Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2022
Volume 67, Number 3
Monday–Friday, March 14–18, 2022; Chicago
Session F72: Magnetic Topological Materials IIFocus Session Recordings Available
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Sponsoring Units: DMP GMAG DCMP Chair: Gavin Hester, Purdue University; Kiranmayi Dixit, Purdue University Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park D |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 8:00AM - 8:12AM |
F72.00001: Stimulated nucleation of skyrmions in a geometrically asymmetric structure Binbin Wang, Po-Kuan Wu, Shekhar Das, Denis Pelekhov, Daniel Huber, Nuria Bagues Salguero, Qiang Zheng, Jiaqiang Yan, P Chris Hammel, Mohit Randeria, David W McComb Understanding the dynamics of skyrmion nucleation and manipulation is important for applications in spintronic devices. Here, we have investigated the magnetic texture transformation using Lorentz transmission electron microscopy (LTEM) in a centrosymmetric magnet Fe3Sn2 with an engineered geometrical asymmetry in the form of a thickness gradient. Using sample tilting and tunable magnetic field strength in the LTEM we developed a new approach for skyrmion nucleation at magnetic domain boundaries. This approach enables nucleation of isolated skyrmions in Fe3Sn2 using in-plane fields (< 5 mT) that are two orders of magnitude lower than the previously reported critical magnetic field (~800 mT). Micromagnetic simulations combined with LTEM experiments reveal that the rotatable anisotropy and thickness dependence of the response to the external in-plane field are the critical factors for the skyrmion formation. These results suggest that magnetic materials with rotatable anisotropy are potential skyrmionic systems and provide a novel approach for the manipulation of skyrmions in spintronic devices. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 8:12AM - 8:24AM |
F72.00002: Neutron scattering investigation of the field-induced magnetic orders in EuIn2As2. Simon X Riberolles, Thais Victa Trevisan, Brinda Kuthanazhi, Feng Ye, David C Johnston, Sergey L Bud'ko, Paul C Canfield, Robert J McQueeney, Peter P Orth, Benjamin G Ueland We recently demonstrated that hexagonal EuIn2As2 exhibits a zero-field low-symmetry helical antiferromagnetic order that makes the compound a stoichiometric magnetic topological-crystalline axion insulator[1]. It is predicted that the topological properties of the surface states can be tuned according to the direction and strength of an applied magnetic field. We continue our investigation of EuIn2As2 by performing single-crystal neutron diffraction experiments while using an external magnetic field in order to determine field-induced changes to the magnetic order. With increasing field applied in the basal plane, our results are consistent with the spins first flopping out of the plane while keeping a complex in-plane spiral periodicity. The out of plane component is then progressively suppressed and a coplanar fan-type structure appears before the fully field polarized state prevails. The intermediate-field magnetic ordering may give rise to exotic topology associated with a non-coplanar spin texture. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 8:24AM - 8:36AM |
F72.00003: Ferromagnetic EuCd2As2 as a candidate Weyl ‘Hydrogen Atom’ Keith M Taddei, LI YIN, Duminda Sanjeewa, Jie Xing, Yu Li, Clarina R Dela Cruz, Daniel Phelan, Athena S Sefat, David S Parker We are in an intriguing era of condensed matter physics where much of our efforts are focused on the search for solutions to relativistic quantum mechanical wave-equations in solid state materials. However, whereas originally these exotic particles were born of 'beautiful' simplifications of the Dirac equation, in materials they require a careful tuning of numerous factors to achieve - and even then, rarely is the ideal situation found leaving some ambiguity to the quasiparticles’ observation. For the case of the massless chiral Weyl particle, most host systems have numerous Weyl points and other trivial bands near the Fermi energy adding higher order interactions and obscuring the desired physics in all but ARPES measurements. Here we present the ferromagnetic EuCd2As2 as a Weyl semi-metal with a more ideal set of conditions – a single pair of Weyl points generated by broken time reversal symmetry which live close to the Fermi Energy. Using a combination of neutron scattering, density functional theory and careful transport measurements we elucidate the relevant symmetries, their implications for the band structure and show the resultant transport properties suggesting the clear presence of topological physics. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 8:36AM - 8:48AM |
