Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2012
Volume 57, Number 1
Monday–Friday, February 27–March 2 2012; Boston, Massachusetts
Session P52: Focus Session: Extreme Mechanics - Structures for Form and Function |
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Sponsoring Units: GSNP DFD Chair: Jose Bico, ESPCI Room: 153C |
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 8:00AM - 8:12AM |
P52.00001: Soft Robots: Manipulation, Mobility, and Fast Actuation Robert Shepherd, Filip Ilievski, Wonjae Choi, Adam Stokes, Stephen Morin, Aaron Mazzeo, Rebecca Kramer, Carmel Majidi, Rob Wood, George Whitesides Material innovation will be a key feature in the next generation of robots. A simple, pneumatically powered actuator composed of only soft-elastomers can perform the function of a complex arrangement of mechanical components and electric motors. This talk will focus on soft-lithography as a simple method to fabricate robots--composed of exclusively soft materials (elastomeric polymers). These robots have sophisticated capabilities: a gripper (with no electrical sensors) can manipulate delicate and irregularly shaped objects and a quadrupedal robot can walk to an obstacle (a gap smaller than its walking height) then shrink its body and squeeze through the gap using an undulatory gait. This talk will also introduce a new method of rapidly actuating soft robots. Using this new method, a robot can be caused to jump more than 30 times its height in under 200 milliseconds. [Preview Abstract] |
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 8:12AM - 8:24AM |
P52.00002: Low-Dimensional Generalized Coordinate Models of Large-Deformation Elastic Joints Lael Odhner, Aaron Dollar In the field of robotics, it is increasingly common to use elastic elements such as rods, beams or sheets to allow motion between the rigid links of a robot, rather than conventional sliding mechanisms such as pin joints. Although these elastic joints are simpler to manufacture, especially at meso- and micro-scales, representational simplicity is sacrificed. It is far easier to compute the Lagrangian of a robot using joint angles as generalized coordinates, rather than by considering the large-deformation continuum behavior of elastic joints. In this talk, we will discuss our work toward finding accurate, low-dimensional discretizations of elastic joint mechanics, suitable for use in generalized coordinate models of robot kinematics and dynamics. We use modally parameterized backbone curves to describe the kinematic configuration of the elastic joints, and compute the energy associated with deformation using rod and shell theory. In the plane, only three smooth deformation modes are sufficient to describe Euler-Bernoulli bending of 90 degrees to within 1 percent. Parametric models for the three-dimensional motion of sheet hinges are more complex, but can be simplified significantly using boundary conditions and constraints imposed by ruled surface assumptions. [Preview Abstract] |
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 8:24AM - 8:36AM |
P52.00003: Liquid-Embedded Elastomer Electronics Rebecca Kramer, Carmel Majidi, Yong-Lae Park, Jamie Paik, Robert Wood Hyperelastic sensors are fabricated by embedding a silicone rubber film with microchannels of conductive liquid. In the case of soft tactile sensors, pressing the surface of the elastomer will deform the cross-section of underlying channels and change their electrical resistance. Soft pressure sensors may be employed in a variety of applications. For example, a network of pressure sensors can serve as artificial skin by yielding detailed information about contact pressures. This concept was demonstrated in a hyperelastic keypad, where perpendicular conductive channels form a quasi-planar network within an elastomeric matrix that registers the location, intensity and duration of applied pressure. In a second demonstration, soft curvature sensors were used for joint angle proprioception. Because the sensors are soft and stretchable, they conform to the host without interfering with the natural mechanics of motion. This marked the first use of liquid-embedded elastomer electronics to monitor human or robotic motion. Finally, liquid-embedded elastomers may be implemented as conductors in applications that call for flexible or stretchable circuitry, such as robotic origami. [Preview Abstract] |
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 8:36AM - 9:12AM |
P52.00004: Extreme Mechanics in Soft Pneumatic Robots and Soft Microfluidic Electronics and Sensors Invited Speaker: Carmel Majidi In the near future, machines and robots will be completely soft, stretchable, impact resistance, and capable of adapting their shape and functionality to changes in mission and environment. Similar to biological tissue and soft-body organisms, these next-generation technologies will contain no rigid parts and instead be composed entirely of soft elastomers, gels, fluids, and other non-rigid matter. Using a combination of rapid prototyping tools, microfabrication methods, and emerging techniques in so-called ``soft lithography,'' scientists and engineers are currently introducing exciting new families of soft pneumatic robots, soft microfluidic sensors, and hyperelastic electronics that can be stretched to as much as 10x their natural length. Progress has been guided by an interdisciplinary collection of insights from chemistry, life sciences, robotics, microelectronics, and solid mechanics. In virtually every technology and application domain, mechanics and elasticity have a central role in governing functionality and design. Moreover, in contrast to conventional machines and electronics, soft pneumatic systems and microfluidics typically operate in the finite deformation regime, with materials stretching to several times their natural length. In this talk, I will review emerging paradigms in soft pneumatic robotics and soft microfluidic electronics and highlight modeling and design challenges that arise from the extreme mechanics of inflation, locomotion, sensor operation, and human interaction. I will also discuss perceived challenges and opportunities in a broad range of potential application, from medicine to wearable computing. [Preview Abstract] |
