Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2022
Volume 67, Number 3
Monday–Friday, March 14–18, 2022; Chicago
Session F50: Nonequilibrium Dynamics and Heat Transport in Solid-State DevicesRecordings Available
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Sponsoring Units: DCMP Room: McCormick Place W-474A |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 8:00AM - 8:12AM |
F50.00001: Dynamical Correlations after Pumping a Heisenberg Spin Ladder Tianhao Ren, Robert M Konik, Andrew James, Elie Merhej We consider the dynamical correlations (as say could be measured in a time-resolved resonant inelastic x-ray scattering experiment) after pumping a Heisenberg spin ladder through varying in time its rung coupling with a square form pulse. We are able to treat this problem exactly through exploiting a Majorana fermion description of the ladders. The results showed unexpectedly rich time dependent behaviors, with rates controlled by external parameters as well as the duration of the pump. Our results can be related to experiments performed on photo-doped Mott insulators and shed new light on dynamics of simple spin systems far from equilibrium. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 8:12AM - 8:24AM |
F50.00002: Edge currents from ballistic expansion of Skyrmions in a quantum Hall antiferromagnet Deepak Iyer, Matthew Foster We study the behavior of Skyrmions predicted to naturally occur in the ν=0 quantum Hall antiferromagnetic state of a graphene, and show that under illumination by circularly polarized light strong enough to induce a topologically nontrivial state, such a Skyrmion ballistically expands until it reaches the edge of the sample, where the charge in the Skyrmion proceeds to circulate as an edge current. The magnitude of the current can be controlled by changing the intensity of a second burst of circularly polarized light. We propose that this mechanism can be used as an effective protocol to move charge carried by skyrmionic defects into edge currents. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 8:24AM - 8:36AM |
F50.00003: High harmonic generation in spin and charge current pumping at ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic resonance in the presence of spin-orbit coupling jalil Varela Manjarres One of the cornerstone phenomena in spintronics is spin pumping by dynamical magnetization which is steadily precessing (around, e.g., the z-axis) with frequency ω0, due to absorption of microwaves of frequency ω0 under the resonance conditions, in the absence of any bias voltage. The two-decades-old “standard model” of this effect, based on the scattering theory of quantum transport attuned to the problem of adiabatic pumping of spin or charge, predicts that component I Sz of spin current vector (ISx , ISz , ISz ) α ω0 is time-independent while ISx(t) and I ISy(t) harmonically oscillate in time with single frequency ω0; whereas pumped charge current is zero I ≡ 0 in the same adiabatic α ω0 limit. Here we employ more general time-dependent quantum transport formalism to predict unforeseen-by-standard-model features of spin pumping—precessing localized magnetic moments (LMMs) within ferromagnetic metal (FM) or antiferromagnetic metal (AFM) with spin-orbit (SO) coupling in the precessing region, which could be either intrinsic or proximity induced, will pump spin I Sα(t) and charge I(t) currents all four of which harmonically oscillate, at sufficiently long times for transient currents to die away, at both even and odd integer multiples nω0 of the driving frequency ω0. Such high-harmonics are cut off at nmax ≤ 8, in our one-dimensional model with the Rashba SO coupling, with possibility to increase nmax by increasing the strength of the SO coupling. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 8:36AM - 8:48AM |
F50.00004: Studying resistance fluctuations in insulator-metal transitions using nonequilibrum Ginzburg-Landau free energy Kunal Mozumdar, Ishiaka Mansaray, Dasharath Adhikari, Jong E Han We study insulator-metal transitions using a microscopic nonequilibrium free energy based model derived in an earlier study[1]. Our study explores the dynamics of the resistance fluctuations near the transition point for thermal and voltage-driven insulator-metal transitions. Our finding show that the resistance noise has a 1/f2 behavior near the transition point. This is experimentally observed in thermal and voltage-driven metal-insulator transition in correlated CuIr2S4. Our free energy model explains the resistance noise behavior in alignment with the experimental observations on correlated CuIr2S4 and successfully simulates the electronic phase separation observed in such correlated systems. At the transition the spatial inhomogeneity of the electric current is captured by studying the evolution of the domain structure near transition using resistor network theory. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 8:48AM - 9:00AM |
