Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2014
Volume 59, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 3–7, 2014; Denver, Colorado
Session J50: Focus Session: Graphene Plasmonics |
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Sponsoring Units: DMP Chair: Farhan Rana, Cornell University Room: Mile High Ballroom 1D |
Tuesday, March 4, 2014 2:30PM - 3:06PM |
J50.00001: Nano-plasmonic phenomena in graphene Invited Speaker: Dimitri Basov Infrared nano-spectroscopy and nano-imaging experiments have uncovered a rich variety of optical effects associated with the Dirac plasmons of graphene [Fei et al. Nano Lett. 11, 4701 (2011)]. We were able to directly image Dirac plasmons propagating over sub-micron distances [Fei et al. Nature 487, 82 (2012)]. We have succeeded in altering both the amplitude and wavelength of these plasmons by gate voltage in common graphene/SiO2/Si back-gated structures. Scanning plasmon interferometry has allowed us to visualize grain boundaries in CVD graphene. These latter experiments revealed that the grain boundaries tend to form electronic barriers that impede both electrical transport and plasmon propagation. Our results attest to the feasibility of using these electronic barriers to realize tunable plasmon reflectors: a precondition for implementation of various metamaterials concepts [Fei et al. Nature Nano 8, 821 (2013)]. Finally, we have carried out pump-probe experiments interrogating ultra-fast dynamics of plasmons in exfoliated graphene with the nano-scale spatial resolution [Wagner et al. (under review)]. [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, March 4, 2014 3:06PM - 3:18PM |
J50.00002: Controlling and Creating Plasmonic Absorption Processes in Graphene Nanostructures Victor Brar, Min Jang, Michelle Sherrott, Seyoon Kim, Josue Lopez, Laura Kim, Harry Atwater Graphene has been recently shown to support electronically tunable ,Mid-IR plasmons with optical mode volumes that are 10\textasciicircum 7 times smaller than freespace, and plasmon wavelengths more than 100 times shorter. In this talk we will demonstrate how the plasmonic absorption of graphene resonators is enhanced and perturbed in controllable ways by varying the thickness and permittivity of the supporting substrate. We will show the results of recent experiments where 17.5{\%} absorption is achieved in a sheet of graphene resonators by carefully selecting the properties of an underlying silicon nitride substrate. We also demonstrate how additional absorption pathways can be created by modifying the surrounding dielectric environment to have optical resonances that can couple to the graphene plasmons. By placing graphene nanoresonators on a monolayer boron nitride (BN) sheet new surface phonon plasmon polariton (SPPP) modes arise due to coupling between the graphene plasmon and BN optical phonon. We map the dispersion relations of these modes, and show that the high quality factor of the BN phonon leads to epsilon near zero (ENZ) behavior in the SPPP mode. These experimental observations are compared to a theoretical model that has been developed to explain optically active graphene devices. [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, March 4, 2014 3:18PM - 3:30PM |
J50.00003: Plasmonic Resonant Absorption in Mid-Infrared in Graphene Nanoresonators Don C. Abeysinghe, Joshua Myers, Nima N. Esfahani, Dennis E. Walker Jr., Joshua R. Hendrickson, Justin Cleary, Shin Mou We experimentally demonstrated polarization-sensitive, tunable plasmonic resonant absorption in the mid-infrared range of 5-14 um by utilizing an array of graphene nanoribbon resonators. By tuning resonator width and charge density, we probed graphene plasmons with $\lambda_{\mathrm{p}}$ $\le \lambda $/100 and plasmon resonance energy as high as 0.26 meV (2100 cm$^{-1})$ for 40 nm wide nanoresonators. Resonant absorption spectra enabled us to map the wavevector-frequency dispersion for graphene plasmons at mid-IR energies and revealed a modified plasmon dispersion as well as plasmon damping due to intrinsic optical phonons of graphene and graphene plasmon interaction with the surface polar phonons in SiO$_{2}$ substrates. Additionally, we studied spectra further by introducing intrinsic defect phonons and doping by direct electron beam irradiation of graphene nanoresonators [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, March 4, 2014 3:30PM - 3:42PM |
