Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2022
Volume 67, Number 3
Monday–Friday, March 14–18, 2022; Chicago
Session Q64: UTe2 and Actinide Heavy Fermion MaterialsRecordings Available
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Sponsoring Units: DCMP Chair: Brian Casas, FSU-NHMFL Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Grant Park B |
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 3:00PM - 3:12PM |
Q64.00001: Growth conditions, stoichiometry and the superconducting properties of UTe2 Ian M Hayes Uranium ditelluride (UTe2) shows several hallmarks of spin-triplet superconductivity, including ultra-high critical fields beyond the Pauli limit and miniscule Knight shift through the superconducting transition. However, the superconducting state in UTe2 has, for the most part, not displayed the exquisite sensitivity to disorder that is expected in triplet superconductors. In this talk I will review the differences in superconducting properties grown under different conditions and our ongoing attempts to control them. I will then present data from electrical and thermal transport, along with heat capacity and elemental analysis, that provide multiple evaluations of the cleanliness of these different samples. Finally, I will discuss how these different measures of cleanliness correlate with the key superconducting properties of UTe2 and how these observations inform the emerging picture of superconductivity in this system. |
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 3:12PM - 3:24PM |
Q64.00002: Triplet pairing via Kondo hybridization - Applications to UTe2 and CeRh2As2 Tamaghna Hazra, Piers Coleman We explore pairing mechanisms for triplet superconductivity mediated by Kondo interactions, relevant for UTe2 and CeRh2As2. In these systems, the upper critical field violates the Pauli limit by an order of magnitude, and there are multiple distinct superconducting phases which appear to be enhanced and even enabled by strong magnetic fields. Taken together, the experimental puzzles raised by these systems challenge our current understanding of heavy fermion superconductivity and raise the intriguing possibility of a very new kind of superconductivity driven by the local moments of U and Ce. We seek to unify the Kondo physics with the triplet pairing in a coherent framework. With this motivation, we present a mean-field analysis of a simple two-channel Kondo model which has two spins at locally-noncentrosymmetric sites in the unit cell, inspired by UTe2 and CeRh2As2. This illustrates the emergence of local triplet correlations as a result of Kondo hybridization with spin-orbit coupled local moments. In the spirit of a resonating valence bond picture, the superconductivity can be understood as the condensation of spin-triplet pre-formed pairs which are odd under exchange of the two U/Ce sites. |
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 3:24PM - 3:36PM |
Q64.00003: Measuring the critical field anisotropy of UTe2 Sylvia K Lewin, David E Graf, Sheng Ran, Nicholas Butch The candidate spin-triplet superconductor UTe2 is of interest both for its fundamental electronic properties and its potential applications in quantum computing. Among the intriguing properties of UTe2 is the strong variation of its upper critical field, depending on the direction of the applied field with relation to its crystal axes. In this talk we will share some measurements of the anisotropy of the upper critical field of UTe2 and explain their relevance in the context of the overall phase diagram of UTe2. |
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 3:36PM - 3:48PM |
Q64.00004: Magnetocaloric effect measurements of the high field superconducting states in UTe2. Rico Schoenemann, Priscila Rosa, Sean Thomas, John Singleton, Ross D McDonald, Boris A Maiorov, Vivien Zapf, Marcelo Jaime UTe2 has attracted significant attention in the last two years due to the discovery of potential chiral spin-triplet superconductivity evidenced by the unusually high critical fields and the small temperature variation of the NMR Knight shift. Even more intriguing a high field induced superconducting state was proposed to exist in UTe2 for field orientations between H||b and H||c emerging under ambient pressure between 40 to 60T. Here we present magnetocaloric measurements in pulsed magnetic fields up to 55T on new high quality UTe2 single crystals and show thermodynamic evidence of the high and low field superconducting phases in UTe2 as well as the field polarized state. The magnetocaloric measurements are supported by proximity detector oscillator (PDO) measurement which are sensitive to changes in the skin depth (electrical resistivity) and magnetic susceptibility – revealing a phase diagram in agreement with previous studies. The results are discussed with respect to vortex physics within the superconducting phases of UTe2. |
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 3:48PM - 4:00PM |
