Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2022
Volume 67, Number 3
Monday–Friday, March 14–18, 2022; Chicago
Session B60: Multiferroics IFocus Session Recordings Available
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Sponsoring Units: DMP Chair: Kish Lazar, University of Illinois Urbana Champagn Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -DuSable C |
Monday, March 14, 2022 11:30AM - 12:06PM |
B60.00001: Electric Field Control of Magnetism Invited Speaker: Ramamoorthy Ramesh Complex perovskite oxides exhibit a rich spectrum of functional responses, including magnetism, ferroelectricity, highly correlated electron behavior, superconductivity, etc. The basic materials physics of such materials provide the ideal playground for interdisciplinary scientific exploration with an eye towards real applications. Over the past decade the oxide community has been exploring the science of such materials as crystals and in thin film form by creating epitaxial heterostructures and nanostructures. Among the large number of materials systems, there exists a small set of materials which exhibit multiple order parameters; these are known as multiferroics, particularly, the coexistence of ferroelectricity and some form of ordered magnetism (typically antiferromagnetism). The scientific community has been able to demonstrate electric field control of both antiferromagnetism and ferromagnetism at room temperature. Current work is focused on ultralow energy (1 attoJoule/operation) electric field manipulation of magnetism as the backbone for the next generation of ultralow power electronics. We are exploring many pathways to get to this goal. In this talk, I will describe our progress to date on this exciting possibility. The talk will conclude with a summary of where the future research is going. |
Monday, March 14, 2022 12:06PM - 12:18PM |
B60.00002: Probing the Magnetic Order of BiFeO3 using Spin Hall Magnetoresistance Jonathon L Schad, Neil G Campbell, Tianxiang Nan, Ruofan Li, Michael V Patton, Daniel C Ralph, Mark S Rzchowski, Chang Beom Eom With Néel and Curie temperatures well above room temperature, multiferroic BiFeO3 (BFO) is an ideal candidate material for antiferromagnetic (AFM) spintronic device applications. The limited coupling of AFMs to external magnetic field perturbations challenges investigations of the magnetic domain structure. Recently, spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) has been used to probe the magnetic order in AFM materials such as Fe2O3 and NiO. Here we show that SMR can probe the magnetic order in BFO thin films. To measure SMR, a BFO/Pt heterostructure was patterned into a Hall bar, and the longitudinal and transverse resistance measured as a function of applied magnetic field. In monodomain films, we deduce the BFO spin cycloid propagation vector from the dependence of the SMR signal on spin current orientation. |
Monday, March 14, 2022 12:18PM - 12:30PM |
B60.00003: Aluminium-doped BiFeO3 as a potential multiferroic material Chhatra R Joshi, Mahendra Acharya, Gary J Mankey, Arunava Gupta Epitaxial films of BiAlxFe1-xO3 (xBAFO) are a candidate for alternate multiferroic materials. xBAFO films are grown on SrTiO3 (001) (STO) and SrRuO3 buffered STO substrates using pulsed laser deposition technique. The X-ray diffraction patterns show that phase-pure xBAFO can be synthesized for x ≤ 0.35 without any secondary phases. xBAFO retains rhombohedral structure as BiAlO3 and BiFeO3 are isotypic. The ferroelectric properties of xBAFO are explored by analyzing P-V hysteresis loops. The shape of the loops changes from being square to increasingly slanted with higher Al doping. The domain growth mode, morphology, size, dimension and nucleation have a crucial role on the switching behavior. To analyze the switching behavior, domain images have been studied using piezo-response force microscopy. With increasing concentration of Al, the films exhibit higher resistance enabling the application of higher voltage. We demonstrate a reduction of piezoelectric coercive voltage is achieved by increasing substitution of Fe by Al on BFO. Since the spin ordering of Fe atoms is modified by Al, enhancement in magnetic properties is also expected. These results suggest that xBAFO is a potential multiferroic material to realize BFO-based next generation non-volatile memory devices. |
Monday, March 14, 2022 12:30PM - 12:42PM |
