Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2022
Volume 67, Number 3
Monday–Friday, March 14–18, 2022; Chicago
Session N68: Probing Charge, Heat and Energy Transport at the NanoscaleFocus Session Recordings Available
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Sponsoring Units: DMP Chair: Diana Qiu, Yale University Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park B |
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 11:30AM - 12:06PM |
N68.00001: Having it all: Discerning charge and heat in energy transduction and nanoscale transport Invited Speaker: Naomi S Ginsberg Very few materials are able to absorb visible light without dissipating some of the resulting energy into phonon modes, and these excited modes have the capability to act back on the electronic excitation that is generated. By the same token, very few probes of photophysical processes in materials are able to directly probe the coexistence of both electronic and thermal departures from equilibrium or directly visualize the impact of the spatiotemporal interaction of electronic and thermal excitations. I will nevertheless, describe such a capability that leverages not only the ps time resolution associated with electronic to thermal energy transduction but also direct spatial maps of localized photoinduced electronic and temperature profiles and their coupled evolution. This approach shows thermoelectric effects in few-layer MoS2 and can be more broadly applied to other emerging semiconductors. |
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 12:06PM - 12:18PM |
N68.00002: Terahertz emission spectroscopy for monitoring hot-carrier transport in Plasmonics Mohammad Taghinejad, Chenyi Xia, Kyutae Lee, Andrew Kim, Jun Xiao, Wenshan Cai, Aaron M Lindenberg, Mark Brongersma Hot carriers –electrons and holes with energies notably larger than kBTroom– play a key role in many photon-driven processes ranging from solar energy harvesting to photochemistry. In majority these applications, the transport of hot carriers across metal/dielectric interfaces is necessary. Understanding characteristic time and length scales for the interfacial transport of hot carriers is a challenging but highly rewarding task, as optimizing the performance of hot carrier devices heavily depends on such knowledge. Our experimental knowledge of the transport dynamic is limited to gathered timescales from pump-probe experiments. However, considering that generation of hot carriers is only one of many transient processes with similar timescales, often such recorded data provide an indirect picture of charge transport and require theoretically heavy modelings to unravel the contribution of transport among other competing transient effects. Here, we discuss the measurement of hot-carrier transport dynamics via the recording of time variation of emitted terahertz waveforms upon the interfacial transport of hot carriers. The role of geometrical symmetry, propagation direction of charge transport, and the external DC electrical bias on the terahertz response will be discussed. |
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 12:18PM - 12:30PM |
N68.00003: Hot electron relaxation in periodic type-II quantum well Hua Wang, Mario F Borunda, Kieran Mullen In hot carrier photovoltaic devices, photoexcited electrons and holes are spatially separated in "Type II" quantum wells to reduce their recombination rate. The excess energy of the hot electrons can be lost to optical phonons through electron-phonon interactions. These optical phonons decay into acoustic phonons and eventually leave the system as heat. Previously, we have calculated the phonon modes of the repeated quantum well/barrier supercell and shown that the energy escaping rate is significantly reduced in this structure compared to a pure semiconductor. We build on this to develop a model to predict the steady-state of the hot electrons. We describe the electron dynamics with a fermionic Boltzmann rate equation, where an external light source pumps the hot electron population, and the electron-phonon interaction changes the population distribution of electrons in energy space. The distribution for the relevant optical phonon is modeled with a bosonic rate equation, including their decay into acoustic modes and leaking to a normal mode of the supercell and leaving the system. Solving these coupled equations with realistic parameters can predict and possibly optimize the steady-state, non-equilibrium, hot electron distribution. |
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 12:30PM - 12:42PM |