Q64.00005: Weyl nodes in the odd-parity superconductor UTe2 Han Gyeol Suh, TATSUYA SHISHIDOU, Philip Brydon, Michael Weinert, Daniel F Agterberg, Yue YU UTe2 has recently been found to be an example of a spin-triplet superconductor that exhibits evidence for chiral Majorana surface states. Here we present general symmetry and topology arguments relating to Weyl points that can account for these surface states. This will be followed by an analysis of the superconducting state of a DFT+U inspired model for UTe2. This model supports a B2u+iB3u superconducting pairing state that is consistent with polar Kerr measurements. We find this state has four Weyl point nodes and we numerically examine the resultant surface Fermi arc states. Theses states reveal unexpected properties that can be accounted for by our general symmetry arguments. |
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 4:00PM - 4:12PM |
Q64.00006: Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of local magnetism and spin dynamics in UTe2 Riku Yamamoto, Michihiro Hirata, Priscila Rosa, Filip Ronning, Sean Thomas, Joe D Thompson, Ajeesh Mukkattu Omanakuttan, Stuart E Brown The newly-discovered heavy-fermion superconductor UTe2 is a candidate triplet superconductor. Its superconductivity resembles that of the other ferromagnetic superconductors such as UCoGe, whereas its magnetism significantly differs in the sense that there is no ferromagnetic order. Results from experiments carried out under hydrostatic pressure are taken as evidence for magnetically ordered phases. These high-pressure phases are likely antiferromagnetic, although their local spin structures and dynamics are not yet clear. Further, their relation to the pressure-enhanced superconducting transition temperature TC and impacts on the normal-state magnetic fluctuations are unknown. Using 125Te nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), we will discuss local magnetism and spin dynamics in UTe2 on 125Te-enriched high-quality single crystals. |
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 4:12PM - 4:24PM |
Q64.00007: Heat capacity of URu2-xOsxSi2 at low temperatures Dom L Kunwar, Suman R Panday, Yuhang Deng, Sheng Ran, Ryan Baumbach, Brian Maple, Carmen C Almasan We will present the results of the measurements of the heat capacity as a function of temperature on URu2-xOsxSi2 alloys. Our experimental results show that the critical temperature of the second-order phase transition increases while the value of the Sommerfeld coefficient in the ordered state decreases with |
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 4:24PM - 4:36PM |
Q64.00008: Anisotropy of the T vs. H phase diagram and the HO-LMAFM boundary in URu2-xFexSi2 Yuhang Deng, Naveen Pouse, Sheng Ran, David E Graf, You Lai, John Singleton, Fedor F Balakirev, Ryan Baumbach, M Brian Maple We explored the role of angle, θ, as a tuning parameter in URu2-xFexSi2, where θ is the angle between the magnetic field, H, and the c-axis. We first investigated the parent compound URu2Si2 by measuring electrical resistance, R, vs. H, at several selected θ, for temperatures T = 1.5, 10, and 13 K. We observed that R(H) scaled with the projection of the magnetic field onto the c-axis, and therefore the θ- and H-dependent behavior of R, including the so-called "hidden order" (HO) transition and the Fermi surface reconstruction in URu2Si2, at fixed T, demonstrate that R(θ, H) is actually dependent on H//c = H cosθ, consistent with a similar study reported previously. We continued this investigation on URu2-xFexSi2 to observe whether θ becomes a tuning parameter as Fe substitution increases and the system is driven toward large-moment antiferromagnetic order (LMAFM). Measurements on R(θ) at μ0H = 20, 33, 40, and 45 T were conducted at 0.33 ≤ T ≤ 20 K and showed θ-dependent behavior in the various phase transitions of URu2-xFexSi2 (HO, LMAFM, SDW, Fermi surface, etc.). These phase transitions, as functions of T, H, and θ were plotted in a phase diagram of T vs. H//c for multiple x and reaffirmed that H//c, not θ, is a tuning parameter of URu2-xFexSi2 throughout all Fe concentrations. |
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 4:36PM - 4:48PM |
Q64.00009: No symmetry breaking at critical point driven by electronic entropy in URu2Si2 Satya Kushwaha, Marcelo Jaime, Mun K Chan URu2Si2 exhibits a novel type of order below To ≈ 17K, with an apparent (BCS)-like phase transition in Cp(T), yet three decades of intense research have yielded no definitive signatures of any associated symmetry-breaking. Noticeably, a number experiments have also shown an electronic energy gap which closely resembles that resulting from hybridization between conduction electron and 5f-electron states. We argue here, using thermodynamic measurements and minimalistic modeling, that the above observations can be jointly understood by way of proximity to an entropy-driven critical point, in which the latent heat of a valence-type electronic instability at To is quenched. Salient features of the putative valence-type transition include a robust energy gap displaying highly degenerate features in the electronic DOS that is only weakly suppressed by temperature on approaching To, an elliptical (To,Hc) phase boundary in magnetic field and temperature emerging from the consequences of a clear Pauli-PM limit in the (same) electrons responsible for all To, quantum oscillations, and superconductivity and, importantly, the lifting of the requirement of a broken symmetry in the ground state below To in URu2Si2. Implications for other unusual aspects of strongly correlated electron physics will be discussed. |
