Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2023 APS March Meeting
Volume 68, Number 3
Las Vegas, Nevada (March 5-10)
Virtual (March 20-22); Time Zone: Pacific Time
Session G39: 5d/4d Transition Metal Systems IIFocus Session
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Sponsoring Units: DMP Chair: Gang Cao, University of Colorado Boulder Room: Room 231 |
Tuesday, March 7, 2023 11:30AM - 12:06PM |
G39.00001: Competing spin-orbital singlet states in d4 honeycomb system Invited Speaker: Tomohiro Takayama 4d and 5d transition-metal compounds hosting spin-orbit-entangled states have emerged as a rich platform of unconventional electronic phases. The interactions between spin-orbit-entangled pseudospins in these compounds are distinct from those of spin-only magnets, which may give rise to exotic magnetic ground states. The examples include Kitaev magnetism in d5 Jeff = 1/2 systems and multipolar physics in d1 (Jeff = 3/2) and d2 (Jeff = 2) compounds. |
Tuesday, March 7, 2023 12:06PM - 12:18PM |
G39.00002: J=0 electronic states in the low-dimensional osmium halides with the 5d4 configuration Yang Zhang, Ling-Fang Lin, Adriana Moreo, Thomas A Maier, Gonzalo Alvarez, Elbio R Dagotto Due to the competition among hopping t, crystal field splitting Δ, electronic correlations (U, JH), and spin-orbit coupling l, many electronic states are possible for a d4 system, such as S = 2, S = 1, and J =0 states. Here, we systematically study the 1D Os-chain systems (OsCl4, OsOCl2) [1,2] and the “zero-dimensional” K2OsX6 (X = F, Cl, and Br) [3] with the 5d4 electronic configuration. Because of the large bandwidth or large crystal-field splitting Δ (between different t2g orbitals), the J = 0 state is suppressed in those 1D Os-chains, resulting in an S = 1 spin-1 system [1,2]. However, in K2OsX6, the well-separated OsX6 octahedra lead to the cubic crystal-field limit and result in dramatically decreasing hopping t among nearest neighbor Os-Os sites. In this case, the J = 0 nonmagnetic state develops in this system [3]. Our results provide guidance to experimentalists and theorists working on this interesting family of osmium halides. |
Tuesday, March 7, 2023 12:18PM - 12:30PM |
G39.00003: Magnetic properties of Cs2IrCl6 single crystals Wei Tian, Qiang Chen, Adam A Aczel, Christopher R Wiebe, Haidong Zhou, Jinguang Cheng Cs2IrCl6 is a member of cubic antifluorites A2IrCl6 (where A is an alkali metal or NH4) featuring isolated IrCl6 octahedra arranged on the FCC lattice. This class of material has gained renewed interest recently as a model FCC antiferromagnet with Jeff = ½ involving strong spin-orbit coupling and a combination of Heisenberg and Kitaev exchange interactions [1]. In contrast to K2IrCl6, very little work has been done on Cs2IrCl6. Here we will present the synthesis and characterization of Cs2IrCl6 single crystals. A paramagnetic-to-antiferromagnetic transition was revealed by specific heat and magnetic susceptibility measurements at Tn » 0.5 K. The spin structure was determined by neutron diffraction measurements. We will discuss the magnetic properties of Cs2IrCl6 in comparison to other cubic antifluorites in this family. |
Tuesday, March 7, 2023 12:30PM - 12:42PM |
G39.00004: Direct imaging of valence orbitals using hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Daisuke Takegami, Laurent Nicolaï, Yuki Utsumi, Anna Meléndez-Sans, Daria A Balatsky, Cariad A Knight, Connor Dalton, Shao-Lun Huang, Chi-Sheng Chen, Li Zhao, Alexander C Komarek, Yen-Fa Liao, Ku-Ding Tsuei, Ján Minár, Liu Hao Tjeng It was hypothesized already more than 40 years ago that photoelectron spectroscopy should in principle be able to image atomic orbitals. If this can be made to work for orbitals in crystalline solids, one would have literally a different view on the electronic structure of a wide range of quantum materials. |
Tuesday, March 7, 2023 12:42PM - 12:54PM |