J50.00004: Strong Plasmon Reflection at Nanometer-Size Gaps in Monolayer Graphene on SiC Alexey B. Kuzmenko, Jiaining Chen, Maxim L. Nesterov, Alexey Yu. Nikitin, Sukosin Thongrattanasiri, Pablo Alonso-Gonzalez, Tetiana M. Slipchenko, Florian Speck, Markus Ostler, Thomas Seyller, Iris Crassee, Frank H.L. Koppens, Luis Martin-Moreno, F. Javier Garcia de Abajo, Rainer Hillenbrand Tip-enhanced infrared near-field microscopy is used to study propagating plasmons in epitaxial quasi-free-standing monolayer graphene on silicon carbide. We observe that plasmons are strongly reflected at graphene gaps at the steps between the substrate terraces. For the step height of only 1.5 nm, which is two orders of magnitude smaller than the plasmon wavelength, the reflection signal reaches 20 percent of its value at graphene edges, and it approaches 0.5 for steps of 5 nm. We support this observation with extensive numerical simulations and give physical rationale for this intriguing phenomenon. Our work suggests that plasmon propagation in graphene-based circuits can be controlled using ultracompact nanostructures. J. Chen et al., Nano Lett., DOI: 10.1021/nl403622t (2013). [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, March 4, 2014 3:42PM - 3:54PM |
J50.00005: Infrared nano-imaging and nano-spectroscopy of surface plasmons in bilayer graphene Zhe Fei, Eric G. Iwinski, Alesandr S. Rodin, Martin Wagner, Mengkun Liu, Siyuan Dai, Michael D. Goldflam, Wenzhong Bao, Yongjin Lee, Chun Ning Lau, Fritz Kailmann, Antonio H. Castro-Neto, Lingfeng M. Zhang, Michael M. Fogler, Dimitri N. Basov Bernal stacking bilayer graphene (BLG) has demonstrated its capability for application in a wide range of fields including electronics, photonics and energy engineering. So far, plasmonic properties of BLG have not been fully explored experimentally despite broad interests. Here, we report infrared nano-imaging and nano-spectroscopy of surface plasmons (SPs) in BLG. We found that BLG also supported gate-tunable SPs in the mid-infrared range with nevertheless smaller wavelength compared to equally doped single-layer graphene (SLG) and randomly stacked double-layer graphene (DLG). In addition, the coupling between BLG plasmons and SiO2 phonons appeared much weaker compared to SLG plasmons. Further analysis indicated that these observations about SPs in BLG were attributed to interlayer coupling that affects strongly the electronic structure. Our work uncovered all the essential characteristics of BLG plasmons, and suggested the possibility of developing carbon-based plasmonic circuits where SLG, BLG and DLG are all functioning building blocks. [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, March 4, 2014 3:54PM - 4:06PM |
J50.00006: Exploring two-dimensional electron gases with 2DFT spectroscopy J. Paul, P. Dey, D. Karaiskaj, T. Tokumoto, D. Hilton, J. Reno The dephasing of excitons in a modulation doped single quantum well was carefully measured using time integrated four-wave mixing (FWM) and two-dimensional Fourier transform (2DFT) spectroscopy. The excitonic linewidths were obtained from the diagonal and cross diagonal profiles of the 2DFT spectra. The laser excitation density and temperature were varied and 2DFT spectra were collected. This work was performed, in part, at the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, a U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences user facility. Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, March 4, 2014 4:06PM - 4:18PM |