B60.00004: Microscopy of the magnetoelectric coupling in hexagonal manganites: multiferroic domains and emergent topological defects Marcela Giraldo, Quintin M Meier, Amadé Bortis, Dominik Nowak, Nicola A Spaldin, Manfred Fiebig, Mads C Weber, Thomas Lottermoser When studying magnetoelectric coupling effects in materials with simultaneous magnetic and electric order, the so-called multiferroics, fundamental understanding of the cross coupling between ferroic orders at the level of domains and domain walls is paramount. Domains and domain walls reflect the different interdependence of magnetic and electric order in multiferroics. For example in type-II multiferroics, domain patterns are one-to-one coupled whereas in type-I, magnetic and electric domain configurations can be different and their coupling no longer mandatory. We show in experiment and theory, that multiferroics with separately emerging magnetic and electric order (type-I) can exhibit a strong bulk coupling. We show, taking h-ErMnO3 as an example, that a strong bulk coupling between ferroelectric and antiferromagnetic orders is realized even though the linear magnetoelectric effect is symmetry forbidden. We show that the structural distortions that lead to the ferroelectric polarization break the balance of the competing superexchange contributions leading to this hidden, yet strong phenomenon. The non-rigidity of this bulk coupling leads to uncommon types of magnetoelectric domain walls and vortex-like singularities. |
Monday, March 14, 2022 12:42PM - 12:54PM |
B60.00005: Manipulating ferroic orders in BiFeO3 using BiFeO3/BiFe0.5Co0.5O3 multilayer heterostructures Toyanath Joshi, Katie Hellier, Ryan Van Haren, David Lederman Multiferroic materials have recently attracted wide interest due to the coexistence of multiple order parameters, typically ferroelectricity and magnetism, coupled to each other and are promising materials for spintronics, memory, and sensing devices. BiFeO3 (BFO) is one of the most important magnetoelectric multiferroic materials with unique high ferroelectric Curie (TC = 1083 K) and antiferromagnetic Neel (TN = 643K) temperatures.1 In this work, we will explore the tuneability of the ferroic orders in BFO epitaxial thin films using heterostructures with Fe-site Co-substituted BFO. Specifically, we will report on the growth of {[BiFeO3]4 UC + [BiFe0.5Co0.5O3]n UC; where UC = unit cells} multilayer structures grown using pulsed laser deposition and examine the effect of increasing BFCO layer thickness (n) in the multiferroicity of BFO. |
Monday, March 14, 2022 12:54PM - 1:06PM |
B60.00006: Modeling Scalable Logic Devices Based on Multiferroic and Ferroelectric Materials with the ARTEMIS Framework Prabhat Kumar, Revathi Jambunathan, Andrew J Nonaka, Zhi Yao Fundamental understanding and design of ferroelectric/multiferroic materials and devices for logic-in-memory and transistor enhancement is essential to enable low switching energies and thereby revolutionary power reductions in computing. Modelling these devices is challenging due to coupling between different physical phenomena at multiple spatial and temporal scales. We have developed a massively parallel code framework, ARTEMIS, to model the next generation of beyond-CMOS microelectronic devices. ARTEMIS contains a finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) algorithm for Maxwell’s equations coupled with a magnetization model described by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation. ARTEMIS has been developed in the framework of Exascale Computing Project software, AMReX, and leverages some key functionalities from the WarpX electromagnetic Particle-In-Cell code. Support for dispersive material properties, user-defined excitations and boundary conditions, and heterogeneous physical coupling that can be present in next-generation devices has been implemented. Code’s structure, capabilities, and performance will be summarized and it's application in modeling ferroelectrics in transistor logic and multiferroic logic-in-memory devices will be presented. |
Monday, March 14, 2022 1:06PM - 1:18PM |