G39.00005: Competing energy scales in a rhodium oxide spinel Juan Chamorro, Julia L Zuo, Ram Seshadri, Stephen D Wilson Materials possessing frustrated crystal structures in conjunction with interacting spin, charge, and orbital degrees of freedom offer an avenue toward non-trivial quantum phenomenology. The spinel structure type is one that possesses frustration through its intertwined diamond and pyrochlore sublattices, and the spinel LiRh2O4 has been demonstrated to possess spin dimerization, charge ordering, and orbital ordering at tangible energy scales [1]. Furthermore, recent measurements of the local structure in this material indicate that the charge ordering arises from strong correlations and is similar to that of magnetite, satisfying the ‘Anderson condition’ for pyrochlore lattices [2]. In this talk, we will demonstrate the effect of electron and hole doping in the structural and physical properties of LiRh2O4, with an emphasis on the effect of dopants on the formation of dimers via changes in the local structure as indicated by pair distribution function measurements. Our results demonstrate an opportunity to study competing energy scales on a frustrated, mixed-valent pyrochlore lattice. |
Tuesday, March 7, 2023 12:54PM - 1:06PM |
G39.00006: Probing the Ground States of the Kitaev-Heisenberg Model in RuCl3 through Guarded Electrical Measurements Patrick T Barfield, Maya H Martinez, Vinh Tran, Vikram Nagarajan, James G Analytis, Claudia Ojeda-Aristizabal Alpha Ruthenium Chloride (α-RuCl3) is part of a special class of Mott insulators, Kitaev materials, that exhibit strong spin orbit coupling and bond directional exchange interactions. In particular, the Kitaev-Heisenberg model predicts this material to host interesting ground states such as a Quantum Spin Liquid (QSL) with fractionalized excitations making it ideal for applications in topological quantum computing, as well as magnetic ordered states. Through guarded measurements of RuCl3 thin crystal electronic devices, we find that electronic transport is dominated by thermally activated transport at high temperatures and Efros-Shklovskii Variable Range Hopping transport at low temperatures down to the known zig zag antiferromagnetic ordering transition for RuCl3. Measurements demonstrate that this antiferromagnetic ordering is robust up to fields of 11T out of the plane. Future experiments will explore the effects of a magnetic field in the plane of the sample and its effect on the electronic transport mechanism. |
Tuesday, March 7, 2023 1:06PM - 1:18PM |
G39.00007: Metallic Bi-Rh-O thin films with p-type conduction Mizuki Ohno, Takahiro C Fujita, Yuuki Masutake, Hiroshi Kumigashira, Masashi Kawasaki Transition metal oxides with partially filled 4d and 5d orbitals have recently been viewed as promising target materials for the discovery of novel properties, due to their strong spin-orbit coupling that can generate exotic electronic states. Here, we report the fabrication of three kinds of Bi-Rh-O compounds. They are synthesized by the deposition of amorphous films at room temperature by pulsed laser deposition and subsequent annealing in a tube furnace under O2 atmosphere. On Y-ZrO2 (111) substrates, two novel compounds with supercell structures [BinOn]-[RhO2] (n = 3, 2) are synthesized at annealing temperatures (Tanneal) of 700 °C and 900 °C, respectively. When a buffer layer of pyrochlore oxides is deposited on Y-ZrO2, single crystalline pyrochlore Bi2Rh2O7 is stabilized at Tanneal of 1,000 °C. These results demonstrate the critical role of the interface-engineering in stabilizing certain crystal structures, which will pave the way for further exploration of Rh oxides and materials design of transition metal oxides. Hall resistivity at 2 K is merely linear to an applied magnetic field with a positive slope for all the compounds, and the estimated carrier densities are p = 3×1021 cm-3 ([Bi2O2]-[RhO2]), 6×1021 cm-3 ([Bi3O3]-[RhO2]), and 1×1023 cm-3 (Bi2Rh2O7). The magnetoresistance at 2 K shows quadratic ([Bi2O2]-[RhO2]) and linear ([Bi3O3]-[RhO2], Bi2Rh2O7) field dependence, suggesting strong spin-orbit coupling. |
Tuesday, March 7, 2023 1:18PM - 1:30PM |
G39.00008: Temperature and pressure driven structural phase transition in GaPt5P. Aashish Sapkota, Tyler J Slade, John M Wilde, shuyuan huyan, Sergey L Budko, Paul C Canfield Recent discoveries of novel magnetism in the TMPt5P and TMPd5P (TM = 3d transition metal) based families [1-3] has brought renewed interest to the wider class of M(Pt/Pd)5X (M = TM, IIIA elements, and rare earths; X = P, As) materials. IIIA element-based M(Pt/Pd)5X, where M = Al, Ga, and In, are non-magnetic analog of magnetic TM(Pt/Pd)5X and other than structure, are relatively un-characterized. Here, we present detail studies of GaPt5P single crystals using ambient and high pressure resistivity measurements as well as ambient pressure magnetization and X-ray diffraction measurements. At ambient pressure, a step-like feature at about T ~ 80 K in both resistivity and magnetization measurements indicates a possible structural change. The hysteretic nature suggests the transition to be the first-order type. Furthermore, X-ray diffraction measurements confirm the first-order structural transition to a lower symmetry structure with a volume collapses. Hydrostatic pressure increases the transition temperature bringing it to room temperature by ~ 2.3 GPa. [1] X. Gui et. al., Appl. Electron. Matter. 