F50.00005: Kinetic inductance based electromagnetically induced transparency in superconducting millimeter-wave resonators Kevin K Multani, Wentao Jiang, Debadri Das, Emilio A Nanni, Amir Safavi-Naeini Until recently, the main application for superconducting millimeter-wave devices has been in radio-astronomy. Now, given their attractive properties and possible applications in quantum networks, there is a growing interest in using millimeter-wave superconducting resonators for quantum information science. We demonstrate a millimeter-wave superconducting device that utilizes the kinetic inductance nonlinearity to realize electromagnetically induced transparency. By driving a strong pump field at 18 GHz, two millimeter wave modes at different frequencies are coupled to each other. This nonlinear coupling strongly modifies the response and opens a pump-tunable transparency window at the modes' resonance frequency. In this talk, we will describe the device's design, discuss the measurement set-up, and recent experimental results. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 9:00AM - 9:12AM |
F50.00006: Characterization of dc SQUID damping on superconducting resonant circuits Elizabeth C van Assendelft, Hsiao-Mei Cho, Jason Corbin, Fedja Kadribasic, Stephen E Kuenstner, Dale Li, Arran T Phipps, Nicholas M Rapidis, Maria Simanovskaia, Jyotirmai Singh, Betty Young, Kent D Irwin The high bandwidth, high dynamic range, low noise characteristics, and maturity of dc SQUIDs make them a versatile tool for a variety of precision measurements, including readout of resonant circuits in applications such as quantum information, gravitational wave detection, and dark-matter detection. The dc SQUID is a lossy active circuit with a dynamic input impedance that varies based on its detailed design, temperature, magnetic flux, current, voltage operating points, and applied feedback. Coupling a dc SQUID to a resonant circuit can modify the circuit's resonance frequency, quality factor, noise, and impedance. We present experimental measurements of dc SQUID-induced damping effects on highly coupled, lumped-element resonators in the 500kHz-1MHz regime. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 9:12AM - 9:24AM |
F50.00007: Giant and tunable thermal chiral anomaly in the Weyl phase of semiconducting TI Bi1-xSbx alloys Joonsang Kang, Dung Vu, Joseph P C Heremans Observation of heat transport in quantum material is important tool to understand rich physics. The thermal chiral anomaly is a new concept for a thermal transport mechanism that occurs in Weyl semimetals. Recently [1], a giant thermal conductivity enhancement is observed in the magnetic-field induced Weyl phase of semiconducting Bi1-xSbx alloys, which are topological insulators at zero field. Here, we systematically study thermal chiral anomaly of Bi1-xSbx with wide range of x from x=0 to x=0.2 under magnetic field up to 7 Tesla. Our result shows that intensity of thermal chiral anomaly strongly depends on concentration of Sb and high concentration of Sb gives higher thermal conductivity enhancement. This phenomenon is important for not only fundamental interest, but also technological applications because it can be used to dynamic tuning of thermal conductivity (e.g. thermal switch and thermal transistor) without moving part. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 9:24AM - 9:36AM |
F50.00008: Investigating the possibility of quantum thermal heat pumps in atom-scale devices Emily A Townsend, Garnett W Bryant Electrons occupying 1D chains of atoms can have plasmonic excited states that arise due to the electron-electron interaction. These modes can be excited by dipolar coupling with a resonant quantum emitter at an end of the chain. We consider a system of a quantum emitter on one end of the chain resonant with the excitation of multiple plasmon modes of the chain and a quantum emitter on other end resonant with a singly excited lowest plasmon mode. If initially the higher energy emitter is excited and the chain and other emitter are in their ground states, unitary evolution shows the flow of energy from the high energy emitter, through the chain and into the far emitter, with some energy remaining in the chain and eventually flowing back into the first emitter. By coupling each emitter to a thermal bath at a different temperature, we may potentially have either a heat pump or heat engine that is driven by or drives an oscillating electromagnetic field due to the plasmon excitations. We investigate this possibility by simulating the open quantum system with stochastic evolution. We use an extended Fermi model of interacting many-body electrons, which are dipole coupled to two-level systems representing the emitters, which are then subject to stochastic jumps due to the thermal baths. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 9:36AM - 9:48AM |
F50.00009: Thermoelectric and thermal transport in doped topologic al insulators Bi88Sb12 and in its field-induced Weyl semimetal phase. Minyue Zhu, Dung Vu, Joonsang Kang, Joseph P C Heremans Thermal measurements are often the most revealing transport measurements one can make on quantum materials and devices. The chiral anomaly has been shown in the electrical and in the thermal conductivity in ideal Weyl semimetals induced by a magnetic field in Bi1-xSbx alloys that are topological insulators in zero field. [1] In those samples, the chemical potential is fixed at the Weyl point. We report here experimental data that show how changing the chemical potential of those Weyl materials by doping affects the chiral anomaly. We investigated the carrier concentration, thermopower, magnetoresistance and magneto thermal conductivity of both Te doped and Sn doped Bi88Sg12. The magnetic field was applied both along the trigonal direction, which induced the Weyl semimetal phase and in the trigonal plane, which does not. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 9:48AM - 10:00AM |
