Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2023 APS March Meeting
Volume 68, Number 3
Las Vegas, Nevada (March 5-10)
Virtual (March 20-22); Time Zone: Pacific Time
Session F29: Strongly Correlated Systems, Including Quantum Fluids and Solids III
8:00 AM–10:48 AM,
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
Room: Room 221
Chair: Valentin Crépel, Flatiron Institute (CCQ)
Abstract: F29.00014 : An oxygen vacancy memristor ruled by electron correlations*
10:36 AM–10:48 AM
Vincent Humbert
(Unité Mixte de Physique, CNRS, Thales, Université Paris-Sacl)
Vincent Humbert
(Unité Mixte de Physique, CNRS, Thales, Université Paris-Sacl)
Vincent Humbert, Ralph El Hage, Guillaume Krieger, G. Sanchez-Santolino, Anke Sander, Sophie Collin, Juan Trastoy, Javier Briatico, Jacobo Santamaria, Daniele Preziosi, and Javier E. Villegas
Here we show that this mechanism can be exploited in junctions based on NdNiO3, an interesting material due to its first-order metal-insulator transition that adds an additional degree of freedom to the studied devices. We find that the studied NdNiO3/MoSi junctions present large tunnel electroresistance, and that, depending on the temperature, the lifetime of the resistance states can be largely tuned. Furthermore, the resistance switching is accompanied by a shift of the metal-insulator transition temperature, which further supports the redox scenario in presence of strong electronic correlations.
This work was published in Humbert, V. et al. An Oxygen Vacancy Memristor Ruled by Electron Correlations. Advanced Science, 2201753 (2022)
(1) Rouco, V., et al. Quasiparticle tunnel electroresistance in superconducting junctions. Nature communications, 11(1), 1-9 (2020)
*This project was supported by the ERC grant 647100 SUSPINTRONICS, the ANR grant ANR-22-CE24-0009-01 SEEDS and received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101029978.
*This project was supported by the ERC grant 647100 SUSPINTRONICS, the ANR grant ANR-22-CE24-0009-01 SEEDS and received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101029978.
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