3, 3501 (2021). [2] X. Gui et. al., Chem. Mater. 32, 3922 (2020). [3] T. J. Slade and P. C. Canfield Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 648, e202200145, 2022. |
Tuesday, March 7, 2023 1:30PM - 1:42PM |
G39.00009: Observation of orbital fluctuation inducing unconventional magnetic order in a correlated insulator Rong Cong, Ilija K Nikolov, Stephen Carr, Adrian Del Maestro, Chandrasekhar Ramanathan, Vesna F Mitrovic Intertwined electronic and orbital degrees of freedom in strongly correlated materials with strong spin-orbit-coupling has shown to give rise to many exotic quantum phenomenon, especially to emergent quantum phases and transitions [1,2], such as quantum spin liquids, multipolar orderings, cooperative Jahn-Teller (JT) effects, and correlated topological semi-metals. 4d and 5d transition metal compounds have provided a rich playground for realizing these correlated quantum phenonmenon. In these materials, it is often difficult to determine the driving mechanism for the emergent phases. Here we implement a multi-modal technique [3] that is able to independently probe different symmetry-related order parameters to determine the primary driving order parameter in such a system. Examples of the application of the technique to real materials will be discussed. |
Tuesday, March 7, 2023 1:42PM - 1:54PM |
G39.00010: Strategy to Develop the High-Performance Thermomagnetic Gd-Si-Ge Alloys for Low-grade Waste Heat Energy Harvesting saurabh Singh, Na Liu, Amin Nozariasbmarz, Bed Poudel, Shashank Priya Searching for new technology for energy harvesting from low-grade waste heat via the use of magnetic phase change materials is one of the focused research areas within the domain of renewable energy resources. The key challenges to be addressed simultaneously are (i) a large change in magnetization with temperature, (ii) magnetic phase transition at/near room temperature, and (iii) high thermal conductivity. In this work, we established SeS2 as an extraordinary sintering aid that effectively densifies the high-performing Gd5Si2.4Ge1.6 thermomagnetic material via low-temperature spark plasma sintering at 200 °C. The weight ratio of SeS2 per unit gram is optimized to improve the density by 32%, thermal conductivity by 90%, and maintained the large magnetization in the Gd5Si2.4Ge1.6 compound. The magnetic phase transition of 33 °C is successfully achieved for (Gd5Si2.4Ge1.6)0.9(SeS2)0.1 material. |
Tuesday, March 7, 2023 1:54PM - 2:06PM |
G39.00011: Crystal Structure of NaOsO3 under High Pressure Determined by Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction Jie Chen, Yanyao Zhang, Jiaming He, Stella Chariton, Jung-Fu Lin, Kazunari Yamaura, Jianshi Zhou The 5d transition metal oxide NaOsO3 attracts many attentions due to its metal-insulator transition, the origin of which is still under debate [1-3]. At ambient condition, NaOsO3 crystallizes into an orthorhombic perovskite structure (Pbnm; a = 5.32817 Å, b = 5.38420 Å, c = 7.58038 Å). A high-pressure structural study was performed on polycrystalline NaOsO3, which reported a highly unusual phase transition from nonpolar phase (Pbnm) to polar phase (Pna21) at ~18 GPa [4]. Motivated by this report, we conducted the single-crystal synchrotron XRD measurement at high pressures up to 40 GPa and analyze the pressure effect on the crystal structure of NaOsO3. Pressure enlarges the orthorhombic distortion, i.e. splitting the lattice parameters a, b, and c/, shown in figure 1. The single-crystal diffraction data of NaOsO3 can be refined reasonably well with the Pbnm (No. 62) structural model up to ~40 GPa. In this talk, we will also compare the pressure effect on the orthorhombic perovskite NaOsO3 with other 3d and 4d orthorhombic perovskite compounds. |
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