Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2022
Volume 67, Number 3
Monday–Friday, March 14–18, 2022; Chicago
Session G52: Spin-Orbit Torques and Spin-Torque Oscillators: IFocus Session Recordings Available
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Sponsoring Units: GMAG DMP FIAP Chair: Hilary Hurst, San José State University Room: McCormick Place W-475A |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 11:30AM - 12:06PM |
G52.00001: Sagnac interferometry for high-sensitivity optical measurements of spin-orbit torque Invited Speaker: Yunqiu (Kelly) Luo We adapt Sagnac interferometry for magneto-optic Kerr effect measurements of spin-orbit-torque-induced magnetic tilting in thin-film magnetic samples. The high sensitivity of Sagnac interferometry permits for the first time optical quantification of spin-orbit torque from small-angle magnetic tilting of samples with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA). We find significant disagreement between Sagnac measurements and simultaneously-performed harmonic Hall (HH) measurements of spin-orbit torque on Pt/Co/MgO and Pd/Co/MgO samples with PMA. The Sagnac results for PMA samples are consistent with both HH and Sagnac measurements for the in-plane geometry, so we conclude that the conventional analysis framework for PMA HH measurements is flawed. We suggest that the explanation for this discrepancy is that although magnetic-field induced magnetic tilting in PMA samples can produce a strong planar Hall effect, when tilting is instead generated by spin-orbit torque it produces a negligible change in the planar Hall signal. This very surprising result demonstrates an error in the most-popular method for measuring spin-orbit torques in PMA samples, and represents an unsolved puzzle in understanding the planar Hall effect in magnetic thin films. Lastly, I will briefly talk about our effort to use Sagnac to probe heterostructures of vdW insulating magnets at cryogenic temperatures. (arXiv:2109.13759) |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 12:06PM - 12:18PM |
G52.00002: Probing anisotropy in epitaxial Fe/Pt bilayers by spin-orbit torque ferromagnetic resonance Mohammad Tomal Hossain, Sergi Lendinez, Laura Scheuer, Evangelos Papaioannou, M. Benjamin Jungfleisch Spin-orbit torques (SOTs) in novel materials have attained much attention recently as they have the potential to revolutionize highly energy-efficient storage applications. From this end, spin-orbit torque ferromagnetic resonance (STFMR) is a prominent choice for studying spin-orbit torques in multilayers. However, an overlooked aspect of STFMR has been the dynamic response driven by oscillatory SOT. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 12:18PM - 12:30PM |
G52.00003: Highly efficient spin-orbit torque switching in Pt/Li0.5Al1.0Fe1.5O4 bilayers Xin Yu Zheng, Sanyum Channa, Lauren Riddiford, Jacob J Wisser, Egecan Cogulu, Zbigniew Galazka, Andrew D Kent, Yuri Suzuki Spin-wave-based electronics promise fast electrical switching of magnetization but require the isotropic excitation of spin waves and minimization of losses associated with spin-charge conversion. In this regard, spin-orbit torque (SOT) has been identified as a key phenomenon that may enable the coherent excitation of spin waves. Previously, we demonstrated the synthesis of the novel spinel oxide insulator Li0.5Al1.0Fe1.5O4 (LAFO) films on (001) oriented MgGa2O4 that possess PMA and a Gilbert damping parameter on the order of 10-3. In this talk, we demonstrate current induced SOT switching of the magnetization in Pt/LAFO bilayers at current densities as low as 6 x 105 A/cm^2, one of the lowest reported for a PMA ferrimagnetic insulator. Using second harmonic Hall measurements, we elucidate the origin of this low current density by quantifying a high damping-like SOT efficiency of 0.54. This is much larger than the typical value of < 0.1 in other Pt/ferromagnet systems. The combination of PMA, low damping, and efficient SOT switching make LAFO a promising system for future spintronics applications. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 12:30PM - 12:42PM |