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 9:12AM - 9:24AM |
P52.00005: Macrocomposite mechanical design, modeling, and behavior of physical models of bioinspired fish armor Ashley Browning, Christine Ortiz, Mary C. Boyce The macrocomposite design of flexible biological exoskeletons, consisting of overlapping mineralized armor units embedded in a compliant tissue, is a key determinant of their mechanical function (e.g penetration resistance and biomechanical flexibility). Here, we investigate the role of macrocomposite structure, composition, geometric orientation, and spatial distribution in a flexible model natural armor system present in the majority of teleost fish species. Physical multi-material composite models are fabricated using a combination of 3-D printing and molding methods. Mechanical experiments using digital image correlation enable measurement of both the macroscopic response and underlying deformation mechanisms during various loading scenarios. Finite element-based mechanical models yield detailed insights into the roles and the tradeoffs of the composite structure providing constraint, shear, and bending mechanisms to impart protection and flexibility. [Preview Abstract] |
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 9:24AM - 9:36AM |
P52.00006: Periodic Structural Solids: Mechanics and Multifunctional Applications Lifeng Wang Triply periodic minimal surfaces have been of great interest to mathematicians, physical scientists, material scientists, and biologists. Close physical approximations to triply periodic minimal surfaces arise in a few material systems, such as block copolymers, nanocomposites, and biological exoskeletons. Here, we demonstrate the potential to design and fabricate two-component periodically ordered structures which correspond to the level set structures associated with triply periodic minimal surfaces. These structures are shown to have a unique combination of stiffness, strength, and energy absorption, as well as damage tolerance. The results provide guidelines for engineering and tailoring the nonlinear mechanical behavior and energy absorption of cocontinuous composites for a wide range of applications and further creating multifunctional materials. For example, polymeric materials which can change shape and material properties in response to external stimuli (temperature or electric field) can provide additional functionality when used as one of the phases, such as 3D shape memory. The periodic and multiphase nature of the structures also enables mechanically tunable band gap (phononic or photonic) materials, and tunable sensors in tissue engineering. [Preview Abstract] |
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 9:36AM - 9:48AM |
P52.00007: Honeycombs with hierarchical organization Amin Ajdari, Babak Haghpanah Jahromi, Jim Papadopoulos, Ashkan Vaziri We investigated the mechanical behavior of two-dimensional hierarchical honeycomb structures using analytical, numerical and experimental methods. Hierarchical honeycombs were constructed by replacing every three-edge vertex of a regular hexagonal lattice with a smaller hexagon. Repeating this process builds a fractal-appearing structure. The resulting isotropic in-plane elastic properties (effective elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio) of this structure are controlled by the dimension ratios for different hierarchical orders. Hierarchical honeycombs of first and second order can be up to 2.0 and 3.5 times stiffer than regular honeycomb at the same mass (i.e., same overall average density). The Poisson's ratio varies from nearly 1.0 (when planar ``bulk'' modulus is considerably greater than Young's modulus, so the structure acts ``incompressible'' for most loadings) to 0.28, depending on the dimension ratios. The work provides insight into the role of structural organization in regulating the mechanical behavior of materials, and new opportunities for developing low-weight cellular structures with tailorable properties. [Preview Abstract] |
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 9:48AM - 10:00AM |
P52.00008: Buckling-induced Tunable Chirality in Rationally-Designed Surface-Attached Cellular Structures Sicong Shan, Sung Hoon Kang, Wim Noorduin, Mughees Khan, Katia Bertoldi, Joanna Aizenberg Chirality is crucial in understanding and controlling the behavior of living and non-living systems since the presence or absence of chirality in the structures plays important roles in their interactions with molecules, enzymes, light, and mechanical stress. Processes that induce chirality have been extensively studied at the molecular and macroscopic scales, but are relatively unexplored at the mesoscale. By rational design based on modeling, we experimentally demonstrate the controlled reversible switching between achiral and chiral configurations using swelling/de-swelling of surface-attached cellular structures. Importantly, the buckling patterns and the associated symmetry reduction of the initially achiral centrosymmetric structures could be tuned, simply by changing their dimensions. This approach opens the way to deterministically select to select the appearance of either mixed (racemic) or chiral phases. In the case of chiral transformations, spontaneous symmetry breaking resulted in the formation of large uniform areas of structures of single handedness. The fundamental understanding of this process provides a general route to designing deterministically deformable structures with dynamically switchable mechanical and/or optical properties. [Preview Abstract] |
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 10:00AM - 10:12AM |