F72.00004: Engineering magnetic topological insulators in Eu-based Zintls Nicodemos Varnava, David Vanderbilt, Tyrel M McQueen, Tanya Berry, Vincent C Morano, Rishi Bhandia, Anaelle Legros, Will Liang, Chris J Lygouras, Thomas J Halloran, Collin L Broholm, Jonathan Gaudet, Guangyong Xu, Jeffrey W Lynn In Zintl materials, the rocksalt-like charge separation between the cationic and anionic frameworks offers a vital platform for the exploration of magnetic topological insulators. When the cations are magnetic and the anions are non-magnetic, it often causes the materials to behave as two independent subunits, with separate magnetic and electronic behaviors. In addition, the clear separation between the electronic and magnetic energy scales allows us to tune the electronic structure of the polyanionic network and then consider the effect of magnetism. This band engineering approach is achieved by employing doping, element substitution, pressure, and epitaxial strain. Specifically, starting from the trivial antiferromagnetic insulator Eu5In2Sb6, we utilize density functional theory to engineer band inversions by applying chemical pressure via isoelectronic substitution, and use external pressure and epitaxial strain to control the bulk energy gaps. Our approach results in the prediction of three new antiferromagnetic topological insulator candidates: Eu5Ga2Sb6, Eu5Tl2Sb6, and Eu5In2Bi6. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 8:48AM - 9:00AM |
F72.00005: Discovery of magnetic topological insulators using chemistry Tanya Berry, Nicodemos Varnava, Vincent C Morano, Jonathan Gaudet, Rishi Bhandia, Anaelle Legros, Thomas J Halloran, Chris J Lygouras, Will Liang, Norman P Armitage, Guangyong Xu, Jeffrey W Lynn, David Vanderbilt, Collin L Broholm, Tyrel M McQueen In designing magnetic topological insulating states one often runs into mutually exclusive co-existence of topology and electron correlations. In order to achieve an intrinsic magnetic topological insulator state, there needs to be a separation between the density of states close to the Fermi level and the states from magnetism. Using this requirement, we identify Zintl compounds to be promising to find a sweet spot between topology and electron correlations. Zintl compounds have rocksalt-like charge separation between the cationic and anionic frameworks that are charge separated from one another. If the cationic framework is magnetic and the anionic framework is non-magnetic, consists of heavy atoms, and has covalent bonding, then these serve as essential structural motifs for magnetic topological insulators. Using this concept, we identify the Eu5M2X6 (M = Ga,In,Tl, X = Sb,Bi) family of materials as a rich source of topologically trivial and non-trivial insulators. In this work we will present the synthesis, magnetism, optical and transport behavior of members of this family with an aim of identifying an intrinsic axion insulator. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 9:00AM - 9:12AM |
F72.00006: Magnetic Structure of the Zintl Material Eu5In2Sb6 Vincent C Morano, Tanya Berry, Nicodemos Varnava, Jonathan Gaudet, Rishi Bhandia, Anaelle Legros, Thomas J Halloran, Chris J Lygouras, Will Liang, Norman P Armitage, Guangyong Xu, Jeffrey W Lynn, David Vanderbilt, Tyrel M McQueen, Collin L Broholm Eu5In2Sb6 is a Zintl material that displays perhaps the greatest (negative) colossal magnetoresistance of observed stoichiometric antiferromagnetic materials. It has also been proposed as an axion insulator candidate. To our knowledge, the magnetic structure of Eu5In2Sb6 has not yet been reported. Using neutron diffraction, we find the 14 K transition previously observed in heat capacity and magnetization gives k=0 order while the 7 K transition is to a multi-k structure with a second k=(0,0,1/2) propagation vector. We report refined magnetic structures for both phases. This work contributes to our understanding of both magnetic and exotic transport properties in Eu5In2Sb6. It also suggests the magnetic structure of substituted variants, which may realize the axion state. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 9:12AM - 9:24AM |
F72.00007: Observation of ferromagnetic order and inverted hysteresis in EuCd2P2 Yue Sun, Veronika Sunko, Changmin Lee, Zhi-Cheng Wang, Sudhaman Balguri, Mayia Vranas, Alex Frano, Fazel Tafti, Joseph Orenstein EuCd2P2 has been reported to show a giant, magnetic-field-sensitive resistance peak at 18 K, which is well above the antiferromagnetic (AFM) transition at 11 K in this material [1]. The physics origin of the resistance peak remains an open question, which leaves the space to explore magnetic structures above the Neel temperature. We observe a clear hysteresis in EuCd2P2 via magneto-optical Kerr effect microscopy, indicating an unexpected ferromagnetic (FM) order. The hysteresis is observed both below and above the AFM transition. Remarkably, the hysteresis becomes inverted above the Neel temperature, which coincides with the emergence of the resistance peak. The out-of-plane moment also correlates with the off-diagonal linear magneto-optical effect [2] observed in this material. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 9:24AM - 9:36AM |