G52.00004: Anisotropic spin-orbit torques in thin film bilayers of Li0.5(Al,Fe)2.5O4 and Pt studied with spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance Lauren Riddiford, Xin Yu Zheng, Sanyum Channa, Zbigniew Galazka, Yuri Suzuki Low loss magnetic insulators with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) are of great interest for exploring spin wave-based phenomena as well as integrating into higher density, more energy-efficient memory storage. However, there are very few materials that exhibit low loss, PMA and insulating behavior. Recently, we have stabilized epitaxial thin films of Li0.5(Al,Fe)2.5O4 (LAFO) on single crystal (001) MgGa2O4 substrates which have strong PMA and are low loss, with a typical Gilbert damping parameter of ~7x10-4. We have demonstrated spin pumping from LAFO into an adjacent Pt layer. Conversely, in this talk we demonstrate the excitation of LAFO magnetization by a microwave charge current in the Pt via spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance (ST-FMR). ST-FMR enables us to characterize charge to spin interconversion in bilayers with Pt. We find a highly anisotropic ST-FMR voltage signal depending on the relative orientation of the microwave charge current and the external in-plane magnetic field along the (110) direction, suggesting the presence of an out-of-plane anti-damping torque exerted by the Pt. The presence of this torque indicates a possibility of field-free SOT switching in this system. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 12:42PM - 12:54PM |
G52.00005: Spin-Orbit Torques beyond the Spin-Diffusion Model in Ferromagnet/Normal-Metal/Ferromagnet Trilayers Kirill D Belashchenko, Giovanni G Baez Flores, Alexey A Kovalev, Vivek P Amin Spin-orbit torques in Co/Cu/Co, Co/Pt/Co, and Py/Cu/Py trilayers are studied using the first-principles non-equilibrium Green’s function method with supercell disorder averaging. Trilayers with a Cu spacer exhibit strong current-in-plane giant magnetoresistance, and the torques exhibit features that can not be captured by the spin-diffusion model. In the parallel configuration there is strong disorder-dependent dampinglike torque which can greatly exceed the torque in bilayers with Pt. This torque is strongly reduced in the antiparallel configuration. We also consider the case where the magnetizations in the two layers are orthogonal to each other. In addition to dampinglike and fieldlike torque components, we find a new torque with the angular dependence (s·m2)m1 where s=E×z while m1 and m2 are the magnetizations in the spin-orbit source and detector layer, respectively. For further insight, we develop a semiclassical model based on the Boltzmann equation. Numerical calculations show that spin torques on one ferromagnetic layer are modulated by the other through interlayer scattering. Thus, in contrast to ferromagnet/heavy-metal bilayers, ferromagnetic trilayers can exhibit unconventional torques that can not be captured by the spin-diffusion model. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 12:54PM - 1:06PM |
G52.00006: First-principles calculation of 3m spin-orbit torque and its effect on magnetization dynamics Wuzhang Fang, Edward Schwartz, Alexey A Kovalev, Kirill D Belashchenko Symmetry-dependent field-free switching of the perpendicular magnetization has been observed in an epitaxial L11-ordered CuPt/CoPt bilayer [1]. The switching is enabled by 3m spin-orbit torque (SOT) arising from the low-symmetry point group (3m1) at the CuPt/CoPt interface. Using a first-principles nonequilibrium Green’s function formalism combined with the Andersen disorder model, we calculate the damping-like (DL), fieldlike (FL), and 3m SOTs in such bilayer by expanding the SOT in the basis of vector spherical harmonics [2,3]. We find that the magnitude of 3m torque is appreciable compared to the DL SOT. We also study the magnetization dynamics using micromagnetics simulations in a perpendicularly magnetized circular nanodisk in the presence of 3m SOT and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. We find that the 3m SOT can drive the domain wall motion, and if large enough, can enable the field-free switching of perpendicular magnetization. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 1:06PM - 1:18PM |
