action. This mechamism could be claimed to violate the second law of thermodynamics as put forward by Fermi, in that it draws heat from the environment and cools it without doing any work. It probably does and this mechanism would be of great help in cooling the environment. Another problem arises in that trees also use holes in Photosynthesis. So the current model of trees as just absorbing carbon and making structures out of it needs correction. Of course making of structures violates the first law of thermodynamics, but classical Physics is just an approximation, and the Science in this new mechanism is that Perpetual Motion is the rule in Physics and the first and second laws only apply to special cases involving heat engines. Once Quantum Mechanics was discovered this obvious example has been overlooked, and more esoteric ideas about looking for it in the :"Big Bang" became popular. It is a joke about how "Theoretical Physicists" tie their shoes.