Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2023 APS March Meeting
Volume 68, Number 3
Las Vegas, Nevada (March 5-10)
Virtual (March 20-22); Time Zone: Pacific Time
Session G00: Poster Session I (2pm-5pm PST)
2:00 PM,
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
Room: Exhibit Hall (Forum Ballroom)
Abstract: G00.00017 : Optical response of relativistic-like materials using Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy
Megan Loh
(Stanford University)
Megan Loh
(Stanford University)
Weyl and Dirac semimetals exhibit a relativistic-like linear energy-momentum relationship. When exposed to a constant magnetic field, the energy states of electrons in crystals become discretized in Landau levels (LLs). FTIR spectroscopy at various magnetic fields show electronic transitions between LLs in similarly discretized peaks. Magnetic field dependence of LL transitions in relativistic-like materials will be uniquely curved unlike linearly dependent transitions in typical materials. The peak widths of these transitions can determine the electron mobility in the sample. The data peaks can be extracted, fitted with Gaussian curves, and analyzed with a Python algorithm. The peak widths of different Dirac semimetals were found to corroborate an increasing correlation between peak widths and LLs as well as magnetic fields.
CdAs2 is a newly discovered material proposed to be a topological insulator with an internal Weyl semimetal band structure. To examine the temperature dependence of the properties of CdAs2, a combination of FTIR spectroscopy and ellipsometry is used. By measuring with polarizations of 0° and 90°, phonons can be seen from two axes of the sample. This data allows us to probe the evolution and formation of phonons with temperature in CdAs2.
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