2023 APS March Meeting
Volume 68, Number 3
Las Vegas, Nevada (March 5-10)
Virtual (March 20-22); Time Zone: Pacific Time
Session N00: Poster Session II (11am-2pm PST)
11:00 AM,
Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Room: Exhibit Hall (Forum Ballroom)
Abstract: N00.00398 : Direct evidence for antiferrodistortive (AFD) structural phase transition in incoherent lattice fluctuations, Jahn-Teller (JT) lattice distortion from Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry-Ion Channeling (RBS- ICh) & local microstructure in Cr & Fe implanted dilute metalic quantum paraelectrics SrTiO3.*
Kalyan Sasmal
(University of California, San Diego)
Kalyan Sasmal
(University of California, San Diego)
Prof. Wei Kan Chu, Ion Beam Laboratory at Texas Center for Superconductivity (TcSUH) at University of Houston - Houston, TX 77204, United States.
Properties of quantum materials are tuned by pressure, magnetic field & doping. Dilute semiconductor perovskite STO exhibits unconventional superconductivity over a wide range of carrier densities 1019-1021cm−3, Fermi level traverses a number of vibrational modes & it maintains gap to Tc ratio of BCS weak-coupling limit, despite being in anti-adiabatic regime. At lowest SC-densities, lone remaining adiabatic phonon van Hove singularity is anomalously soft transverse-optic mode associated to ferroelectric instability. Recent works suggest emergence of multiferroic (magnetic & ferroelectric) quantum critical behavior, interplay between ferroelectricity vs SC and SC mediated by odd-parity ferroelectric modes. Presence of soft phonons & their possible role as scattering centers raised suspicion that T2 resistivity is not due to e-e scattering. LT RBS- ICh is used to probe displacive phase transition & lattice distortion. It provides direct evidence of incoherent lattice fluctuations as function of temp across AFD at Ta=105 K. JT effect occur for degenerate filled & empty molecular orbitals. Critical channeling angle Ψc & ratio of minima of angular RBS-lCh spectral yield χmin for Sr & Ti sublattices determine JT lattice distortion in transition element (Cr & Fe) implanted STO. JT effect at Cr5+ & Fe4+ centers in STO lattice are investigated by RBS- ICh. Valence mismatch between substituent & host plays key role. Similar values of Ψ1/2 for Sr sublattice indicates no displacement of Sr. Impurity hardly causes displacements of Sr ions but causes displacement of Ti ions from ideal lattice sites. Cr & Fe impurities predominantly leads to distortion of Ti sublattice, infers Cr/Fe is actually located at Ti positions but not in interstitial. Temp dependence of Thermal vibrational amplitudes (ρ) of Sr & Ti also displacements of Ti4+ are calculated based on Linhard's continuum model. FWHM is strongly affected by incoherent atomic displacements. Change in ρ value indicating a dynamic or static displacement of Sr & Ti atoms. With Temp ρ changes across AFD, infers different lattice constants. Local microstructure & atomic distortions studied with HR-TEM (FIB prepared), XPS, GID-XRD & Raman Scattering. Implanted STO shows a minor tetragonal phase corresponds to lattice expansion along c-axis & it's not randomly oriented.