G52.00007: Alloying effect on auto-oscillation properties of W100-xTax/CoFeB/MgO spin Hall nano-oscillators Nilamani Behera, Himanshu Fulara, Mohammad Zahedinejad, Afshin Houshang, Johan Åkerman Spin current based devices have the potential for ultra-fast and energy-efficient operation as in spin Hall nano-oscillators (SHNOs)[1-3], SOT-MRAM, and spin logic [4,5]. However, key challenges remain of how to further reduce their high current densities (Jc) and energy consumption. We demonstrate alloying of W with Ta to substantially reduce the Jc in W100-xTax(5nm)/CoFeB(t=1.4-2 nm)/MgO(2nm) SHNOs. Spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance (ST-FMR) measurements showed a substantial improvement in both spin Hall conductivity and spin-orbit torque efficiency from W-Ta alloying. As a direct outcome, we observed a 45% reduction in auto-oscillation current densities measured for different constriction widths resulting in a 65% reduction in threshold power consumption as compared to pure W based SHNOs. Our work reveals promising aspects of how W-Ta alloys can promote energy-efficient operation of emerging spintronic devices. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 1:18PM - 1:30PM |
G52.00008: Freezing and thawing magnetic droplet solitons Martina Ahlberg, Sunjae Chung, Sheng Jiang, Q. Tuan Le, Roman Khymyn, Hamid Mazraati, Markus Weigand, Iuliia Bykova, Felix Groß, Eberhard Goering, Gisela Schütz, Joachim Gräfe, Johan Åkerman We use all-perpendicular nanocontact spin-torque oscillators to study the low-field behavior of magnetic droplets. These dissipative solitons are inherently dynamic and are characterized by a core of reversed spins surrounded by a precessing perimeter [1, 2, 3, 4]. The precession frequency lies between the ferromagnetic and Zeeman resonances, but the droplet is also prone to drift which gives additional dynamics [5, 6]. Electrical measurements reveal that the droplet transforms, freezes, into a static bubble at low fields. Once formed, the bubble is stable without a sustaining current. Furthermore, the droplet-to-bubble transition is fully reversible and the bubble can thaw back to a droplet at sufficient high field and current. The findings are corroborated by X-ray microscopy, which images the magnetic states during the freezing. Experimental data together with simulations identify pinning as the main mechanism behind the bubble stability. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 1:30PM - 1:42PM |
G52.00009: Enhancement of spin Hall effect in O-implanted Pt by side jump scattering Utkarsh Shashank, Rohit Medwal, Yoji Nakamura, John R Mohan, Razia Nongjai, Asokan Kandasami, Rajdeep S Rawat, Hironori Asada, Surbhi Gupta, Yasuhiro Fukuma Materials exhibiting high damping-like spin-orbit torque efficiency, θDL owing to extrinsic spin Hall effect (SHE) are of interest in magnetization switching, auto oscillations, and domain wall motion. However, the value of θDL for heavy metals such as Pt is ∼0.06 [1]. Recent studies have shown enhancement in θDL by incorporating non-metallic elements in Pt such as S, N [2,3] but incorporation of these elements by sputtering [3] have shown non-monotonic θDL with varying concentrations. Here, we report a high θDL in modified Pt, designed by non-metallic O ion implantation [4], at an optimized low energy of 20 keV with varying dose from 2 ×1016-1 ×1017 ions cm-2. We achieved a 3.5 times monotonic increase in θDL from 0.064 to 0.230 with a smaller trade-off in resistivity, ρxx from 55.4 to 159.5 µΩ cm. We find that the spin Hall resistivity, ρSH, is proportional to the square of resistivity from impurities, ρimp, i.e., ρSH ∝ (ρimp)2, indicating an extrinsic SHE mechanism of side jump scattering as the dominant origin of enhanced θDL. These results encourage implantation-engineering as an effective tool to design materials for developing the next-generation devices that can exert high θDL for low energy manipulation of magnetization, indispensable in spintronics field. |
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