F50.00010: Laughlin anyon complexes with Bose properties Liliya I Musina, Leonid V Kulik Today fractional quantum Hall effect systems are the only experimentally realized sources of anyons – quasiparticles with neither bosonic nor fermionic statistics. In presented study, a macroscopic quasi-equilibrium ensemble of neutral excitations - spin one anyon complexes in the Laughlin state ν = 1/3 were formed. To study neutral excitations, invisible by simple transport methods, we use optical pump-probe methods. The ensemble is found to have an incredibly long lifetime, and investigation by optical techniques reveals the Bose properties of ensembles. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 10:00AM - 10:12AM |
F50.00011: Thermal dynamics and electronic temperature waves in layered correlated materials Giacomo Mazza, Marco Gandolfi, Massimo Capone, Francesco Banfi, Claudio Giannetti Understanding the mechanism of heat transfer in nanoscale devices remains one of the greatest intellectual challenges in the field of thermal dynamics, by far the most relevant from an applicative standpoint. When the thermal dynamics is confined to the nanoscale, the characteristic timescales become ultrafast, engendering the failure of the common description of energy propagation and the emergence of unconventional phenomena such as wave-like temperature propagation. In this talk, I will explore layered strongly correlated materials as a platform to identify and control unconventional electronic heat transfer phenomena on the sub-pico-seconds time scale. I will show how strongly interacting systems can be tailored to sustain a wide spectrum of electronic heat transport regimes, ranging from ballistic, to hydrodynamic all the way to diffusive. Within the hydrodynamic regime, wave-like temperature oscillations are predicted up to room temperature. The interaction strength can be exploited as a knob to control the dynamics of temperature waves as well as the onset of different thermal transport regimes. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 10:12AM - 10:24AM |
F50.00012: Transport through a dissipative superfluid contact Anne-Maria Visuri In superconducting contacts, the coherent tunneling of a single quasiparticle together with Cooper pairs leads to a sub-gap current structure. This phenomenon, also called multiple Andreev reflections, is well-known in condensed-matter superconducting junctions. Current-voltage characteristics consistent with multiple Andreev reflections have also been measured in a cold-atom setup where two superfluids are coupled by a quantum point contact. Furthermore, cold-atom experiments have probed transport in the presence of local particle losses. Motivated by these experiments, we theoretically investigate the effect of a local particle loss on the multiple Andreev reflection process. To quantify this effect, we use the Keldysh formalism to calculate current-voltage characteristics of a superconducting contact. We compare the effect of dissipation by particle loss to that of a finite temperature and find that the two effects are qualitatively different. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 10:24AM - 10:36AM |
F50.00013: Cotunneling assisted internal relaxation transport in the dopant atom transistor POOJA YADAV, Daniel Moraru, Michiharu Tabe, Arup Samanta In the recent years, the dopant atom based devices have been investigated for pratical applications. One important aspect of these devices is the cotunneling current which is observed in the Coulomb blockade regime and limits the device performance. Since Coulomb blockade supresses sequential tunnelling of the electrons there exist some higher order tunnelling process that goes by virtual state of the dopant. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 10:36AM - 10:48AM |
F50.00014: Entanglement-enhanced quantum rectification Kasper Poulsen Coherent quantum dynamics is the powerful driver behind quantum technology which exploits entanglement and interference. Combining these with the statistical behavior of thermal baths yields entirely new possibilities that can be exploited in quantum devices. An example of such a device can be made by coupling two segments of a quantum spin chain through a two-way junction that allows for entanglement of spins at the interface. External thermal baths at both ends can be used to drive the interface into a coherent entanglement. With one cold and one hot bath, a net number of spins will travel between them generating a spin current. For properly chosen system parameters, the entangled state developed at the interface will block any spins from traveling past through destructive interference. However, the superposition only develops for one configuration of the two baths blocking spin transport one way while letting a current flow in the other. This exact feature makes for a perfect diode working through purely quantum effects and driven by the non-unitarity of the bath dynamics. Additionally, the entanglement can be dramatically changed through external tuning which may be used for metrology. |
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