Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2024 APS March Meeting
Monday–Friday, March 4–8, 2024; Minneapolis & Virtual
Session A52: Novel Approaches to Quantum Sensing and SimulationsFocus Session
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Sponsoring Units: DQI Chair: Akshay Koottandavida, Yale University Room: 201AB |
Monday, March 4, 2024 8:00AM - 8:12AM |
A52.00001: A gate-tunable superconducting Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain Lukas Johannes Splitthoff, Miguel Carrera Belo, Guliuxin Jin, Eliska Greplova, Christian Kraglund Andersen Metamaterials engineered to host topological states of matter in controllable quantum systems hold promise for quantum simulations and the advancement of quantum computing technologies. In this context, the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) chain, a textbook example of topological matter, has gained prominence due to its simplicity and practical applications, including entanglement stabilization in superconducting quantum circuits. In this talk, we present the implementation of a five-unit-cell bosonic SSH chain on a one-dimensional lattice of superconducting resonators. Our approach offers precise and independent in-situ tuning of coupling parameters – a feature that has eluded previous work. We achieve electrostatic control over the inductive intercell coupling using semiconductor nanowire junctions, which enables the spectroscopic observation of a trivial-to-topological phase transition in the engineered topological metamaterial. In particular, we will discuss the robustness of the topological edge state against various disorder realizations, including local perturbations and noise originating from electrostatic gate control. Our results pave the way for larger controllable bosonic lattices to facilitate quantum simulations. |
Monday, March 4, 2024 8:12AM - 8:24AM |
A52.00002: Superconducting Qubits as Quantum Sensors for the Detection of Ionizing Radiation Matthew L Freeman, Sueli D Skinner Ramos, Rupert M Lewis, Stephen M Carr Quantum sensing describes the use of a quantum system, quantum properties, or quantum phenomena to perform a measurement of a physical quantity. Quantum sensors capitalize on the central weakness of quantum systems, their strong sensitivity to external disturbances. Here we present measurements directed toward utilizing a superconducting qubit, not for quantum information processing, but as a quantum sensor for the detection of ionizing radiation. Whereas ionizing radiation presents a potentially serious problem for quantum error correction due to spatially and temporally correlated errors, it represents an opportunity for quantum sensing. A parameter characterizing superconducting qubits is the ratio (EJ/EC) where EJ is the Josephson energy and EC is the charging energy. We report on measurements of transmon qubits with 20 < (EJ/EC) < 60 directed toward the investigation of superconducting qubits as quantum sensors for the detection of ionizing radiation. |
Monday, March 4, 2024 8:24AM - 8:36AM |
A52.00003: Oral: Advances in Quantum Sensing: Nonlinear Superconducting Resonators for Exploring Novel Quantum Materials Nicolas Dirnegger, Jonathan B Curtis, Ioannis Petrides, Marie E Wesson, Saulius Vaitiekenas, Amir Yacoby, Prineha Narang Quantum sensing has emerged as a powerful tool for probing the intricate properties of novel quantum materials. In this presentation, we explore the innovative use of a nonlinear superconducting ring resonator as a versatile platform, which offers high quality factors at low temperatures and is compatible with hybrid and 2D materials to probe quantum processes at the nanoscale. Using controlled environments, it is possible to extract valuable information about the materials' properties. Here, we demonstrate how the inherent nonlinearity within our ring resonator model can be exploited to induce complex dynamics such as multiple equilibria and instabilities. Our system is modeled as a coherently driven mean field Bose-Hubbard dimer in the weakly coupled regime. We investigate the steady-state behavior of our system culminating in a phase diagram of these driven resonator modes that exhibit metastability and bifurcation, which will be outlined and highlighted. Furthermore, we explore the sensitivity and limitations of our resonator model to differentiate between time-reversal symmetry breaking (TRSB) and other non-reciprocal effects, shedding light on the superconductor's unique behavior. Our techniques and methodologies can be employed in a spectrum of experimental setups and device geometries for quantum sensing reaching high sensitivities. |
Monday, March 4, 2024 8:36AM - 8:48AM |
A52.00004: Shaping dual Shapiro steps in Josephson junctions using tailored drives Fabian Kaap, Christoph Kissling, Victor Gaydamachenko, Lukas Grünhaupt, Sergey Lotkhov Recent experimental results have validated a prediction made almost four decades ago, affirming the existence of quantized current steps in Josephson junctions and superconducting nanowires, referred to as dual Shapiro steps[1, 2, 3]. These dual Shapiro steps have potential as a new current standard and, thus, might also allow to close the quantum metrological triangle. This is due to the fact that these steps are spaced apart by 2ef, with e being the elementary charge and f the frequency of the rf drive. |
