Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2012
Volume 57, Number 1
Monday–Friday, February 27–March 2 2012; Boston, Massachusetts
Session H51: Colloids II: Crystals and Phase Transitions |
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Sponsoring Units: DCMP DFD Chair: Alberto Fernandez-Nieves, Georgia Institute of Technology Room: Boston Convention Center 154 |
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 8:00AM - 8:12AM |
H51.00001: Effects of vacancies and interstitials on the phonon modes in a 2D colloidal crystal Lichao Yu, Sungcheol Kim, Di Yin, Alexandros Pertsinidis, Xinsheng Ling We report a study of the effects of vacancies and interstitials on the phonon modes in a 2D colloidal crystal. By applying the equi-partition theorem, we extract the dispersion relation of the lattice vibrations in a two-dimensional colloidal crystal using real-time video microscopy. We find that both longitudinal and transverse modes in the spectrum are softened by the existence of vacancies and interstitials. [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 8:12AM - 8:24AM |
H51.00002: Normal modes of various colloidal crystals Feng Wang, Yi Peng, Ziren Wang, Yilong Han We measured the vibrational normal modes from particle displacements in various microgel colloidal crystals including monolayers, multi-layer thin films, three-dimensional normal and superheated crystals by video microscopy. Their density of states all agree with the Debye's theory in the low-frequency regime, but the fluctuation of the frequency is similar to that of the eigenvalues of random matrices: the distributions of the frequency spacings between successive normal modes are the Wigner surmise, the spectral rigidities are logarithmic, and the distributions of vibrational amplitudes in the majority of modes are Gaussian. In addition, the first a few low-frequency modes are plane waves and dominate the thermal vibration, and the majority of modes are delocalized. [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 8:24AM - 8:36AM |
H51.00003: Microscopic observation of dynamics and structure in microgel suspensions Melaku Muluneh, Joris Sprakel, Hans Wyss, Johan Mattsson, David Weitz We use 3D confocal microscopy to understand the packing dynamics and structure of fluorescently labeled p(NIPAm-co-AAc) microgel colloidal particles. Such systems respond to changes in temperature, pH, and polymer content by changing size, morphology, and interaction behavior. We conduct experiments to understand this behavior in detail: our results show that the dynamics are dominated by attraction driven crystallization and concentration at low pH and concentration only at high pH. Crystal nucleation occurs homogeneously in the suspensions and does not appear to be restricted to geometric boundaries. The growth of crystals is nucleation-limited and can complete on the order of hours. Structural analysis of the crystals formed indicates that the stacking style is insensitive to charge, concentration, size, and stiffness of the particles and remains FCC. [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 8:36AM - 8:48AM |
H51.00004: Homogeneous Melting of 3D Superheated Colloidal Crystals Ziren Wang, Feng Wang, Yi Peng, Yilong Han We locally superheated the interior of thermal-sensitive microgel colloidal crystals and measured the homogenous melting by video microscopy. The nucleation was typically started from a local strong-vibrating region instead of precursor defects. We found that the nucleation time $t \sim (\phi-\phi_{m})^{-2}$ and critical nucleus size $r^* \sim (\phi-\phi_{m})^{-1}$ as predicted by the classical nucleation theory, while the observed non-spherical critical nuclei and the merging of subcritical nuclei are beyond the classical nucleation theory. At the superheated limit where the incubation time vanishes, the Lindemann parameter approaches 0.18 which just equals to that at the liquid-solid interface. Beyond the superheated limit, the melting becomes like a spinodal decomposition rather than a nucleation process. [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 8:48AM - 9:00AM |
H51.00005: Polyhedral assembled colloids (PACs); a new family of colloids with facets Nobuhiro Yanai, Jing Yan, Qian Chen, Steve Granick We introduce a new class of colloids with polyhedral morphology that self-assemble into well-defined clusters and crystals by means of directional attraction between facets. These micron-sized particles are prepared by controlled crystallization of metal ions and organic bridging ligands in solution. They are characterized by distinct polyhedral morphology, rhombic dodecahedra in this work. Unlike spheres that isotropically interact along a curved surface, rhombic dodecahedra particles in suspension associate in a directional facet-to-facet fashion, forming clusters whose elemental units are orderly not only in interparticle distance but also mutual orientation. Furthermore, by changing the particle concentration during the self-assembly, we observe two types of hexagonal arrangement of these rhombic dodecahedra. [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 9:00AM - 9:12AM |
