Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2022
Volume 67, Number 3
Monday–Friday, March 14–18, 2022; Chicago
Session D33: Hybrid/Macroscopic Quantum Systems, Optomechanics, and AMO Systems IIIFocus Session Recordings Available
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Sponsoring Units: DAMOP DQI Chair: Mitul Dey Chowdhury, University of Arizona Room: McCormick Place W-192C |
Monday, March 14, 2022 3:00PM - 3:12PM |
D33.00001: Membrane-based Optomechanical Accelerometry Mitul Dey Chowdhury, Aman Agrawal, Christian M Pluchar, Dalziel J Wilson Optomechanical accelerometers promise quantum-limited readout, high detection bandwidth, self-calibration, and radiation pressure stabilization. We present a simple, scalable platform that enables these benefits with sub-micro-g sensitivity at acoustic frequencies, based on a pair of vertically integrated Si3N4 membranes with different stiffnesses, forming an optical cavity. As a demonstration, we integrate an ultra-high-Q (>107), millimeter-scale Si3N4 trampoline (40 kHz fundamental resonance) above an unpatterned membrane (180 kHz) on the same Si chip, forming a finesse F≈2 cavity. Using direct photodetection in transmission, we resolve the relative displacement of the membranes with a shot-noise-limited imprecision of 7 fm/√Hz, yielding a thermal-noise-limited acceleration sensitivity of 600 nano-g/√Hz over a 1 kHz bandwidth centered on the trampoline resonance. We use radiation pressure to cold-damp the trampoline to an effective temperature of 4 mK and show that this method can be used to resolve stochastic accelerations as small as 50 ng/√Hz in integration times of minutes. In the future, we envision a F∼100 (using photonic crystal mirrors), centimeter-scale version of this device operating in a cryostat to search for fundamental weak forces such as vector dark matter. |
Monday, March 14, 2022 3:12PM - 3:24PM |
D33.00002: Optomechanical readout of an encapsulated micromechanical resonator Nicholas E Bousse, Gabrielle D Vukasin, Hyun-Keun Kwon, Thomas W Kenny Cavity optomechanics is a mature field that has led to the development of ultra-sensitive detectors and has even allowed for the generation of mechanical quantum states at room temperature. In these coupled systems mechanical motion can be read out from sidebands of the response of a coupled cavity, and a detuned drive can mediate the conversion of photons in a cavity mode and phonons in a coupled mechanical mode, modifying the mechanical mode noise temperature. Applications of meso-scale resonators such as clocks and resonant sensors could benefit from the cooling achieved using this coupling, as reducing the noise temperature improves sensitivity in resonant sensors and phase noise in oscillators. However, existing implementation of optomechanics rely on tools such as cryogenic systems or high-power lasers that are challenging to implement in an integrated system. In this work, we couple an encapsulated micro-scale resonator to an on-chip lumped element resonator built using standard PCB processing. We demonstrate optomechanical readout of the encapsulated high-Q mechanical mode, as well as optomechanical heating and cooling of the mechanical mode that arises due to radiation pressure. |
Monday, March 14, 2022 3:24PM - 3:36PM |
D33.00003: Massive dissipation dilution of a nanomechanical torsion resonator Charles A Condos, Christian M Pluchar, Jon R Pratt, Stephan Schlamminger, Dalziel J Wilson, Aman Agrawal Strained nanomechanical resonators have been shown to exhibit ultrahigh quality |
Monday, March 14, 2022 3:36PM - 3:48PM |
D33.00004: An ultra-low-loss torsion balance leveraging nanoscale dissipation dilution Charles A Condos Torsion balances play a key role in a diversity of pecision measurements. Recently there has been an effort to reduce their |
Monday, March 14, 2022 3:48PM - 4:00PM |
D33.00005: Optical lever measurements with an imprecision below that at theStandard Quantum Limit Christian M Pluchar, Aman Agrawal, Charles A Condos, Jon R Pratt, Stephan Schlamminger, Dalziel J Wilson An optical lever can be used to precisely monitor mechanical motion and is a natural choice for measuring tilt and rotation. It is relatively immune to technical noise sources such as laser intensity and frequency noise and does not require precise path length stability, unlike interferometric techniques. Here we report on optical lever readout of a strained Si3N4 nanobeam possessing ultra-high-Q torsional modes. We show that its sensitivity to angular displacement can be reduced more than an order of magnitude below the zero-point spectral |