B60.00007: Theoretical study of two-step polarization switching in BiFeO3 Natalya S Fedorova, Dmitri E Nikonov, Hai Li, John M Mangeri, Ian A Young, Jorge Iniguez BiFeO3 (BFO) is a multiferroic material in which electric polarization, P, coexists with weak magnetization at room temperature. An electric-field induced reversal of the magnetization occurs in BFO as a result of a two-step P switching process (109o out-of-plane then 71o in-plane P rotation or vice versa) [1]. However, the origin of this is still not understood, which hampers its optimization necessary for the development of magnetoelectric memory and logic devices [2]. |
Monday, March 14, 2022 1:18PM - 1:30PM |
B60.00008: Phase field predictions of the domain wall topology of BiFeO3 John M Mangeri, Monica E Graf, Natalya S Fedorova, Jorge Iniguez Recently, BiFeO3 has been shown to display interesting coupling between the multiferroic order parameters leading to the formation of chiral antiferromagnetic polar domain walls [1]. Utilizing the phase field method and a free energy parameterized by first principles calculations [2], we explore the zoology of the different domain walls that can arise in this material. Specifically, we focus on the predictions of the coupled polarization, oxygen octahedral tilt, and strain tensor components at these regions of interest. Our calculations reveal the presence of Bloch-like components which may influence the system’s noncollinear magnetism or the formation of topologically non-trivial states. We investigate the sensitivity of these features and corresponding domain wall thicknesses on the Lifshitz invariants (gradient terms) and also compare the results to predictions of domain wall profiles found from DFT calculations and observations from experiments. |
Monday, March 14, 2022 1:30PM - 1:42PM |
B60.00009: Disentangling the phase sequence and correlated critical properties in Bi0.7La0.3FeO3: a combined neutron diffraction and Raman scattering study. Joaquim Agostinho Moreira, Mariana Gomes, Teresa Tranchete, Manjunath Balagopalan, Rui Vilarinho Silva, Alexandra Gibbs, Kevin Knight, José Paixão, Vítor Amaral, Abílio Almeida, Pedro Tavares This work addresses the study of the high temperature phase sequence of Bi0.7La0.3FeO3 by undertaking temperature dependent high resolution neutron powder diffraction (NPD) and Raman spectroscopy measurements. The analysis revealed that Bi0.7La0.3FeO3 exhibits an incommensurate modulated orthorhombic Pn21a(00??)000 structure at room temperature, with a weak ferromagnetic behavior, likely arising from a canted antiferromagnetic (c-AFM) ordering. Above T1 = 543 K, the low temperature modulated Pn21a(00??)000 evolves monotonically into a fractionally growing Pnma structure up to TN = 663 K. At 663 K, the low temperature c-AFM phase is suppressed concurrently with the switching of the former into a non-modulated Pn21a structure that continues to coexist with the Pnma one, until the latter is expected to reach the 100% fraction of the sample volume at high temperatures above 733 K. The Pn21a space group is obtained from the Pnma one through the polar distortion. Neutron diffraction and Raman spectroscopy results provide evidence for the emergence of a noteworthy linear spin-phonon coupling. In this regard, a magnetostructural coupling is observed below TN, revealed by the relation between the weak ferromagnetism of the canted iron spins and the FeO6 octahedra symmetric stretching mode. The correlation between magnetization and structural results from NPD provides definite evidence for the magnetic origin of the structural modulation. The analysis of the temperature dependent magnetization and the magnetic peak intensity as well, yield a critical exponent (β) value of 0.38. The lower limit of the phase coexistence temperature T1 = 543 K, marking the emergence of the Pnma phase, is also associated with the temperature whereupon the modulation magnitude starts to decrease. |
Monday, March 14, 2022 1:42PM - 1:54PM |
B60.00010: Anti-Ruddlesen-Popper A4X2O, a new family of (anti-)ferroelectric and magnetoelectric multiferroic materials discovered through high-throughput computing Geoffroy Hautier, Maxim Markov, Louis Alaerts, Henrique Miranda, Guido Petretto, Wei Chen, Janine George, Eric Bousquet, Philippe R Ghosez, Gian-Marco Rignanese Ferroelectric materials are of great fundamental and applied interests. For decades, most applications have relied on ferroelectric oxide perovskites. However, the need to combine ferroelectricity with other properties such as visible light absorption or long-range magnetic order is driving the search for materials and structural classes beyond perovskites. |
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