Monday, March 4, 2024 8:48AM - 9:00AM |
A52.00005: Observation of Microwave Frequency Combs in Non-Linear Superconducting Resonators Rupert M Lewis We report on microwave frequency combs generated in non-linear superconducting resonators. In this work, we used coplanar waveguide transmission line resonators fabricated from thin film NbTiN with fundamental modes at either 2 GHz or 3.5 GHz. The inherent nonlinearity of the NbTiN films allows familiar four-wave mixing processes like parametric amplification, harmonic generation, and frequency combs. Our measurements, performed at 1.5 K, characterized the frequency combs in terms of applied power and spectral output. We will also propose mechanisms for frequency comb generation in this |
Monday, March 4, 2024 9:00AM - 9:12AM |
A52.00006: Detection of Athermal Quasiparticles using a Josephson Array Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detector (JAMKID) Doug Pinckney, Patrick M Harrington, Max Hays, Jiatong Yang, Michael A Gingras, Bethany M Niedzielski, Hannah Stickler, Jonilyn L Yoder, Mollie E Schwartz, Jeffrey A Grover, Kyle Serniak, Joseph A Formaggio, William D Oliver Cooper pair breaking in superconducting devices is a widely used detection method for observational astronomy, nuclear science, and X-ray imaging. We have developed a variant of these detectors called a Josephson array microwave kinetic inductance detector (JAMKID). The JAMKID is a small (0.1 mm x 0.02 mm) resonant circuit with a series array of Josephson junctions having electrical impedance that is sensitive to quasiparticle excitations in its constituent thin film aluminum. By virtue of their construction, spatial extent, and method of readout, JAMKID circuits have potential applications as co-located sensors with superconducting quantum circuit devices. In this talk we discuss the feasibility of JAMKIDs for reliable detection of ionizing radiation impacts and how these devices might inform error mitigation in superconducting quantum processors. |
Monday, March 4, 2024 9:12AM - 9:48AM |
A52.00007: Electrostatic actuation and sensing of mechanical oscillators in the quantum regime Invited Speaker: Mohammad Mirhosseini Controlling mechanical oscillators in the quantum regime has implications for quantum information processing, sensing technologies, and explorations of new fundamental physics. In the gigahertz frequency band, superconducting qubits have emerged as a powerful tool for creating and measuring non-classical states of mechanical oscillators. Experiments involving superconducting qubits and mechanical oscillators require interfaces capable of faithfully exchanging quantum states between the electrical and mechanical domains. In this talk, we describe our work in realizing such interfaces by modulating the electrostatic force via mechanical motion. Our approach relies on the geometrical design and fabrication of nanomechanical structures and the enhancement of charge fluctuations in electromagnetic resonators made from disordered superconductors. We discuss our recent progress in realizing physical implementations of hybrid quantum devices employing electrostatic transducers. |
Monday, March 4, 2024 9:48AM - 10:00AM |
A52.00008: Measurement induced phase transitions in quantum raise and peel models Eliot A Heinrich, Xiao Chen We present a quantum circuit model which emulates the interface growth of the classical raise-and- peel model. Our model consists of Clifford unitary gates interspersed with projective measurements, applied according to prescribed feedback rules. We numerically find via large-scale simulations that, depending on the feedback rules, the system undergoes one of three distinct measurement-induced phase transitions, including continuous transitions within two universality classes which have not been previously observed in quantum hybrid systems as well as a first-order transition. |
Monday, March 4, 2024 10:00AM - 10:12AM |
A52.00009: Millimeter-wave Josephson Radiator Arrays Gabriel Spahn, Salizhan Kylychbekov, Shravan Patel, David C Harrison, Robert McDermott We describe the development of arrays of mm-wave radiators based on the ac Josephson effect. The individual elements of the array are aperture antennas incorporating voltage-biased Josephson junctions. Each element provides a coherent source of narrowband photons with well-defined polarization. For appropriate antenna and junction parameters, it is possible to achieve near unit coupling to free space at the antenna resonance. Arrays of elements provide a means to enhance the emitted power in a chosen direction and to suppress emission in the plane of the array. We present the results of numerical simulations that have guided material choice and array design, and we describe characterization of various array prototypes. We discuss application of these arrays to the calibration of sensors for astrophysical and rare event detection. |
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