Monday, March 14, 2022 4:00PM - 4:12PM |
D33.00006: The Posner molecule: Ab initio investigations of a potential biomolecular qubit Shivang Agarwal, Amartya S Banerjee, Daniel R Kattnig, Clarice D Aiello The Posner molecule, Ca9(PO4)6, is of central biochemical relevance. It has also gained recent attention for its hypothesized role as a biological quantum information processor. The molecule is thought to maintain long-lived nuclear spin coherences and entanglement among its 31P nuclei, which could potentially be used for liquid-state nuclear magnetic resonance quantum computing. |
Monday, March 14, 2022 4:12PM - 4:24PM |
D33.00007: Optically trapped nanospheres for scanning force sensing at sub-μm-distances from a surface Eduardo Alejandro, Cris A Montoya, William Eom, Daniel H Grass, Nicolas Clarisse, Apryl Witherspoon, Andrew A Geraci Optically levitated nanoparticles in vacuum are extremely well-decoupled from the environment, making them a powerful tool for precision measurement experiments. We trap a ~170 nm diameter silica nanoparticle in a single-beam tweezer trap and transfer it into a standing wave potential by retro-reflecting a laser beam from a gold-coated silicon mirror surface. In the transfer process, we reliably position the nanoparticle at distances of a few hundred nanometers to tens of microns from the conductive surface and use a piezo-driven mirror to scan the two dimensional space parallel to the mirror surface, achieving attonewton level force sensing at modestly low pressures. This method enables 3-D scanning force sensing near surfaces using optically trapped nanoparticles, promising for high-sensitivity scanning force microscopy, tests of the Casimir effect, and tests of the gravitational inverse square law at micron scales. |
Monday, March 14, 2022 4:24PM - 4:36PM Withdrawn |
D33.00008: First search for non-Newtonian interactions at micrometer scale with a levitated test mass Charles P Blakemore, Alexander Fieguth, Akio Kawasaki, Nadav Priel, Denzal Martin, Alexander Rider, Qidong Wang, Giorgio Gratta I will discuss a search for non-Newtonian forces that couple to mass, with a characteristic scale of 10 μm, using an optically levitated microsphere as a precision force sensor. A silica microsphere trapped in an upward-propagating, single-beam, optical tweezer is utilized to probe for interactions sourced from a nanofabricated attractor mass with a density modulation brought into close proximity to the microsphere and driven along the axis of periodic density in order to excite an oscillating response. We obtain force sensitivity of ≤10-16 N/√Hz. Separately searching for attractive and repulsive forces results in the constraint on a new Yukawa interaction of |α| ≥ 108 for λ > 10 μm. This is the first test of the inverse-square law using an optically levitated test mass of dimensions comparable to λ, a complementary method subject to a different set of system effects compared to more established techniques. Near-term improvements to the apparatus and experimental technique are expected to push the sensitivity into unexplored parameter space. |
Monday, March 14, 2022 4:36PM - 4:48PM |
D33.00009: Characterization of an on-chip rare-earth ion based microwave to optical transducer Tian Xie, Jake Rochman, John G Bartholomew, Keith Schwab, Andrei Faraon Microwave to optical transduction can enable large-scale quantum networks and distributed quantum computing with superconducting qubits. Cavity coupled rare-earth ion (REI) ensembles offer a promising platform for converting between microwave and optical photons. Among REIs, erbium is of particular interest because of its optical transitions in the lowest-loss telecommunication band. |
Monday, March 14, 2022 4:48PM - 5:24PM |