P52.00009: Buckling-induced Planar Chirality of Porous Elastic Structure Jongmin Shim, Sicong Shan, Sung H. Kang, Pai Wang, Beth R. Chen, Joanna Aizenberg, Katia Bertoldi We present two periodic elastomeric structures which develop planar chirality induced by buckling under uniaxial/biaxial loading. The geometry of the structure comprises a 2-D plate patterned with a regular array of circular voids. Two specific circular void arrangements are obtained by investigating buckling-induced pattern transformations for void closure. Beyond the critical load, the thin ligaments between two adjacent voids buckle leading to a cooperative buckling cascade within the 2-D plate. Both micro-scale swelling experiments and finite element simulations are used to explore the underlying mechanics in detail and to show a proof of concept of the proposed structures. During swelling, the initial non-chiral pattern of the circular voids is transformed to a deformed pattern which exhibits planar chirality through buckling-induced symmetry breaking. In order to explore the effect of planar chirality, we perform an acoustic band structure calculation at different level of deformation. The planar chirality is found to strongly affect the in-plane phononic band gaps, providing opportunities for tunable phononic band structures. [Preview Abstract] |
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 10:12AM - 10:24AM |
P52.00010: Anisotropy-induced wave steering in periodic linear and nonlinear lattices Filippo Casadei, Julian Rimoli, Massimo Ruzzene Structural lattice configurations can be designed with tailored topologies which provide them with unusual behaviors, such as negative bulk modulus, negative Poisson's ratios, or extreme anisotropy\footnote{M. Ruzzene et al. Phisica Status Solidi B, \textbf{242}, 665 (2005)}. The latter is of particular relevance to explore the inherent anisotropic behavior of periodic lattices as a design paradigm for wave guiding and steering applications. The equivalent material anisotropy of square and skew periodic lattices is investigated through the application of Bloch's theorem\footnote{Bloch F., Z. Physik \textbf{52}, 555 (1928)} to the finite element discretization of the representative unit cell. The in-plane directions of wave propagation are determined through detailed analysis of the longitudinal and shear wave velocities, and verified through full-field wave propagation simulations. Similar wave behaviors are investigated analytically and experimentally for multilayer composite panels with anisotropic lay-ups in order to demonstrate the feasibility of micro structural design as an effective approach for wave management. [Preview Abstract] |
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 10:24AM - 10:36AM |
P52.00011: 2-D Phononic Crystals -- Unraveling the Effect of Void Distribution in Porous Structures Pai Wang, Jongmin Shim, Katia Bertoldi Phononic crystals are periodic materials consisting of different constituents with the capability to control the propagation of elastic waves. In this study, the dispersion relations of two-dimensional phononic crystals with \textit{circular voids} are investigated using Bloch-wave analysis. Porous patterns are derived from the \textit{Laves tilings}, which are duals of the eleven \textit{convex uniform tilings} of the \textit{Euclidean plane}. Numerical simulations are performed on the microstructures using finite element method. Frequency band-gaps are calculated and compared among different geometric configurations, void-volume fractions, and material properties, providing valuable insight into the behavior of phononic crystals. The predictive technical procedure developed here offers opportunities for the design of mechanical wave filters that have many potential applications such as noise-cancelling devices, acoustic wave guides and vibration isolators. [Preview Abstract] |
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 10:36AM - 10:48AM |
P52.00012: Guiding of High Amplitude Stress Waves Through Stress-Induced Domain Switching in Multiphase Materials Julian Rimoli, Luca Guidoni, Brett Reichard, Massimo Ruzzene Periodic and graded Multiphase Materials (MMs) are of great interest to scientists and engineers because of their unique static and dynamic mechanical properties, and the design flexibility they provide. In the linear range operation, MMs can be designed to attenuate vibrations over wide frequency bands and in specified directions, as defined by topology, geometry and material of the unit cell. Similarly, unit cell design and topology can be selected to obtain a desired anisotropy in the material, which can be exploited to alter the path of propagation of elastic and high amplitude stress waves. Specifically, steering of waves in preferential directions can be achieved through the proper arrangement of periodic hard inclusions within a matrix. Such a capability is extremely important for the design of materials capable of guiding stress waves to propagate along specified paths. In the present work, we explore the use of periodic metamaterials for wave management in force protection applications. We define topologies which adapt to high amplitude mechanical inputs, and study through numerical simulations and experiments local and global instabilities which lead to adaptive mechanical behavior through topological and structural modifications. [Preview Abstract] |
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 10:48AM - 11:00AM |
P52.00013: Soft Modes and Deformations of Three-Dimensional Isostatic Periodic Lattices Anton Souslov, T.C. Lubensky Each particle in a three-dimensional isostatic lattice is connected by springs on average to six nearest neighbors, a condition obtained by J.C. Maxwell for marginal stability. The cubic and pyrochlore lattices satisfy this condition. By calculating the dispersion relations and the density of states for phonons in these lattices, we expand on previous studies of isostatic periodic structures [1], which have largely been focused on the simpler two-dimensional cases. The low energy phonon spectrum of these lattices exhibits features common to isostatic systems in any dimension, such as the presence of floppy modes and the scaling of a divergent length and a vanishing critical frequency. However, the allowed symmetries of an elasticity theory and the number of floppy modes depend on dimension and play a crucial role in the structure of the low-frequency response. We relate these findings to the isostatic transition in systems of close-packed athermal spheres and look at an analogy with three-dimensional crystals with zeolite structure. \\[4pt] [1] A. Souslov, A. J. Liu, and T. C. Lubensky, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 205503 (2009) [Preview Abstract] |
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