Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2023 APS March Meeting
Volume 68, Number 3
Las Vegas, Nevada (March 5-10)
Virtual (March 20-22); Time Zone: Pacific Time
Session G00: Poster Session I (2pm-5pm PST)
2:00 PM,
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
Room: Exhibit Hall (Forum Ballroom)
Abstract: G00.00072 : Color-Magnitude Diagrams of Low-Mass Dwarfs in the Sagitta M71 (NGC 6838) Globular Cluster*
Cedar Garcia
(University of Texas RGV)
Cedar Garcia
(University of Texas RGV)
This work's significant original contribution to knowledge is the preliminary hypothetical color-magnitude diagrams which were derived using the ds9 stellar catalog analysis package, SIMBAD, and model atmospheres from the standard MARCS. In order to derive a model for the color and magnitude of NGC 6838, we determined stellar brightness as a function of metallicity, rotation, age, and distance of M dwarfs and Algol-like binaries. We also sought to examine how a CCD which is tuned to the branch and main sequence stars of the M71 globular cluster might lead to further generalizations about the magnitude and evolution of Globular Clusters. Further investigations into the sensitivity of metallicity, stellar activity, circumstellar dust are needed in order to identify the extent of these residual effects on cluster representation via CMD.
Consistent with the use of r-g-i SDSS filters on the ProEM CCD, this work presents the initial results of a CMD model generated from spectra of 118 Sagittae. We also present the sky spectra map obtained with the 2.1-m Otto Struve Telescope. Magnitudes of M dwarfs, W Algol-like binaries, with SX Phoenicis blue stragglers are provided. Theoretical MIST isochrones for the color-temperature relations in M71 were of comparable accuracy.
*NSF Partnerships in Astronomy & Astrophysics Research and Education Program
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