Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2023 APS March Meeting
Volume 68, Number 3
Las Vegas, Nevada (March 5-10)
Virtual (March 20-22); Time Zone: Pacific Time
Session YY04: V: Superconductivity III
10:00 AM–11:48 AM,
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Room: Virtual Room 4
Chair: Thais Victa Trevisan, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Abstract: YY04.00008 : Proximity-induced superconductivity and finite energy pairing in the Rashba surface state of gold*
11:24 AM–11:36 AM
Philipp Ruessmann
(University of Würzburg)
Philipp Ruessmann
(University of Würzburg)
Masoud Bahari
(University of Würzburg)
Björn Trauzettel
(University of Würzburg)
We combine theoretical modelling and ab initio Bogolibov-de Gennes simulations [PRB 105, 125143 (2022)] using the JuKKR density functional theory code [https://jukkr.fz-juelich.de]. We investigate the proximity effect in the Rashba surface state at the interface between Al(111) and Au(111) that arises from the combination of strong spin-orbit coupling in Au and broken symmetry at the interface. We discuss how inter-orbital pairing can occur at finite energies away from the Fermi level under an external magnetic field and comment on the pairing symmetry in the proximity-induced coupling of the Rashba surface state.
*We thank the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy for financial support within High-Tech Agenda Project "Bausteine für das Quantencomputing auf Basistopologischer Materialien mit experimentellen und theoretischen Ansätzen". We are grateful for computing time granted by the JARA Vergabegremium and provided on the JARA Partition part of the supercomputer CLAIX at RWTH Aachen University.
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