N68.00004: Light-matter interaction between few-layer MoS2 and electrically driven plasmonic tunnel junctions Jiawei Yang, Yunxuan Zhu, Douglas Natelson Optically-active two-dimensional materials combined with nano-plasmonic systems provide great potential for exploring light-matter interactions. Recent photoluminescence studies of 2D materials coupled to plasmonic resonators have shown evidence of strong light-matter couplings. In this work, we investigated the interactions between few-layer MoS2 and electromigrated Au tunnel junctions similar to those that have been studied previously through electroluminescence. When biased into the electroluminescent regime, on top of the broad plasmonic resonance, we observed a feature at ~1.9 eV which matches the exciton energy of MoS2. The exciton in these devices could be either excited optically by light emission from the metal electroluminescence, or excited directly by plasmon-induced hot carriers. Intriguingly, the spectra show a Fano-like shape indicating an interaction between the exciton mode and plasmonic resonance. Moreover, highly localized plasmon-enhanced Raman scattering from MoS2 was observed at the junction, which provides sub-nanometers spatial resolution indicating nanometer-scale field enhancements. We report progress on experiments to further reveal the nature of exciton-plasmon interaction throughe gate-tunable carrier density in MoS2. |
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 12:42PM - 12:54PM |
N68.00005: Directing exciton propagation in monolayer TMDCs through patterned dielectric substrates Jonas Zipfel, Boyce Chang, Daria Blach, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Edward S Barnard, Ricardo Ruiz, Archana Raja The local control of exciton transport in monolayer TMDCs has manifested as a particular challenge so far. Although these excitons are known to be quite mobile [1,2], their lack of charge precludes common ways to create directed transport via electrical potentials. An alternative route to this may be found in their inherent 2D nature since these excitons are particularly susceptible to their local dielectric environment [3,4]. This opens a novel way to tailor the excitonic energy landscape, envisioning directed exciton propagation along a defined energy pathway created from dielectric patterns through nanostructured substrates. |
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 12:54PM - 1:06PM |
N68.00006: Room temperature 1D excitonic guides Zidong Li, Kanak Datta, Darwin F Cordovilla Leon, Parag B Deotare The emerging field of excitonics, made possible by the remarkable advancement in material science and nanofabrication, presents the possibility of improving on the usual on-chip interconnect paradigm of using electrons. In this work, we report a room temperature 1D excitonic guide in tungsten diselenide (WSe2) monolayer, where photo generated excitons drift under a gradient in the exciton potential. The excitonic potential energy gradient is created by engineering the band structure along the guide using underlying nanostructures. [1] We achieve drift length in excess of 2.5 μm with 60.8 % efficiency and exciton drift velocity reaching ~8 × 105 cm2/s. [2] In addition, we observe fluence dependent excitonic drift suggesting contributions from nonequilibrium many-body effects. [3] These results are critical for realizing optoexcitonic circuits: a next generation ultrafast and efficient data communication and processing platform. |
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 1:06PM - 1:18PM |
N68.00007: Voltage-controlled moiré potentials and long-range propagation of indirect excitons in a van der Waals MoSe2/WSe2 heterostructure Lewis Fowler-Gerace, Zhiwen Zhou, Darius J Choksy, Leonid V Butov Excitonic devices based on controlled propagation of indirect excitons (IXs) are demonstrated in GaAs structures but limited to low temperatures due to low IX binding energies [1]. IXs in transition-metal dichalcogenide (TMD) heterostructures are characterized by high binding energies offering the opportunity for room-temperature operation. However, strong moiré superlattice potentials in TMD heterostructures [2,3] localize IXs, making IX propagation different in TMD and GaAs heterostructures. In earlier excitonic devices IX transport was controlled by an energy barrier to IX propagation created by the gate electrode [1]. We present a new mechanism for exciton transport control. It is based on tuning the moiré potentials by voltage to enable IX delocalization. We present the long-range IX propagation due to this mechanism. We also establish a spatial correlation between IX linewidth, energy, and luminescence intensity. |
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 1:18PM - 1:30PM |
N68.00008: Exciton-phonon dephasing and linewidth from first-principles in monolayer MoS2 Yang-hao Chan, Jonah B Haber, Mit H Naik, Jeffrey B Neaton, Diana Y Qiu, Felipe H da Jornada, Steven G Louie
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 1:30PM - 1:42PM |
