APS March Meeting 2013
Volume 58, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 18–22, 2013;
Baltimore, Maryland
Session J1: Invited Session: Buckley Prize Session
2:30 PM–5:30 PM,
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Room: Ballroom I
Chair: Allan MacDonald, Univesity of Texas at Austin
Abstract ID: BAPS.2013.MAR.J1.1
Abstract: J1.00001 : Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize Lecture: Transfer of spin momentum between magnets: its genesis and prospect
2:30 PM–3:06 PM
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John Slonczewski
Consider two nanoscopic monodomain magnets connected by a spacer that is
composed of a non-magnetic metal or a tunnel barrier. Any externally applied
electric current flowing through these three layers contributes tiny
pseudo-torques to both magnetic moments ($J. S.$ 1989). Such a weak spin-transfer
torque (STT) may counteract and overcome a comparably small torque caused by
viscous dissipation (\textit{L. Berger }1996; $J. S.$ 1996). Any initial motion (e. g. excited by
ambient temperature) of one moment (or both), may grow in amplitude and
culminate in steady precession or a transient switch to a new direction of
static equilibrium. In a memory element, the STT effect writes 0 or 1 in a
magnetic-tunnel junction. Indeed, world-wide developments of memory arrays
and radio-frequency oscillators utilizing current-driven STT today enjoy a
nine-digit dollar commitment. But the fact that transfer of each half-unit
of spin momentum $h$/4$\pi $ through a barrier requires the transfer of at
least one unit of electric charge limits its efficiency. Arguably, STT
should also arise from the flow of external heat, in either direction,
between an insulating magnet, of ferrite or garnet (e. g. YIG) composition,
and a metallic spacer ($J. S.$ 2010). Whenever s-d exchange annihilates a hot
magnon at the insulator/metal-spacer interface, it transfers one unit
$h$/2$\pi $ of spin momentum to the spacer. Conduction electrons within the
spacer will transport this spin momentum to the second magnet without
requiring an electric current. Such a \textit{thermagnonic }method, modestly powered by a
Joule-effect heater, can substantially increase the efficiency of STT.
Support for this prediction comes from (1) an estimate of the sd-exchange
coefficient from data on spin relaxation in magnetically dilute
(Cu,Ag,Au):Mn alloys; (2) a DFT computation (\textit{J. Xiao et al} 2010); and (3) most
persuasively, data from spin pumping driven across a YIG/Au interface by
ferromagnetic resonance (\textit{B. Heinrich} \textit{et al} 2011; \textit{C. Burrowes} \textit{et al} 2012).
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2013.MAR.J1.1