H51.00006: Measuring every particle's size in a confocal microscopy experiment Eric Weeks, Rei Kurita We have developed a technique to estimate the radius of every particle observed in a confocal microscopy experiment. From simulations, we verify that the particle radii are estimated to high accuracy in a variety of samples: dense colloidal suspensions, colloidal gels, and binary samples. This method allows us to determine {\it in situ} the particle size distribution. Furthermore, this method lets us find relationships between individual particle size and dynamical behaviors. First, crystal nucleation occurs in regions that are locally more monodisperse. Second, in dense samples, particle mobility is well correlated with the local volume fraction, defined as the true particle volume divided by the particle's Voronoi volume. [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 9:12AM - 9:24AM |
H51.00007: Vibrational Phonon Modes of Two-Dimensional Soft-Particle Colloidal Crystals with Hard-Particle Dopants Matthew Gratale, Peter Yunker, Ke Chen, Kevin Aptowicz, Arjun Yodh We study the phonon modes of two-dimensional colloidal crystals consisting of random distributions of ``soft'' NIPA microgel particles and ``hard'' polystyrene particle dopants. Thus, the effective springs connecting nearest-neighbors are very stiff, very soft, or of intermediate stiffness, corresponding to three possible inter-particle potentials present in the crystals. We employ video microscopy to derive the phonon modes of corresponding ``shadow'' crystals with the same geometric configuration and interactions as the experimental colloidal system, but absent damping [1,2,3]. Long wavelength, Debye-like behavior is found at low frequencies, regardless of the number of hard polystyrene particles present in the crystal. Hard particles are primary participants at high frequencies, while soft spheres are primary participants at intermediate frequencies. [1] Chen \textit{et al}., PRL \textbf{105}, 025501 (2010). [2] Kaya \textit{et al}., Science \textbf{329}, 656 (2010). [3] Ghosh \textit{et al}. PRL \textbf{104}, 248305 (2010). [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 9:24AM - 9:36AM |
H51.00008: Direct observation of the nucleation in colloidal solid-solid transitions Yi Peng, Feng Wang, Ziren Wang, Yilong Han We studied the solid-solid transitions between square and triangular lattices in thermal sensitive microgel colloidal thin films by video microscopy. A novel two-step nucleation process was observed in a locally heated single crystalline domain: typically a $\sim$60-particle liquid nucleus was first from the square lattice and then rapidly transformed to a solid nucleus with triangular lattice. Such a post-critical triangular-lattice nucleus grew linearly and induced grain boundaries around it. Nuclei were triggered by the merging of stronger vibrating areas instead of precursor defects. The critical nucleus size was measured from the mean first passage time of the nucleus size. [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 9:36AM - 9:48AM |
H51.00009: Colloidal gas-liquid transition: tuning nucleation and growth by Critical Casimir forces Duc Nguyen, Peter Schall The nucleation and growth of the liquid phase has been well studied in simulations, but direct experimental observations remain challenging. Here we present a detailed study of the colloidal gas-liquid transition induced by Critical Casimir forces that allow direct control over particle interactions via temperature-dependent solvent fluctuations. We show that with the direct control over particle interactions we can ``freeze'' a dilute colloidal gas into a dense colloidal liquid. By using dynamic light scattering to follow the evolution of liquid aggregates we observe three clearly distinct regimes: nucleation, interface limited- and diffusion limited growth. We elucidate these regimes directly in real space by using confocal microscopy. In the nucleation regime, we determine the Gibbs free energy, interfacial tension and chemical potential of the liquid aggregates directly from their size distribution. In the growth regime, we can directly follow the attachment of particles, and the collapse of liquid aggregates to large drops. Our critical Casimir colloidal system allows us to control all stages of nucleation and growth with temperature, thereby providing unprecedented insight into this gas-liquid transition. [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 9:48AM - 10:00AM |
H51.00010: Temperature control of colloidal phases by Critical Casimir forces -- a simulation study Minh Triet Dang, Van Duc Nguyen, Ana Vila Verde, Peter Bolhuis, Peter Schall Critical Casimir forces arising from the confinement of critical solvent fluctuations between the surfaces of colloidal particles have recently been shown a promising route to control colloidal assembly. Such forces are strongly temperature dependent, and thus allow for direct temperature control of colloidal interactions. However, colloidal phase transitions controlled by this highly temperature-dependent potential are still poorly understood. Here, we report Monte Carlo simulations of critical Casimir-driven colloidal phase behavior using input potentials directly measured in experiments. We map the gas-liquid coexistence region using Gibbs ensemble simulations and the solid-fluid coexistence boundaries using Gibbs-Duhem integration, and determine the gas-liquid critical point by applying scaling theory. The constructed gas-liquid-solid phase diagram agrees quantitatively with that observed in experiments. Remarkably, the simulated gas-liquid coexistence curve exhibits 3D Ising scaling despite the strong temperature dependence of the pair potentials. [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 10:00AM - 10:12AM |
