Tuesday, February 28, 2012
8:00AM - 8:36AM
H40.00001: The Physics of Amyloid Aggregation and Templating in Prions
Invited Speaker:
Daniel Cox
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Tuesday, February 28, 2012
8:36AM - 8:48AM
H40.00002: Early-Aggregation Studies of Polyglutamine in Solution
Aaron Fluitt, Juan de Pablo
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Tuesday, February 28, 2012
8:48AM - 9:00AM
H40.00003: Search for Length Dependent Stable Structures of Polyglutamaine Proteins with Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamic
Alexander Kluber, Robert Hayre, Daniel Cox
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Tuesday, February 28, 2012
9:00AM - 9:12AM
H40.00004: Lysozyme Aggregation and Fibrillation Monitored by Dynamic Light Scattering
Louis Nemzer, Bret Flanders, Jeremy Schmit, Christopher Sorensen
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Tuesday, February 28, 2012
9:12AM - 9:24AM
H40.00005: Primary nucleation and linear aggregation: novel methods take us further
Gonzalo Garcia
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Tuesday, February 28, 2012
9:24AM - 9:36AM
H40.00006: The Mechanisms of Aberrant Protein Aggregation
Samuel Cohen, Michele Vendruscolo, Chris Dobson, Tuomas Knowles
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Tuesday, February 28, 2012
9:36AM - 9:48AM
H40.00007: Amyloid growth: combining experiment and kinetic theory
Tuomas Knowles, Samuel Cohen, Michele Vendruscolo, Christopher Dobson
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Tuesday, February 28, 2012
9:48AM - 10:00AM
H40.00008: Scaling exponents report on changes in the mechanism of filamentous growth
Luke Rajah, Samuel Cohen, Sara Linse, Erik Hellstrand, Chris Dobson, Tuomas Knowles
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Tuesday, February 28, 2012
10:00AM - 10:12AM
H40.00009: Control the kinetics and pathway of insulin fibril formation
Zhongli Zheng, Benxin Jing, Y. Elaine Zhu
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Tuesday, February 28, 2012
10:12AM - 10:24AM
H40.00010: Time-Dependent and Low Temperature Studies of Amyloidogenic and Non-amyloidogenic Proteins by Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy
Donald Barry, Shaun Marshall, Shelby Hunt, Florin Despa, Izabela Stroe
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Tuesday, February 28, 2012
10:24AM - 10:36AM
H40.00011: Applying microfluidic techniques in quantitative studies of protein aggregation
Therese Herling
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Tuesday, February 28, 2012
10:36AM - 10:48AM
H40.00012: Anomalous Formation of Multilayer Protein Aggregates on the Surface of Nanotubular $TiO_{2}$
Jacob Forstater, Alfred Kleinhammes, Yue Wu
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Tuesday, February 28, 2012
10:48AM - 11:00AM
H40.00013: Effect of Lipid Bilayer on Human Islet Amyloid Polypeptide Self Assembly
Chi-cheng Chiu, Sadanand Singh, Juan J. de Pablo
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