D33.00010: Hybrid systems based on electrons floating on superfluid helium Invited Speaker: Johannes Pollanen Piezoelectric surface acoustic waves (SAWs) are powerful for investigating and controlling elementary and collective excitations in condensed matter and quantum information science systems. In this talk I will describe our experiments on hybrid/synthetic quantum systems comprised of high-frequency SAW devices coupled to 1) electrons floating above the surface of superfluid helium and 2) superconducting qubit systems. Our experiments coupling electrons on helium to an evanescent piezoelectric SAW have allowed us to demonstrate precision acoustoelectric control of this unique trapped electron system for the first time. I will also discuss how these results open the door to an entirely new class of SAW-based experiments with electrons on helium in which the SAW wavelength can be made commensurate with the inter-electron distance. Additionally I will describe our recent experiments coupling GHz-frequency SAW resonators to superconducting qubits. In particular, I will describe a novel "quantum acoustic" architecture based on a purely capacitive coupling between a superconducting transmon qubit and a SAW resonator housed in a three-dimensional microwave cavity, which is able to achieve strong coupling (g ≅ 10 MHz) between the qubit excitations and SAW piezo-phonons. |
Monday, March 14, 2022 5:24PM - 5:36PM |
D33.00011: An ultra-high Q circuit optomechanical quantum memory with 2 milli-second lifetime Amir Youssefi, Mahdi Chegnizadeh, Shingo Kono, Tatiana Vovk, Andrea Bancora, Tobias J Kippenberg Harnessing the high coherency of mechanical oscillators combined with microwave superconducting resonators makes circuit optomechanics an ideal platform to implement long-life quantum memories as a core quantum technology. |
Monday, March 14, 2022 5:36PM - 5:48PM |
D33.00012: Optomechanics with Ultra-high-Q Perimeter Modes Mohammadjafar Bereyhi, Amirali Arabmoheghi, Sergey A Fedorov, Alberto Beccari, Guanhao Huang, Tobias J Kippenberg, Nils Johan Engelsen Stressed mechanical resonators exhibit dissipation dilution, where the dissipation of their flexural modes is orders of magnitude lower than the intrinsic material loss. Structures with strong dissipation dilution typically utilize cascaded elements, requiring extreme aspect ratios which are difficult to fabricate and integrate with optical cavities. We demonstrate a new type of resonator: polygon-shaped resonators tethered at their vertices. Modes on the perimeter of the polygon exhibit strong dissipation dilution due to the periodicity of the structure, thereby allowing ultra-low loss in compact devices. We realize perimeter modes with Q of 3.6 billion at room temperature with spatial extent of only two acoustic wavelengths, exceeding state-of-the-art mechanical Q by a factor of four in ten times smaller devices. We demonstrate near-field optomechanical coupling between these resonators and photonic crystal micro-cavities in an integrated platform. Our optomechanical transducer has an optomechanical cooperativity above unity with mechanical Q exceeding 150 million at room temperature. Our system is ideally suited for room temperature quantum optomechanics experiments such as feedback cooling to the ground state and ponderomotive squeezing. |
Monday, March 14, 2022 5:48PM - 6:00PM |
D33.00013: Chip-based magnetic levitation of superconducting microparticles for macroscopic quantum experiments Witlef Wieczorek, Martí Gutierrez Latorre, Achintya Paradkar, Gerard Higgins Magnetic levitation has been proposed as a platform to greatly decouple the center-of-mass motion of a levitated mechanical resonator from its environment. As a result, this platform will enable novel, ultra-sensitive force and acceleration sensors, as well as quantum experiments with macroscopic objects of 10^13 atomic mass units. In our work, we demonstrate chip-based magnetic levitation of superconducting microparticles. Our integrated magnetic trap consists of a two-chip stack, with microfabricated niobium superconducting coils generating the magnetic trapping field. We trap near-spherical lead microparticles, which are fabricated in-house. We observe the motion of the levitated microparticle optically and via SQUID-based read-out at temperatures of 4K and 40mK. In the future, we aim to couple the levitated particle to superconducting circuits, in order to perform quantum control of its center-of-mass motion. |
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