J50.00007: Plasmon-Phonon Interaction and Phonon Induced Transparency in Graphene Plasmonic~Nanostructures Wei Min Chan, Parinita Nene, Jared Strait, Christina Manolatou, Tiwari Sandip, Paul McEuen, Farhan Rana Electrons in graphene interact via Coulomb forces but also via an optical phonon-mediated interaction. As a result of the chiral nature of electrons, these two interactions are additive. This phonon-mediated interaction results in strong coupling between the~plasmons~and phonons.~Plasmons~in graphene also interact strongly with the substrate optical phonons. In this talk we will present experimental results on~plasmon-phonon interactions. We patterned disc-shaped~plasmon resonators in CVD grown graphene with radii varying from 16-80 nm and studied plasmon~resonances using IR spectroscopy. Sharp features appear in the~plasmon absorption spectra when the~plasmon~frequencies are close to the phonon frequencies. When the~plasmon~frequency matches the zone-center optical phonon frequency, a narrow transparency dip appears in the~plasmon~absorption spectra. This transparency, which resembles EIT in optics, can be explained in terms of the cancellation between the Coulomb and the phonon-mediated electron-electron interactions. Our theoretical model, based on the eigenvalue equation for confined plasmon~modes, explains the data well and enables us to extract parameters related to the~plasmon-phonon interaction in graphene. [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, March 4, 2014 4:18PM - 4:30PM |
J50.00008: Quantum Plasmonics with Graphene Michael Gullans, Darrick E. Chang, Javier Garcia de Abajo, Frank H.L. Koppens, Mikhail D. Lukin, Jacob M. Taylor Graphene has emerged as a powerful platform for plasmonics due to its high mobility, versatile fabrication, and the ability to tune the plasmon properties via external gate voltages. We consider several applications of graphene plasmonics to quantum information science. First, we show that one can take advantage of the strong electromagnetic field confinement and long lifetime of the plasmons to realize significant nonlinear optical interactions at the few photon level in graphene nanostructures. Such systems can be used to realize a single photon transistor. Second we consider a quantum network of graphene coupled to the hydrogen-like excited states of group-V donors in Silicon. The strong coupling of these dipole transitions to the graphene plasmons results in long-range interactions and superradiant transitions. We consider entanglement that can be generated using this collective decay process. [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, March 4, 2014 4:30PM - 4:42PM |
J50.00009: Graphene plasmonic THz detectors Andrei Sushkov, Xinghan Cai, Don Schmadel, Greg Jenkins, Dennis Drew, L. Nyakiti, V.D. Wheeler, R.L. Myers-Ward, N.Y. Garces, C.R. Eddy, Jr., D.K. Gaskill, Michael Fuhrer Frequency and strength of the plasmonic resonance can be tuned in THz range continuously by doping and discretely by changing the width of a single layer graphene strip. It creates strong detector response in the gap between Drude and interband transitions present in infinite graphene sheet. We have working detectors for a FIR laser with power of mW level and we are working toward microWatt sensitivity necessary for a Fourier spectrometer. We will present our devices, optical methods, and our progress in THz detectors. [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, March 4, 2014 4:42PM - 4:54PM |
J50.00010: Tunable phonon-indued transparency in bilayer graphene plasmonic structures Hugen Yan, Tony Low, Francisco Guinea, Fengnian Xia, Phaedon Avouris Electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) has been extensively studied in atomic systems. EIT-like phenomena have also been demonstrated in classical systems, such as plasmonic and opto-mechanical systems. Here we present an EIT-like behavior in AB stacking bilayer graphene nanoribbons, where the destructive interference of an infrared active phonon mode and a plasmon mode induces an absorption transparency in the vicinity of the phonon frequency. More importantly, this phonon-induced transparency can be tuned by electrostatic or chemical doping. This kind of tunability is lacking in many of the systems with EIT-like property. The phonon-induced transparency is also accompanied by the slow light effect and a light group index as large as 500 has been inferred from our data. Bilayer graphene provides us a unique opportunity to explore EIT-like phenomena involving phonons and plasmons. [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, March 4, 2014 4:54PM - 5:06PM |
