Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2016
Volume 61, Number 2
Monday–Friday, March 14–18, 2016; Baltimore, Maryland
Session F12: Climate Science Frontier: Cloud and Precipitation PhysicsInvited Undergraduate
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Sponsoring Units: GPC DFD GSNP Chair: Juan Restrepo, Oregon State Univ Room: 308 |
Tuesday, March 15, 2016 11:15AM - 11:51AM |
F12.00001: Precipitation and atmospheric moisture transport responses to increased infrared opacity Invited Speaker: Elisabeth Moyer |
Tuesday, March 15, 2016 11:51AM - 12:27PM |
F12.00002: Prototypes for the dynamics underlying precipitation and temperature extremes Invited Speaker: J David Neelin Projecting changes in precipitation and temperature extreme events can be aided by a deeper understanding of the dynamics underlying such variations. For precipitation, this is closely connected to the interaction of fast, small-scale motions with variability of large-scale climate. Simple prototype models from the physics and applied math literature can point to analysis methods, connections among related quantities, and hypotheses for the dynamics, especially when the prototype models can be derived from climate-model equations. An overview will be provided including recent work with a number of collaborators. For distributions of precipitation-related variables, prototypes including Fokker-Planck solutions and first-passage problems for variations across an onset threshold yield insights into the form of present-day observed distributions and predictions for the form of the global warming change to evaluate in climate models. In distributions of water vapor and temperature, the widespread occurrence of non-Gaussian tails is likely explained in part by prototypes for tracer advection across a maintained gradient. The shape of these tails can have substantial implications for regional changes in probabilities of precipitation and temperature extremes with large-scale warming. [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, March 15, 2016 12:27PM - 1:03PM |
F12.00003: The physics of atmospheric instability, lightning, and global warming Invited Speaker: David Romps |
Tuesday, March 15, 2016 1:03PM - 1:39PM |
F12.00004: Thermodynamic analysis of atmospheric convection Invited Speaker: Olivier Pauluis |
Tuesday, March 15, 2016 1:39PM - 2:15PM |
F12.00005: Aerosols, Clouds, and Precipitation as Scale Interactions in the Climate System and Controls on Climate Change Invited Speaker: Leo Donner Clouds are major regulators of atmospheric energy flows. Their character depends on atmospheric composition, dynamics, and thermodynamic state. Clouds can assume organized structures whose scales are planetary, while processes important for determining basic properties occur on the scale of microns. The range of processes, scales, and interactions among them has precluded the development of concise theories for the role of clouds in climate, and limitations in modeling clouds in complex climate models remain among the key uncertainties in understanding and projecting climate change. The distribution function of vertical velocities (updraft speeds) in clouds is an important control on climate forcing by clouds and possibly a strong correlate with climate sensitivity. (Climate forcing refers to the change in Earth's energy balance as atmospheric composition changes, in particular, due to human activity. Climate sensitivity is defined here as the equilibrium change in globally averaged annual surface temperature as a result of doubled carbon dioxide.) Vertical velocities are central because they determine the thermodynamic environment governing phase changes of water, with both equilibrium and non-equilibrium phenomena important. The spatial and temporal spectra of relevant vertical velocities includes scales both numerically resolved by climate models and below their resolution limit. The latter implies a requirement to parameterize these smaller scale motions in models. The scale dependence of vertical velocities and emerging observational constraints on their distribution provide new opportunities for representing aerosols, clouds, and precipitation in climate models. Success in doing so could provide important breakthroughs in understanding both climate forcing and sensitivity. [Preview Abstract] |
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