H51.00011: Colloidal aggregation in microgravity by critical Casimir forces Sandra Veen, Peter Schall, Oleg Antoniuk, Marco Potenza, Matteo Alaimo, Stefano Mazzoni, Gerard Wegdam We study aggregation and crystal growth of spherical Teflon colloids in binary liquid mixtures in microgravity by the critical Casimir effect. The critical Casimir effect induces interactions between colloids due to the confinement of bulk fluctuations (density or concentration) near the critical point of liquids. The strength and range of the interaction depends on the length scale of these fluctuations which increase as one approaches the critical point. The interaction potential can thus be tuned with temperature. We follow the growth of structures in real time with Near Field Scattering. Measurements are performed in microgravity in order to study pure diffusion limited aggregation, without disturbance by sedimentation or flow. [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 10:12AM - 10:24AM |
H51.00012: Light transport through soft colloidal glasses Sofia Magkiriadou, Jin-Gyu Park, Young-Seok Kim, Gi-Ra Yi, Vinothan N. Manoharan We have developed a novel colloidal system for the fundamental study of light propagation through disordered media. Our colloids contain core-shell particles with scattering cores and transparent shells which are self-assembled into amorphous, glassy configurations. The core-shell structure of the particles allows us to independently control two key parameters for light propagation: their scattering cross-section, which is determined by the cores, and their spacing, which is determined by the shells. Thus, our system is ideally suited for the study and manipulation of the optical properties of disordered materials. In particular, we aim to investigate how photonic stop bands arise in disordered media and how near-field coupling between scatterers affects light transport. We intend to use this knowledge to make amorphous colloids with various angularly-independent structural colors. [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 10:24AM - 10:36AM |
H51.00013: 3D Dynamic Light Scattering of Microgel Suspensions John Hyatt, Alberto Fernandez-Nieves We use 3D cross-correlated dynamic light scattering to investigate suspensions of microgels. We will discuss some of the theory behind this technique and present results from size- and pH-tunable pNIPAM microgels cross-linked with PEG and copolymerized with acrylic acid. [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 10:36AM - 10:48AM |
H51.00014: Using colloidal packings as templates for structuring drugs James Wilking, Andr\'e Studart, Sebastian Koltzenburg, Rodrigo Guerra, Esther Amstad, Jens Rieger, David Weitz Many pharmaceutical compounds are poorly soluble in water; this is problematic because most pharmaceuticals are delivered orally and must dissolve in the gastrointestinal fluid in order to be taken up by the body. We introduce a simple method for increasing the dissolution rates of poorly water-soluble organic actives. We demonstrate that by structuring the compounds within the interconnected, nanoscale pore space of a colloidal packing we create composites which rapidly disintegrate in water, exposing the nanostructured organic active and leading to improved dissolution rates. [Preview Abstract] |
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 10:48AM - 11:00AM |
H51.00015: Spin coating of superparamagnetic colloids with applied magnetic fields Wenceslao Gonz\'alez-Vi\~nas, Moorthi Pichumani We report experimental results on the behavior of dilute superparamagnetic colloids under shear stresses (using a commercial spin-coater and varying its rate of rotation) with applied magnetic fields. For the case of zero field, we compare the results obtained for different kind of particles (non-magnetic [1] vs PS based [2] vs silica based [3]) and solvents by analyzing the dried deposits obtained from the spin coating. All the data collapse in a single curve, when the appropriate scaling for the film thickness is performed. This agreement allows us to define a reference to measure the relative change in viscosity, when a magnetic field is applied during the spin coating. Thus, we show the magnetorheological properties of colloidal dispersions. These results shed light into the aggregation and clustering dynamics for colloids under external fields with shear and provide a new method to study the rheological properties of colloids.\\[4pt] [1] M. Giuliani et al. ``Dynamics of crystal structure formation in spin-coated colloidal films'' J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 1(9), 1481 (2010)\\[0pt] [2] M. Pichumani et al. ``Spin-coating of dilute magnetic colloids in a magnetic field'' Magnetohydrodynamics, 47(2), 191 (2011)\\[0pt] [3] M. Pichumani et al. In preparation [Preview Abstract] |
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