J50.00011: Ultrafast plasmonic behavior of graphene probed by infrared nanoscopy Martin Wagner, Zhe Fei, Alexander McLeod, Aleksandr Rodin, Wenzhong Bao, Eric Iwinski, Zeng Zhao, Michael Goldflam, Mengkun Liu, Gerardo Dominguez, Mark Thiemens, Michael Fogler, Antonio Castro-Neto, Chun Ning Lau, Sergiu Amarie, Fritz Keilmann, Dimitri N. Basov Recent experiments using near-field spectroscopy (s-SNOM) have revealed the spectroscopic (Z. Fei et al., Nano Lett. 11, 4701 (2011)) and real-space characteristics (Z. Fei et al., Nature 487, 82 (2012)) of graphene plasmons and show that this technique is ideal for their investigation. Here, we discuss the time-dependent plasmonic behavior of graphene. Combining s-SNOM with ultrafast laser excitation we were able to perform near-infrared pump mid-infrared probe spectroscopy beyond the diffraction limit on exfoliated samples. We show picosecond ultrafast plasmon modulation by optical means with an efficiency comparable to electrostatic gating and also to other plasmonic materials such as metals. Modeling of our results reveals that pump-induced heating of carriers is responsible for the ultrafast change in Drude weight that s-SNOM is probing. [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, March 4, 2014 5:06PM - 5:18PM |
J50.00012: Imaging the full optical response of graphene surface plasmon polaritons Samuel Berweger, Justin Gerber, Brian O'Callahan, Markus Raschke The full realization of electronic devices based on graphene requires the complete characterization of defects and their effect on local electronic properties. Using infrared scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy (IR \emph{s}-SNOM) surface plasmon polariton propagation in graphene can be imaged with nanometer spatial resolution, providing information on the local electronic properties. Here we use \emph{s}-SNOM imaging to provide full infrared optical characterization of graphene SPPs by studying both the amplitude and phase of the near-field scattered light. We develop a simple phenomenological model based on SPP reflection from boundaries and defects that provides semi-quantitative agreement for both amplitude and phase simultaneously. These results provide insight into nanometer scale variations in the electronic structure of graphene and thus inform future device development. [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, March 4, 2014 5:18PM - 5:30PM |
J50.00013: Nano-rods of zinc oxide in nano-graphene Pedro Ortiz, Elizabeth Chavira, Marel Monroy, Jos\'e Elizalde, Patricia Santiago, Roberto Sato, Adriana Tejeda, Guillermina Gonz\'alez, Omar Novelo, Carlos Flores It's of great interest to study the devices based on nano-ZnO and graphene, for their electromagnetic and optical properties to increase the efficiency of solar cells. The graphene multilayers synthesis was done by mechanosynthesis, grinding in a mechanical agate mortar. The zinc oxide nano-rods were synthesized from zinc acetate dihydrate, Ace, (Sigma Aldrich) and ethylene diamine, En, (Sigma Aldrich) with a 1:2 ratio of reagents En/Ace. The ZnO nano-rods in nano-tubes graphene were obtained by mechanosynthesis. The X-ray powder diffraction, shows the shift of C with PDF 12-0212 and ZnO, Zincite PDF 36-1451, both with hexagonal unit cell. The grain size and morphology of graphene (multilayers and nano-tubes), ZnO nano-rods and ZnO-graphene mixture (multilayers, nano-tubes) were observed by scanning electron microscope. Transmission electron microscope, corroborates shown in SEM. Raman spectroscopy, shows the shift of multilayer graphene and the ZnO nano-rods. In photoluminescence measurements, observe the change in intensity in the band defects. Magnetic properties characterization was carried out by Vibrating Sample Magnetometry. We conclude that graphite multilayers dislocated by cutting efforts, forming graphene nano-tubes and encapsulated ZnO nano-rods within graphene. [Preview Abstract] |
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