N68.00009: Signatures of Dimensionality and Symmetry in Exciton Bandstructure: Consequences for Exciton Dynamics and Transport Diana Y Qiu, Galit Cohen, Dana Novichkova, Sivan Refaely-Abramson Exciton dynamics, lifetimes, and scattering are directly related to the exciton dispersion, or bandstructure. Here, we present a general theory for exciton bandstructure within both ab initio and model Hamiltonian approaches. We show that contrary to common assumption, the exciton bandstructure contains non-analytical discontinuities---a feature which is impossible to obtain from the electronic bandstructure alone. These discontinuities are purely quantum phenomena, arising from the exchange scattering of electron-hole pairs. We show that the degree of these discontinuities depends on materials' symmetry and dimensionality, with jump discontinuities occurring in 3D and different orders of removable discontinuities in 2D and 1D. We connect these features to the early stages of exciton dynamics, radiative lifetimes, and diffusion constants, in good correspondence with recent experimental observations, revealing that the discontinuities in the bandstrucutre lead to ultrafast ballistic transport and suggesting that measured exciton diffusion and dynamics are influenced by the underlying exciton bandstructure. |
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 1:42PM - 1:54PM |
N68.00010: Excitons in a hyperbolic medium Brian Vermilyea, Michael M Fogler We study the interaction between excitons in a two-dimensional semiconductor and phonons in an anisotropic polar insulator that behaves as a hyperbolic medium. We show that the energy levels of the excitons are renormalized due to polaron-like effects. The excited states of excitons can either form quasi-bound complexes with phonons or exhibit an enhanced decay rate in the hyperbolic frequency region. Coupling to phonons also modifies van der Waals interaction, Förster resonant energy transfer, and collective mode dispersion of excitons. We discuss how these effects may be observed in optical experiments and their possible nanophotonic applications. |
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 1:54PM - 2:06PM |
N68.00011: Surface hopping modeling of coherent charge and energy transfer in molecular materials and beyond Anna Bondarenko Surface hopping is probably the most popular approach to model energy transfer processes and other non-adiabatic phenomena, but its original formulation does not specify coherent elements of the involved density matrices. This complicates the application of surface hopping to ultrafast processes as well as to nonlinear spectroscopy, where these elements are critical. In this talk, I will describe our efforts to develop surface hopping into a fully coherent method. Notably, I will show that previous coherent implementations based on an inconsistent treatment of coherences and populations lead to unphysical density matrices, which may manifest as a violation of the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality and negative populations in the site basis. We recently developed a fully-consistent coherent implementation that does not suffer from such unphysical behavior. I will present a comparison of the method against numerically-exact results for a multichromophoric system representative of a light-harvesting complex. A high accuracy is found throughout most of parameter space, demonstrating its promise as a robust high-accuracy/low-cost method to study charge and energy dynamics in a broad variety of nanostructured materials. |
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 2:06PM - 2:18PM |
N68.00012: Exciton Transport in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) Model and Molecular Aggregate Chains Ryuhei Koshita, Lev Kaplan, Aaron Kelly, Giuseppe L Celardo, Francesco Mattioti, Alessia Valzelli The Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model has provided the basis for studying topological effects in dimerized systems. Recently, there has been increased interest in uncovering the effects of topology in realistic systems. The Radiative Hamiltonian, a physically-motivated effective Hamiltonian that describes the interaction of a molecular aggregate with a radiation field, and includes long-range interactions as well as non-Hermitian contributions, allows for in-depth study into such systems. Using the average transfer time and steady-state current as metrics of exciton transport, we have investigated transport in a simple disordered molecular aggregate chain that displays topological properties, and made comparisons with an analytic approximation in which the system is mapped onto a pair of disordered SSH chains. |
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 2:18PM - 2:30PM |
N68.00013: Exciton mediated interaction between moiré trapped carriers Chengxin Xiao, Wang Yao Moiré pattern formed by stacking two-dimensional materials can realize superlattice confinement of electrons or holes, which is a promising platform to study their many-body interactions. Moire superlattices of semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides also host excitons, the tightly bound electron-hole pairs that can be interconverted with photons. We investigate the Coulomb exchange interaction between excitons and moiré potential trapped carriers, and show that the optically excited excitons can mediate a ferromagnetic spin-spin interaction between the moire trapped carriers. This interaction can be of longer range than that of pure electronic origin in the absence of excitons, and allows optical tuning of the spin-spin interaction and magnetic orders in the moire superlattice. |
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