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 4:48PM - 5:00PM |
Q64.00010: Giant spin-orbit interactions in the actinides Peter Riseborough, Xiao Yuan, Sergio G Magalhaes, Eleonir J Calegari We investigate the effect of many-body interactions on the spin-orbit coupling of anisotropic metals. We use the Underscreened Anderson Lattice Model that was proposed to describe actinide compounds. The Coulomb interactions induce off-diagonal correlations that enhance the components of the spin-orbit coupling. Modest values of the Coulomb interaction U can significantly enhance the spin-orbit coupling and effect the electronic spectrum. The enhancements are most pronounced for systems that are either magnetic or on the verge of becoming magnetic. The enhancement is anisotropic in crystals with non-cubic symmetries and can lead to giant magnetic anisotropies in paramagnetic states. |
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 5:00PM - 5:12PM |
Q64.00011: Hybridization effect on the X-ray absorption spectra for actinide materials Roxanne M Tutchton, Wei-ting Chiu, Giacomo R Resta, Tsung-Han Lee, Eric D Bauer, Filip Ronning, Richard T Scalettar, Jian-Xin Zhu Studying the local moment and 5f-electron occupations sheds insight into the electronic behavior of actinide materials. X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) has been a powerful tool to reveal the valence electronic structure when assisted with theoretical calculations. In this work, we employed the DFT+Gutzwiller rotationally-invariant slave boson method to obtain the local Hamiltonian of the single-impurity Anderson model (SIAM), and used exact diagonalization (ED) method to calculate the XAS spectra from the model. An in-house computational code was developed for the ED method. By applying this technique to the recently discovered 5f-electron topological Kondo insulator plutonium tetraboride (PuB4), we were able to determine the signature of 5f-electronic correlation effects in the theoretical X-ray spectra. We found that the Pu 5f-6d hybridization effect provides an extra channel to mix the j=5/2 and 7/2 orbitals in the 5f valence. As a consequence, the resultant electron occupation number and spin-orbit coupling strength deviate from the intermediate coupling regime. |
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 5:12PM - 5:24PM |
Q64.00012: Magnetotransport studies of single crystalline URhSn Arvind Maurya, Yusei Shimizu, Fuminori Honda, Ai Nakamura, Yoshiki J. Sato, Dexin Li, Yoshiya Homma, Dai Aoki Uranium compounds have been a great deal of interest for exclusively showing unusual phases, e. g. field boosted superconductivity, hidden order, multipolar order are some of the features which have been realized prevalently in uranium compounds. URhSn is one of such material which is yet to catch an interest for its enigmatic successive double phase transitions; remarkably the order parameter for the higher temperature transition occurring at TO = 54 K is yet to known, while below TC = 18 K a ferromagnetic ground state is confirmed. URhSn crystallizes in a non-centrosymmetric hexagonal unit cell of ZrNiAl-type with potentially frustrated quasi-kagome structure formed by the magnetic U-atoms. We have grown high quality (RRR = 41) single crystal of URhSn by Czochralski method which furnishes quantum oscillations up to dHvA frequencies of 1.5 kT. High field magnetization shows field reinforcement of the order parameter at TO. Electrical transport under pressure presents a unique type of P-T phase diagram composed of a pair of bicritical points and likely a quantum phase transition at 6.25 GPa accompanied by a Fermi surface reconstruction. In this meeting electrical transport in magnetic fields of the title compound will be highlighted. |
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 5:24PM - 5:36PM |
Q64.00013: Listening to Phase Transitions - Ultrasound Techniques in the Study of Heavy Fermion Systems. Guy H Leong One of the early triumphs of the BCS theory of superconductivity was that it successfully predicted the behavior of ultrasound attenuation in tin and indium. Since then ultrasound techniques have been used to study conventional and unconventional superconductivity, as well as a range of other phases. |
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