F72.00008: Thermal Transport Properties of Ho2RhIn8 Shirin Mozaffari, Eun Sang Choi, David G Mandrus The arrangement of the rare-earth atoms in the tetragonal structure of R2TX8 (R = rare earth, T = transition metal, X = In, Ga) takes a quasi two dimensional (2D) character. All of these compounds order antiferromagnetically with Neel temperatures (TN) ranging between 4 – 45 K. Ho2RhIn8 is one of the most interesting compounds among this very large family of closely related materials. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 9:36AM - 9:48AM |
F72.00009: Investigating the phase diagram of thin film MnSi Grace Causer, Maria Azhar, Alfonso Chacon, Andreas Bauer, Markus Garst, Thorsten Hesjedal, Christian Pfleiderer We have charted the magnetic phase diagram of thin film MnSi grown on a Si substrate via magnetization, magnetic susceptibility, first-order reversal, planar Hall, polarised neutron reflectometry and small-angle neutron scattering data, tracking carefully the field and temperature history. Our experimental results are supported by micromagnetic simulations, which jointly reveal a magnetic phase diagram dominated by a field-induced unwinding of an out-of-plane propagating helical wavevector. Below 2 K a discrete phase regime can be discerned unambiguously. These observations provide insights into the integral role of magnetic anisotropy and dimensionality on the low-temperature phase diagram of thin film MnSi. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 9:48AM - 10:00AM |
F72.00010: Vortices in Dirac Bose-Einstein Condensates Joris Schaltegger, Alexander V Balatsky We explore vortices in non-equilibrium Dirac Bose-Einstein condensates (Dirac BEC) described by a multi-component Gross-Pitaevskii equation. We find that the two-component structure of Dirac equation enables a difference in phase winding of the two condensates, ??a−??b=±1. We observe three classes of vortex states distinguished by their far-field behavior: A locally constrained ring soliton on either of the two components in combination with a vortex profile on the other component, and a vortex profile on both components if inter-component interactions are sufficiently strong. We also address the role of a Haldane gap on these vortices, which encourages the occupation of the component with the larger winding number, and thereby facilitates the creation of the dual vortex state. We employ a numerical shooting method to identify vortex solutions and use it to scan large parts of the parameter space. A classification algorithm on the integrated wavefunctions allows us to establish a phase diagram of distinct vortex states in Dirac BEC. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 10:00AM - 10:12AM |
F72.00011: Investigating the temperature dependent electronic and magnetic properties of ferromagnetic topological insulators (CrxSb1-x)2Te3 Chien Wen Chuang, Y. Nakata, F. H. Chang, H. J. Lin, C. T. Chen, S. Gupta, F. Matsukura, S. Souma, T. Sato, A. Chainani We have investigated the bulk Cr 3d electronic and magnetic properties of ferromagnetic topological insulators (CrxSb1-x)2Te3 by using soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and x-ray circular magnetic dichroism (XMCD). (CrxSb1-x)2Te3 exhibits a relatively high Curie temperature with Tc ~100 K and ~200 K for Cr concentration x ~0.15 and x ~0.35, respectively. We have carried out temperature (T) dependent (25 K - 300 K) Cr L-edge XAS and XMCD measurements which show systematic changes and an unconventional T-dependent leading edge shift across Tc, associated with a magnetic gap opening in the unoccupied Cr 3d bulk states. The XMCD signal and magnetic gap as a function of T follow a power-law behaviour, consistent with bulk magnetization experiments and mean-field theory results. Full-multiplet charge transfer cluster model simulations of the Cr L-edge XAS and XMCD spectra are in good agreement with the experiment and indicate (CrxSb1-x)2Te3 is a negative charge transfer system. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 10:12AM - 10:48AM |
F72.00012: Magnetic skyrmions Hall effect Invited Speaker: Yan Zhou Recently, tremendous attention has been focused on the continuous scaling of Moore's law as well as the advanced non-von Neumann computing architecture. Spintronics may go beyond classical electronics and offer low power logic/computing components to further increase the performance of modern information and communication technologies meanwhile reducing the energy consumption. In particular, magnetic skyrmions – topologically non-trivial spin textures, have been endowed with great expectations as promising candidates for next-generation spintronic device applications. However, there is a major roadblock for skyrmionics device applications – the skyrmion Hall effects, which may lead to skyrmions annihilation at the sample edge. In this talk, Prof. Yan Zhou will discuss his recent work of eliminating/suppressing the skyrmion Hall effects, which may overcome the main bottleneck of practical applications of skyrmionic racetrack memory and logic devices. In the last part of his talk, he will briefly discuss some novel device concepts based on these intriguing topological spin textures (such as neuromorphic or in-memory computing etc). |
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